Monday, July 04, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

March 28, 2011

This B list television actress on a hit network show has gone from one hit show to another. Both of them are still on the air. She also does movies, but they are not usually box office hits. Anyway, with her very nice weekly paycheck instead of spending it on porn stars and blow, she uses one paycheck each month to rent a furnished apartment for a year for a family that comes to her via a homeless shelter in LA. Her contact person at the shelter finds the family and our actress moves them in so the family has a chance at a better life. She has done this so far for seven families and four of them are now paying their own rent.

Rashida Jones


  1. No wonder you love her, Enty :) Take the girl out for dinner already!

  2. i love her even more!

  3. Amazing thing to do for somebody. good for her. Gonna start going to her movies now so she can stick around!

  4. That's awesome and puts cheap-ass idiots like A-Rod to shame. Go Rashida!

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    This one made my heart smile!

  6. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I actually called my husband in to read this one to him.

    She was raised with money, some turn out good and give back and some turn into spoiled entitled ass-hats.

  7. Well now that it's out, would she accept donations from us to help out, even if she doesn't need them?

  8. A child of Hollywood who isn't fucked up not to mention with Quincy's money does she really need her paycheck, lol, JK

  9. i remember loving this blind when i read it and i have to admit i had no idea who she was until just now when i googled her.

    @ItsAJ - with those parents she's not going anywhere, but she deserves credit for what she's doing :)

  10. Wow! I needed to hear this. Thanks, Enty! I could so see her doing this. I liked her, but I wasn't a huge fan, now I definitely am.

  11. Seems to me a lot of people had guessed her, and that's very cool. Love this story. A good reminder that not everyone in Hollywood is jaded.

    Or a Kardashian.

    Which, I know, is redundant.

  12. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Her father Quincey producer of Thriller and many other hits is so rich. Good for her her sister is friend's with nicole R and i assumed Rashida to be like i did not like her thanks

  13. How nice! :) And you know she probably grew up with more money than the kardashians and she's not asking for a diamond incrusted ashtray...or whatever

  14. and her mom is Peggy Lipton!

  15. Love this story. I'm glad she doesn't publicize it.

  16. I don't think Rashida is a trust fund baby like Weston Cage is.

    Rashida seemed to earn her own way in the acting world. The last name will get you the audition but her talent got her the jobs.

    and speaking of Weston Cage, his wife attacked him with a broken bottle last night and both were charged with felony assault.

  17. I love Rashida even more after reading this reveal. And I'm not surprised that it's her.

  18. This is very sweet, I still think something in the milk ain't clean after she did that clothing collaboration which consisted of wildly expensive and plain garments.

  19. This is seriously awesome! Very cool.

    And I am so happy to finally be able to check in and get these reveals!

  20. Rashida now has a special place in my heart next to Amanda Seyfried & Ellie Kemper.

    Thank you, Quincy Jones. Thank you, Peggy Lipton.

  21. I always liked her, now I like her even more :)

  22. Anonymous5:32 PM

    What an awesome thing to do. Much love to Rashida!

  23. Amazing, I think the best reveal of the day.

  24. Love her! And Parks and Rec is awesome.

  25. Love... fucking love.

  26. She kind of oozes decency, doesn't she?

  27. Enty- sure seems like you have a contact on The Office.

    Rainn's wife, Angela, Kelly and Ellie have all had blinds.

    Could you get a contact on the Sons of Anarchy set? I would love to hear their gossip

  28. really awesome! love her!!

  29. Other than the one about Dietrich whatever his name is and the animals he makes sure get adopted each year, this blind is my favorite reveal !!!!

    This also really speaks volumes of the kinda d-bag Jim (forgot his real name) from The Office is. They dated for a while and he dumped her for a bigger name out there,and than that bitch cheats on him! lol, sweet karma, I love you!

  30. What a beautiful woman.

  31. WOW! She is truly beautiful inside and out. I guess her parents raised her right.

  32. What a sweethart! Her folks raised her right!

    Pay attention Lohans!

  33. If only more celebs did things like this!
