Monday, July 04, 2011

Blind Item Revealed

January 4, 2011

This controversial Real Housewives star is about to have some added drama in her life. The tabloids are working overtime to get a bunch of stories about our Housewife and her glory days as a hooker. Not anyone in New York or New Jersey.

Camille Grammer


  1. I don't even watch RH, but I knew it!! Kelsey seemed like the type to marry a call girl

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    And let the fun begin!

  3. Happy 4th to Enty and everyone celebrating!

    Bring on the reveals...! Been looking forward to them all weekend since you reminded me on Friday lol

    ps. Dont forget the bonus reveal on Enty's facebook page after the last one appears on here everyone!

  4. pleez reveal coke mom!!!

  5. Prince jefri of Brunei

  6. I don't remember much coming out about Camille. This blind was from January. Six months ago exactly. So where's the drama?

  7. Living up to your moniker, eh Snarky? LOL. Who cares if it didn't come out - skank was a ho!

  8. Reveal Day is the BEST!

  9. Happy reveal day everyone!

    First one is Camille?


    next!!! :D

  10. it wasn't much of a blind anyway. Kelsey was an addict when they met and knew exactly what she was when they got together, so I guess when the history was floated around the tabs ralized there wasn't going to be any drama and never really pursued it.

  11. that hooker muahahaha

  12. I'm willing to bet that Camille isn't the only high-profile Angelino who was a hooker in days gone by.

  13. This does explain the use of surrogacy for the kids.

  14. So Camille Grammer is 'Pretty Woman'? Sweet, dreams really do come true.

  15. @Merlin D. Bear - Hey Merlin, what do you have in mind? something along the line of incurable STD? I am curious... please elaborate! :)

  16. There was a marathon of RHOBH on t.v this past weekend, and watching it with what I know now (about their divorce) it looks as though she knew about it well before that awful dinner party with Alison DuBoise.

    Camille is a nasty piece of work, imo.

  17. @L
    More along the lines of the proverbial dice roll.
    *IF* the claims are true and she's got a pay for play past, chances are that she's unable to either conceive or carry to term due to that pay for play past and either a previous or ongoing infection.
    I only cite the surrogacies because there was such an uproar at the time, with most people saying she didn't want to carry the children herself because of her fears it would destroy her figure.
    This makes a *lot* more sense.

  18. Camille has irritable bowel syndrome, and that was the supposed reason for the surrogacy. There was a blind item about her flatulence on the set.

  19. ah, no big shocker that Camille was a hooker.

  20. I thought someone on here had IBS and had children the "natural" way, and basically called her out on her lies?

  21. Wait! She said she had to use a surrogate because she has IBS? What exactly is coming out of her ass?

  22. Not exactly earth shattering news.

  23. Wow, I have IBS and was certainly never told it added any risks anything to fertility or carrying a baby. Also, back when I was first diagnosed in 1995, my LA doctor told me almost all actors had it and that he was currently treating 4 out of 5 of the Best Actor nominees that year...

  24. Saw Camille last weekend in Hawaii. She was on one of my flights - and not in first class!
