Wednesday, July 27, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This B list singer who has done some film work keeps several rabbits in her backyard. She loves raising rabbits and takes great care of them. Her next door neighbor, this C list child star owns a dog that came and killed three of the rabbits. This has caused really bad feelings between the neighbors, especially since the C lister refuses to take responsibility.


  1. this BI is kinda lame...I wanna know scandal, not about dead rabbits.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mandy Moore for the rabbit owner?

  4. I like the Mandy Moore guess. Her neighbor is a complete, clueless grade a asshole.

  5. Poor rabbits...and owner.

  6. are these yards not fenced? or the bunnies in protected kennels?

  7. And she has not killed his dog, why?

  8. Agree selanakyle. Dog was doing a home invasion. He was coming right at them!!

  9. I might have actually figured one out. Katy Perry for the rabbit owner- she posted a pic on twitter of herself with a pet rabbit. She's also the voice of Smurfette in the new Smurfs movie. As for the rotten neighbor- I got nothin'.

  10. Seriously? Kill the dog? The owner's at fault, not a dog for acting like a dog. Jesus.

  11. I don't think Mandy is B-list for singing. She hasn't had a hit this century.

  12. @RQ -- "Seriously? Kill the dog? The owner's at fault, not a dog for acting like a dog. Jesus."

    Yeah, I was a little bit flabbergasted, too. God forbid a carnivorous creature should actually act like one.

    Have people never heard of fences? Cages? Supervision?

  13. @Ida - Right? That's what we do now? We take up arms and kill neighbouring dogs because the owners aren't watching their pets? wtf.

  14. @RQ -- There was a case in Charlottesville (VA) a few years ago where a man shot his neighbor's cat because the cat dared to WALK ON HIS CAR. There was a huge uproar about it -- most people were enraged, thank goodness. The man justified his crime by claiming that the paint job on his German car was worth more than the cat. Here's a thought: put your car in a DAMNED GARAGE, douchewad!!

    Vigilante pet justice or whatever doesn't exactly strike me as a good idea, considering how so many people view animals as on par with vegetables when it comes to their rights and feelings.

    IF this blind is true, however, the dogowner is a bigtime asshole for not admitting that she could have kept closer tabs on her pet.

  15. poor bun buns! i have to admit, i i must admit, i do have an irrational fear of rabbits, but i hate the idea of them being ripped apart by a mean old dog. i'm willing to bet it wasn't a pretty sight :(

    and i'm with Ida and RQ, a dog will be a dog, so the owners needs to be a responsible pet owner, and maybe the bunnies owner needs to make some adjustments to protect her little sweeties a bit better.

  16. If we are to kill all irrational animals who mindlessly eat weaker prey, I say we start with humans.

  17. indeed, gypsy. indeed.

  18. Interesting - last night on Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show, William H. Macy said that his daughter's rabbit was killed by a neighbor's dog. They live in the Hollywood Hills - does Macy live next to a C lister too? Anyone know who his neighbors are?

  19. Miley and Angus T. Jones?

  20. Meg sounds like a winner.

  21. Seems like there would be a legal issue here - surely there are laws about roaming dogs. And possible civil liability - destruction of property? This could go in several directions if the singer was willing to pursue matters.

  22. B List singer can't be Macy...

  23. I'm sure the yards were fenced and it says the singer took excellent care of the rabbits.

    I don't think letting them raom loose in the hood would be excellent care.

    Dog broke out of it's yard and into their yard somehow I suspect.

    The owner is still responsible even though you can't revive the dead, you can eat crow and apologize and fix the fences.

  24. I think I actually know one!!!

    Reese Witherspoon had the rabbits.

    I think I remember reading that somewhere.

  25. I think I like "roam" better spelled "raom."

  26. lol.... i googled Reese's neighbors, and a bunch of stories of her pet donkeys annoying neighbors came up..

  27. "If we are to kill all irrational animals who mindlessly eat weaker prey, I say we start with humans."

    I agree with this statement SO much, I practically wanna get it tattooed on me!
    But, er, I wont of course :))

  28. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Kill the dog and Lindsay...right everybody? Gross.

  29. Boneheaded former C list child stars that come to mind:

    Kim Richards
    Macauley Kulkin
    Corey Feldman
    Danny Bonaduce

    Actually they all seem D list, so never mind.

  30. I love the kids and think they're gorgeous and funny (especially Nick) but Gene apparently believes his own hype. If he were in any other profession he'd never get laid. Never.

  31. @sussique -- Would I have more sympathy for a dog who is killed by an angry neighbor because he acted on instinct -- or would I pity the ungrateful, sociopathically-selfish, jail-dodging, arrogant, chronically-narcissitic waste of spooge who ends up ODing even though hundreds (no, probably MILLIONS) of people have urged her to get help and save herself again and again and AGAIN?

    I feel for the dog more, and I'm not sorry about it.

  32. Aww! No killing the dog! :( Make the owner take responsibility. Horrible that he/she is not. Poor bunnies.

    I, too, am wondering if there was not a fence...??? I also get REAL pissy when people let their dogs run loose.

    @Meg - I saw that interview! That was really sad, but I laughed about the one chicken in bed w/ his daughter w/ it's head on the pillow.

  33. Ida Blankenship, I love you.
