Thursday, July 07, 2011

Blind Item

Being married to a wealthy actor probably has its benefits, but as this bride is learning, it can also be a pain in the butt. Our actor is a solid B lister, probably forever because of all his television work. Although lately it has been slacking, he had a very, very good run. His forays into movies have always sucked.

Our actor requires his wife to ask what she can wear that day. He also requires that she only speaks at parties when she is spoken to, and cannot offer up any tidbits on her own, especially while our actor is speaking. The wife must eat at the same time as our actor. All expenses she incurs must be approved in advance by him. Oh, and she has to ask permission before getting to leave the house alone.


  1. Sounds beyond being a control freak - sounds pretty disturbing.

    I don't have a guess though.

  2. No idea but this sounds like an abusive relationship.

  3. Yeah, this is totally disturbing.

    As far as who he is, I'm not sure. David Schwimmer? I can't see him being like that though.

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Kelsey Grammer anyone?? very very good run, never an award winner as far as I can remember. His movies have always sucked.

    God knows he's loaded from Cheers residuals.

  5. Vinnie Jones buys his wife's clothes. She needs his permission for all of her purchases and all his movies suck. I don't think this is him though, not enough tV in his resume.......

  6. Though the clue does not mention theater work, and I'm not sure he's B-list, I got an immediate "Kelsey Grammar" vibe here.

    Thought "bride" suggested newlywed, and between Frasier & Cheers, he was on TV forever.

  7. This is would be defined as a D&D relationship. You could be sure there is S&M behind the scenes.

  8. I like the David Schwimmer guess. I don't get a good vibe from him.

    If it is Kelsey, wouldn't we have seen evidence of this on RHOBH in his relationship with Camille?

  9. Now that I look at this the description "bride" is significant.

    To me that implies married recently.

    I'll go with the Kelsey Grammer guess.

    In fact, now I'm remembering Camille once said she and his ex-fiancee compared notes after he filed for divorce and he had the same type of rules for them, which sound vaguely like this.

  10. I can see this being Kelsey because after being whupped by Camille he would just go to the extreme opposite of the spectrum with his new young wife.

  11. I immediately thought of Kelsey.

  12. Totally Kelsey, although I don't remember any movies he's been in.

  13. Kelsey....

    The RHOBH epi where they were at the Tony Award's was very odd. She was desperate for his approval, beyond just trying to save their marriage. And she stayed in a hotel because he said to? that was beyond odd.

  14. Kelsey was in X-Men. I wouldn't classify that as "sucked"

  15. He was in a few movies. One about a periscope or soemthing...

  16. I was thinking Kelsey. Down Periscope sucked, plus I think he was also in some Republican-leaning movie.

  17. @Terri Oh, good call!

    The more I think about this, the more Kelsey makes sense.

  18. I read in the Star that they quibbled at an awards show recently, went into a bathroom to "chat" and came out all smiles-the wife keeping her mouth shut the entire time. Is it really worth it Kayte? You reap what you sow!

  19. Cecilia00 wrote everything I was going to....again :)

  20. i seriously doubt it's kelsey. his track record proves he isn't too good on the communication end w/ his women...he doesn't seem to learn, and at his age it's difficult for a tiger to change his stripes. despite what people want to think of him b/c of his political affiliations, he's actually a good guy and very pro-women and minorities, per what i understand from people i know that have/had close affiliations w/ him and his companies.

    i also don't think it's schwimmer, simply b/c the guy probably wishes he was back up to b-list as he was in the 'friends' era. my vote is w/ michael vartan who only just married in april.

  21. This reeks of Kelsey. Good call, guys.

  22. I'm with Pookie that this is not Kelsey.

    My very strong impression of Kelsey's relationship with his new wife was that he was the submissive in the dominant-submissive relationship. I thought someone, maybe even Enty, revealed as much.

    Unfortunately I don't have a good guess, though.

  23. I know it's not the answer to this BI, but it sounds exactly like the Hugh Hefner 'relationships' to me.

  24. Loving the Michael Vartan guess.

    If anything defines the crap that is HawthoRNe is slacking...and lacking. (Why is that show on the air still? Yes, I know it's because of Jada and Will...)

    I don't think this is Schwimmer. He seems to be working behind the scenes now. Run, Fat Boy, Run was actually pretty good.

  25. What about Lorenzo Lamas?

  26. I would think Kelsey is higher than a B list, and he was in X-Men which made about a gazillion dollars.

    Lorenzo Lamas is a C lister at best.

    I'm thinking someone from Friends?

  27. I like the Kelsey guess.

  28. why did i think james van der beek?

  29. I immediately thought of Kelsey -- awesome run on two great television shows, and he's definitely a solid B-lister (although you can add my voice to the chorus of disbelief that Kate frickin' WINSLET isn't an A-lister in Enty's eyes, so I'm willing to disregard that system entirely from now on).

    His wife is also really, really young. I always question men who choose such young spouses; I feel like it's a Pygmalion thing and they're just searching for some wide-eyed young thing they can mold accordingly.

    But Pookie also knows her industry shit, so I'm willing to believe it's NOT Kelsey.

    But what has Michael Vartan done lately? I loved him in Alias, but what else has he *done*? I also can't imagine Jennifer Garner putting up with any controlling behavior while she dated MV. I know Ben is supposedly a gambling, womanizing douche, but I get the feeling that she wears the pants more often than not in her relationships.

    All conjecture, of course. I don't really know these people. ;-)

  30. I do not think its Michael Vartan!
    He is known for being a nice affable person in real life and there were never rumors or anything about him being this way, as compared to Grammer who we could all see too easily pulling this shit.
    Plus he was in that sweet movie with Drew Barrymore "Never Been Kissed" and I refuse to think of that moving in the suck category.

    But I also dont think its Grammer (cause Enty didnt mention theatre and he would have). So I'm drawing a blank.

  31. *movie, not moving

  32. Is David Caruso married?

    No idea if that's what his personal life is like, but the career description seems to match up perfectly.

  33. I was just going to write David Caruso too. Why is everyone ahead of me today? LoL.

    Kyle Maclachlan?
    John Larroquette?

  34. No, no, NOT Michael Vartan, for the same reasons Jasmine mentioned.
    Mr. hot. ;)

    Could Kelsey be the subject of multiple blinds today? Maybe at least one.

  35. Terri-- when she visited for the Tony Awards last year, she dropped by his apartment -- and the doorman didn't believe she was Mrs. K until she showed them ID, since the then-girlfriend and Kelsey had presented her as his wife. When the wife got into the apartment, it was clear the girlfriend had been living there for quite a while.

  36. No way it's Kelsey. Has anyone seen Camille? That trick couldn't keep her mouth shut to save her soul. And having expenditures approved by him? Umm, no.

    That said, I got nothing.

  37. My first thought was: Did Bill Murray get married again? I know someone who went to school with his first wife and this is what she went through for years.

  38. I don't think it's Kelsey. The blind mentions that the actor's TV work has lately been slacking and Kelsey has a new TV show, Boss, beginning in October on Starz.

  39. There are some good points against Kelsey ... but I still think it's him. Camille was in it for the money, and I'm betting there's a gag order that gets her even more dough if she keeps quiet.

    I think he's a total control freak.

  40. It's not David Caruso, he's not married.

  41. Jerry Seinfeld? He created that awful new show, The Marriage Ref.

  42. kel gram has not had a good run on tv lately. a few failed sitcoms.

  43. Couldn't be David Schwimmer. He's a sweetheart and a family man.

  44. Kelsey seems to much of a hot mess to be that controlling of someone else.

    Trying to figure out entys new listing status, I woukd think the man was a lead of a show that has been over for at least two years with marginal work since then. He probably has great name recognition from reruns and skilled publicists.

  45. Cosign Green Wave Gal. David Schwimmer and his young wife just had a daughter, he's extensively involved with the rape crisis center at UCLA, and he just directed TRUST, his passion project about a 14 year old girl who gets raped by a 35-year-old cyber stalker. Absolutely not him. I've met him and he's done all of the above because he's actually worried about women and wants to change society.

    The gossip a decade ago was that with Camille Kelsey was the submissive. It seems unlikely he would switch to the dominant. He was a typical CEO type with power by day who liked to be spanked and dildoed by his Mistress at night.

  46. @Amanda - As for Kelsey's recent television slackers, I refer you to Hank and Back To You. Hank in particular got pulled after like 4 episodes.

  47. @Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors, I took the "although lately it has been slacking" part of the blind to mean within a year or so both in the past and looking ahead (both "Hank" and "Back To You" premiered at least 2 years ago; I guess those could be considered "lately," but that's a loose definition, imo).

    With Kelsey's upcoming show premiering in just a few months, that just doesn't fit in with how I read the blind.

    And though I didn't say so in my original comment, I also agree with @Jasmine in that I feel like his theater work would have been mentioned if it were Kelsey.


  48. I read the same story Ice Angel mentioned (was it really in The Star? LOL--sometimes clicking all the links from one site to another gets you to places you would never expect...). It made KG sound very creepy. Here is a man who has had FAR more than one person's share of pain in life, yet he has always seemed to keep it together with his professional--if not his personal--life. But with his new young bride, who may or may not feel "obligated" to try to stick things out with him, given the tragic miscarriage she suffered early on in their relationship (after the pregnancy brought them together so quickly and seemingly firmly), he may be more inclined to treat her as a daughter than as a partner just to keep things from spiraling even more out of control. Blah. Just speculation, of course.

    Oh, and this just isn't David Schwimmer. Folks who know him (and we folks who know folks who know him) consistently describe him as a stand-up guy who is totally not into demeaning anyone--woman, man, or child.

  49. Just sounds like Sub/Dom behavior to me. Interesting if true, as few people actually make it work outside the home...

  50. I'm agreeing with the Kelsey Grammar guesses, and I'm relishing the irony that I only care about him because he was formerly married to Camille. That should be a good blow to his ego.

  51. Tom Selleck. Know it fer sure.

  52. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Sorry, @econeywaaa, but "Know it fer sure" isn't going to cut it in here...aaaaaaand Tom Selleck has been married to his current wife ~450 Hollywood years (since the late 80s sometime). Enty's use of the phrase "this bride is learning" indicates someone recently married.

    This does sound like it points to KG. Did either of his last two series make it to the end of their first seasons? I think Hank got yanked before the network finished airing all the episodes that were in the can. And while he was in the third X-Men film, it was widely regarded as the worst of the trio. His latest film projects? Fame...Middle Men....An American Carol.

    And will you all get off the Kate Winslet A-List bandwagon, already? Nobody is denying that Ms. Winslet is supremely talented, but let's not conflate talent with big-picture bankability (which is what the lists really are). Kate's been in a lot of arthouse/indie films, and even then she usually has second billing. You wouldn't see Kate Winslet cast in a movie like Salt, even if she were interested, because she's not that bankable a star. I envision her career arc somewhere between that of, say, Judi Dench & Helen Mirren, a fine actress who lends gravitas to a film but won't be asked to carry it.

  53. I'll just say something that I have been dying to say on these sites - why do people cavalierly throw out people's names without any rhyme and reason. David Schwimmer? What even remote evidence or noise has there been about him doing anything untoward. As someone said above he has been active in various causes and has a farily decent career post Friends directing - a very nice low-profile career after the mega hit show that made him rich.

    Tom Selleck? Long time married guy and one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. Has never had any problem et al. So why does his name get thrown out there - (and exactly what huge long TV career did he exactly have?

    Just silly irresponsible guesses.

  54. Winslet is pretty regularly the lead in financially and critically successful films, without resorting to meaningless summer fun.

    Eternal Sunshine - female lead - almost $100 million, very profitable

    Finding Neverland - female lead - over $100 million

    The Reader - star - over $100 million

    Revolutionary Road - female lead - almost $100 million, very profitable

    Don't forget The Holiday and if you're gonna give Jolie the Kung Fu Pandas, then you have to give Winslet Flushed Away.

    Winslet regularly carries art-house tripe and even vanity projects, and turns them into million dollar films. And while she's also been in quite a few movies that didn't make their money back, let's put it this way, a lot of people are going to go see something like Salt no matter who stars in it.

    Take out Angelina Jolie, put in someone no one has ever heard of. People even watched Geena Davis play an assassin who lost her memory. Jennifer's Body doubled it's money. Any decent pair of tits will do in an action or horror flick.

    But a movie about a pretty white girl who runs away with her kids to love brown people? Something about broken marriages and sex offenders (not really an easy film to sum up in one sentence, I'm noticing)? Or a heavy drama about the death penalty in the United States? How about a period adaptation of one of the greatest novels ever published? (As an added bonus, that entire film hangs on Sean Penn's ability to deliver a subtle performance as a character undergoing a major change in world views.)

    Face it, Kate Winslet is one of the greatest actors of our time, and her records at the Oscars prove it. And she was only the female lead of the film which held the record as the "highest grossing of all time" for like twelve years.

    It's easy to establish Jolie as the basis of comparison for A-list female leads, I think what you really meant was "A-list action stars".

    Jolie wasn't able to put butts in the seats for A Mighty Heart, Life or Something Like It, Beyond Borders (in other words, the kind of character-driven movies that Winslet regularly makes money doing). Changling didn't do too bad globally, but that was promoted as an Eastwood film, not a Jolie film, and the studio had to play up the thriller aspects in a limited release. How is that bankable?

    The only reason I can think of why Winslet wouldn't be considered A-list is because she doesn't take anyone's calls, and when she does, it's just to turn down their pitches. People get tired of that after a while, and just stop calling.
