Friday, July 15, 2011

Courtney & Doug Speak

Good Morning America had an interview with Doug Hutchison and Courtney Stodden and I have to say that it still creeps me out. Yes, she looks older than 16, but she is 16 and he is 51! He could literally be her grandfather and if this were a Teen Mom thing, he could be her great grandfather. You have to watch this. Seriously.


  1. She looks freaking 40! So effed up.

  2. She does not look 16 - weird! She looks like she's AT LEAST in her 30's. I dunno what to think on this particular one.

  3. In that picture, she looks like a dried up 30 yr old hooker, and he looks younger. Still creepy though.

  4. He reminds a bit of Corey Haim. Not in a good way.

  5. Just the way she carries herself, it's so oversexed for a 16 year old. Eek!

  6. Is she drugged? Look at her when Hutchinson is talking. Something doesn't look right with her. And the whole thing creeps me out.

  7. please let their reality show flop . . .please let her 15 minutes end soon. please . . .for the love of god. and what is wrong with her face? it's always moving. like she's about to take a bite out of his cheek.

  8. Liz I was thinking that same thing. She's on something.

  9. Also, this one says she's never had any plastic surgery, right? Ha!

    I agree with the poster about drugs. She's out of it on something.


  11. Her saying "Mmmm Hmmm" over and over again was so nauseating! She's got to be on something from all her twitchy movements!

    I have to go wash out my brain now.

  12. i'm with you guys, it looks like she is doped up. the way she walks, the way she talks, it is nuts! she grew up in Ocean Shores, which is not far from where i live, and i could see them laughing her out of town. they don't put up with divas in small western Washington towns!

  13. First off- HOLY SHIT- I forgot Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 yr old cousin! I've never seen pics before and am appalled. Now thats a girl who looks her age, actually she looks shy of her age. WHOA

    As for 'the aspiring pop singer' and blushing bride Courtney Stodden...BORN IN 1994?! Jesus. I have training bras from back then older than this broad.
    I always make it a rule to never attempt dating someone who doesnt know who The New Kids on the Block were or what Punky Brewster was. I have seriously sized up a youngish looking guy I thought was hot, gone up to him and asked him that question- Hi, my name is Jasmine, do you know who Punky Brewster is?'
    If he says no I slowly slink away and mutter fetus under my breath.

    I'm betting this chick's earliest memory of pop culture is spongebob squarepants.

  14. She's blitzed out of her mind. And they are both really f-ing creepy.

  15. WTF is she doing with her face at the 4:55 mark? ewwww.

  16. If that's 16, those were 16 hard effing years.

  17. Ha - I love your post, Jasmine. Hysterical.

  18. OMG she even walks like a hooker, SMDH.

  19. Besides the obvious of a 51yo with a 16yo - there is something not right.

    Her facial expressions - IA with those who say it looks like she is on drugs.
    Secondly, her walk. She is posing with every move.

    Something is just off...and not just their ages.

  20. I don't even know what to say. She is completely wasted. Like a piece of beef jerky on barbiturates!

    She does have an unfortunate face for 16, but her makeup is aging her as well. I bet if you scraped off a few layers there might be a semblance of youth underneath.

  21. She's as creepy as he is. Nasty.

    On another topic: WTF is wrong with the ABC News videos? Why don't they offer a volume control?

  22. Btw - she is DEFINITELY 16.

    E! obtained her birth certificate because they had doubts too:

  23. Just threw up in my mouth a little... She was licking her lips and gyrating in her chair when she looked at him. I thought she was gonna orgasm right there (though by looking at him I'm sure it's the drugs that made her feel that way)....

  24. I like at the end of the video how George Stephanopolous tells Lara Spencer how the onlookers behind him were reacting. I only wish we could have heard their reactions throughout (like when she says she's "all natural").

  25. She must idolize Pamela Anderson. She's mimicking her.

  26. her overacting/pouting/posing looks contrived and creepy.

    and that isn't love...if he remotely cared about her he'd have allowed her to live out her childhood. he's just a pedophile who happened upon a victim whose parents are enablers.

    and wow--even HIS own mother wants nothing to do w/ her son?! *red flag* danger, robinson, danger.

  27. I cannot bring myself to watch the video, especially after reading the comments above. LOL. I wondered why they were in the news again and then realized why as soon as I saw it mentioned that they are pitching a reality show. Honestly, there are just too many levels of wrong going on here at once. Ick, ick, ick.

  28. The whole time I watched this video I was so reminded of those videos of Anna Nicole Smith, with the way she talked, the way she walked, and even how she was drugged up. This is one seriously messed up 16 year old girl. Holy cow.

  29. Did anyone else notice that she was wearing a visible garter belt with her (very short) wedding dress? I would DIE if my father EVER saw me anything like that "ensemble" let alone walk me down the aisle.

  30. Also, there's totally a "Toddlers and Tiaras" vibe going on here. Minus the sash of course ...

  31. I did a little googling - this is her actually looking 16:

    What a difference!

    It feels like a tragedy

  32. She mentions that she didn't marry him for the fame or attention but HELLO! She's wearing skimpy clothes and posing/prancing like a doped up wannabe porn star in EVERY shot.


  33. My favorite was that ABC said "She actually IS 16 - we verified it by looking at her birth certificate!" Even they seem to think she might be lying. And yes, she is clearly on drugs.

  34. She's a mess and he's a pedofile. That was nothing but posing while walking and looking at him like she's sexy. Looks like she watched Ginger on Gilligan's Island for a lesson on how to posture and walk. And why can't she put up her dress strap? And is it just me or does it look like he's already had a stroke? Half his face is drooping. Creepy weird all around.

  35. ChrissyBuns is right, it's extremely weird for a teenage girl from that patch of rural Washington to go preternaturally Malibu.

  36. Cecilia, she looks slightly younger in that picture but not like 16. I realize everyone's different, but when I see pictures of me and my friends at that age - man, we were CHILDREN. Things are different nowadays, I suppose.

  37. Holy crap, so my Try from her! Ew. She's all about the camera and try-try-trying so hard.

  38. I see she has the whole fake boob walk going on. the boobs are so fake that they arrive before she does. she looks like one of those carvings on old wooden ships, with the boobs thrusting out into the air, over the water. No offense to the carved ladies, they are actually works of art

  39. @ Lauren yes! that creepy thing she is doing with her mouth and YES she is on drugs! She has to be. The thing is this tho, I know this girl who is 33 and a VIRGIN and she dresses like that because she doesn't know "sexuality" in that sense. I don't know if that makes any sense either but if you have never had sex I guess dressing like that isn't that big of a deal. And this girl that I know is a virgin. but also she's 33

  40. The whole interview is about the last sentence. A reality show, and once the money is gone she will be gone.

  41. I've been going through my old pics the passed week, and me at 16... I can't imagine. I mean I *tried* to look pretty/sexy, but failed miserably lol I looked like a prostitot :P

    Her walking is so contrived, and her makeup is done horribly. Even at 16, I did a whole lot better job.

  42. She looks like a trannie --a bad one and he looks like he's over botoxed.

    MOTHERS TAKE NOTE: This is what you get if you take your baby down the Toddlers & Tiara route.

  43. I was just coming here to say that, Ardleigh. This girl is exactly how I'd expect all kiddie pageant girls to end up. Although, I'm guessing those mothers would consider her a great success story, and a role model for their little angels.

  44. Anonymous3:57 PM

    she looks like a a $10 dolla ho. and he is a pedophile. this is clearly for publicity. she cloaks herself in religion like that makes this ok. gross.

  45. Ok, we can't have it both ways. Either she looks like she's 40 (which she does) OR he's a pedophile. If she looks like an adult and he's therefore attracted to adults, he's not a pedophile by definition.

    Not that this isn't creepy, but technically pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. You know, like tweens or younger.

  46. I couldn't watch the entire video, but I agree with the others here who say she was on some heavy sh*t. Also, Mr. Hutchison was scammed. There is no way the woman in that video is under 28. No way.

  47. She looks 45, but has the mentality of a 16 year old. I'm 26 and listening to her talk is like nails on a chalkboard.

    Congrats to her parents for pimping out their daughter.

    She looks like a whore with the outfits she's wearing.

  48. The Green Mile came out in 1999. How is being married to that has-been going to help her career?
    "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach," is a phrase I think of whenever I see actors conducting classes. If you were successful at it, you'd be too busy acting to teach! But the biggest laugh is her "deeply-held Christian values..."

  49. I must be the only one who has seen bad porn because that's exactly how they act. I believe Obama was born in Hawaii but I don't believe this second rate hooker is 16 unless maybe she was born on a leap year.

  50. I agree that she seems drugged, and like Sue (in MO) I immediately got an Anna Nicole Smith vibe from her. I guess there's a reason that dude plays creepy so well.

  51. Was she switched at 25 with a baby born in 1994? Did the hospital make that mistake? Is the birth certificate for her daughter who lives in the basement? Something, ok, many things are not right here. No, not at all.

  52. Awww - this is wonderful. She's a "deeply Christian woman". And she's found love. With a pervert. And her Mother pimped her out.

    Oh yeah - this marriage will last.

    Please Ryan Seacrest, do NOT produce a reality show on them. (OWN, Bravo, CMT - talking to you, too!)

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. @Sue (in MO) - Anna Nicole Smith is exactly who I thought when I saw this video.

    I'm not sure what is creepier, him continuing to see her after he found out her age or her parents condoning this?

  55. I thought of Anna Nicole too. I have no doubt she is 16--but there is something off here. She is acting like a 16 year old and sounds like one. But the giggling/snickering at the beginning . . . just sounds like a 16 year old.

  56. @Cecelia..On the link you sent,in this shot you can CLEARLY see her breasts are implants. They don't come together and are square. If you've had surgery just admit it. But hey, who paid for those? Good little Christian Mommy and Daddy.

  57. She easily looks 45. And her lips have been so heavily injected she can't even move them right. I think she's trying to look like she's lusting after him when she looks at him and licks her lips.

    It looks like she's studied the body language of Anna Nicole, Coco, and some Hollywood tranny hookers and is trying very hard to imitate, with hilarious results.

  58. This is totally sick. They should be ostracized from life, and her enabling parents too. Looks like he has had a bells palsy stroke. The left side of his mouth droops and his right eye droops. I suspect her parents thought she was an old maid when she wasn't married and pregnant at 14.

  59. Hellllllooooooo cocaine.
