Friday, July 01, 2011

Fail Planet Does It Again

At this point, you do not even need to watch YouTube to get the best stuff. Fail Planet does this monthly best of failing thing and since it is now July, here is their best of June. The first ten seconds alone are brilliant.


  1. I'm not sure if I have no sense of humor or this stuff is just too three stooges humor for me, but I didn't find one second of this funny.

  2. Boy is the world full of stupid people.
    I kept wondering how many neck injuries resulted from some of these stunts.
    I did laugh like a fool at the last bit, nothing like seeing a grown man scream like a little girl.

  3. I couldn't even get through a third of this. Too painful.

  4. no sense of humor for me, either. just people who don't think about consequences if something goes awry. i, too, wondered about neck injuries. ouch. painful to watch (pun intended).

  5. My daughter is a level 4/5 Cheerleader and I was wincing watching it. All I could think of was neck injury, paralyzed, major surgery and just shuddered.....My worst nightmares realized. Too close to home for me. None of this is funny at all.

  6. I have to agree, I don't enjoy watching people get hurt. There's plenty of funny FAIL out there without injuries involved.

  7. Some of the filming I understand, but a lot I just don't get. Why are people filming every moment of their lives?

  8. The amazing thing is that there were actually a few expressions of sympathy in there. Usually you just get people laughing.

  9. ok so the ones I knew would end up with major injuries I had to close my ends for, it's not funny to me. But a few had me rolling laughing like the 2 girls trying to take the picture!! OMG how embarassing

  10. I lasted 48 seconds. I hate seeing people hurt themselves. OOOOOOOUUUUUCH!

  11. It's hard to have sympathy for idiots....but, I did enjoy graduation running man & the bowler, though.

  12. Some were stupid but I laughed my ass off at a bunch of them, especially 3:28. I can't help myself. My favorite parts of America's Home Videos are always the sort where someone falls off of a roof onto a picket fence, or gets bucked off of a horse.

    If it makes me sound a teensy bit less callous, I will tell my friends about incidents I've had walking into walls or have fallen or something. I think it's funny even when it happens to me.
