Friday, July 15, 2011

Brooke Mueller Goes Into Withdrawals - Gets Kicked Off Plane

Apparently Brooke Mueller cannot make it very long without drugs anymore. I mean like she is down to a few hours at this point. Because Brooke has a hard life and needed a vacation, she decided to fly from Los Angeles to Cancun earlier this week. Well, she made it to the airport, fortified herself with a few drinks, propositioned a couple of guys at the lounge and then got on the plane. It was at that point where she lost it. Her side of the story is she told the flight attendant she had to puke, but since the plane had already started moving, the flight attendant told her to wait. Brooke then demanded to be let off the plane. She was.

A passenger on the flight says Brooke was yelling and cussing at the flight attendants and they kicked her off the plane. Since no police were involved, it is tough to tell. I would lean towards Brooke's version of events because no police were called. I think if Brooke had ended up in Cancun she would have killed herself with drugs. She is out of control and using drugs in a foreign country is a whole different proposition. Drugs are cut differently in other places and can be much more pure.


  1. Sounds like Brooke and Sheen are a perfect match for each other.

  2. I can't understand how these people are still alive. I mean, I am really happy that they are, but they are just pumping drugs into their systems...

  3. 5150 anyone?

  4. on the show she's on with Paris. She's cracked out ALLL the time and its soo sad and obvious!

  5. Are they uh, buying crack in that picture? If she wasn't a rich white lady she would have done all kinds of strange things for some change and gotten in all sorts of legal problems. Just wow...

  6. Was she going to Cancun alone?! Who goes to Cancun by themselves? Random. Also, if it was because she had to puke, grab the barf bag in the seat pocket in front of you. My guess is that they took pity on this crackwhore and let her off. There's so much more to this story, though ... did she ever make it to Cancun? How'd she get home from LAX? And, who thinks they can just say, "oh, let me off, I feel nauseated," after the plane is taxiing out?! So. Much. More. To. Story.

  7. Good grief! Where are their kids again??
