Monday, July 04, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

June 29, 2011

This foreign born actress who people either seem to love or hate is probably B- list here, but actually probably closer to A in her own country. Anyway, she has a new boyfriend and he thinks he is the only one in her life. He is a bit paranoid and jealous and he should be, because he is not the only guy in her life. I don't blame her. She was in a long term relationship and wants to play the field awhile. She just does not want the new boyfriend to find out about the field playing.

Keira Knightley


  1. Why can't she just be honest with him?

  2. eventhough I had guessed this one - its so nice to have it confirmed!!
    I love you Enty , should I start a fund for legal fees? getaway island? you name it....

  3. Wow she does something interesting!! Might be a personality under all the blah afterall

  4. I am no fan of hers, don't know why she keeps getting roles.

  5. HA--I got this one! Bow down, bitches, I finally got a blind.

  6. Anonymous10:24 PM

    She bugs the hell out of me. When I saw her in the first Pirates movie, I thought she was stunning but then I saw her with shorter hair (or pulled back) and she smiles in that annoying upside down way and.... I just can't stomach her. As much as I love Pride and Prejudice, I haven't seen her version because ... I ... just... can't...

  7. Kind of surprised, she's always seemed Luke a serial monogamist to me.

  8. TY timebob!

    Sadly, I think we're about done with blinds for the day. :(

  9. I loved her in Pride and Prejudice (my favorite movie!) so Keira gets a life-time hall pass from me.

  10. *like a serial monogamist. Was commenting on my iPhone last night :)

  11. Mango: have u not seen the BBC version with Colin Firth as Mr Darcy? If you had you prob would not have watched a later try.

  12. @JMo...BBC version is a classic for a friggin' reason!

  13. @RocketQueen - YES! WTF does autocorrect always change like to Luke? WTF????? Makes me crazy.

    @Momster - LOL :) Good job. I can NEVER guess the blinds, so good on you.

    And I agree with Cake...why not just play the field, sans the boyfriend?
