Monday, July 18, 2011

Father & Daughter Keep Having Sex After Meeting For First Time Through Internet

I'm sure Ryan O'Neal must be reading this story repeatedly and thinking to himself that he too would love some father daughter loving.

Six years ago, Nicola Yates learned who her father was, found him on the internet and started chatting with him online. The next thing you know the pair is having sex and they both ended up in jail for incest.

Well, fast forward a few years and now the couple has admitted when they got out of jail they moved into together and had sex for a few years and were arrested again in September. Nicola says she is now done seeing her dad and never wants to see him again. No one interviewed the dad. I am just thankful the pair did not end up having kids together. I guess when you you do not grow up with someone as your parent you don't have those same boundaries you would otherwise. Still though, it is pretty sick.


  1. Yet another lecherous pedophile needs a Chris Brown Beat Down. What is wrong with people! That poor girl. Does she even know she needs to unlearn her learned behavior? She'll never be right.

  2. WTH! people are seriously messed up!

  3. Yep, it's definitely strange, but there is actually a scientific explanation beyond "ICKNAST, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE".

    The incest taboo is cross-cultural. Almost every group of humans bars relationships between close relatives. And this makes sense, because if there is a genetic issue, close relatives are more likely to produce a child that has the problem.

    And this is more than just cultural. The Westermarck Effect is the name for the phenomenon where children who are raised in close proximity to each other don't find each other sexually attractive as adults.

    HOWEVER (and here's the freaky part), close relatives who are raised apart and then meet ONLY AS ADULTS are actually extremely likely to be sexually attracted to each other. This is called Genetic Sexual Attraction. We tend to like people whose faces look like ours.

    So if you guys ever meet a long-lost sibling, you might be surprised at your own reaction. XD

  4. Anna Galetka, you have just given me a great reason NOT to go to anymore family reunions. Sorry mom - your guilt can't overcome the above.

  5. @Anna - thank you for that explanation. It makes since, especially for someone who's into celebrity gossip because so many celebrity couples look a lot a like.

    I can understand the girl being confused, but not the dad. What a sick fuck to take advantage of his daughter like that.

  6. Thanks Anna, for the information. To everyone else - how is this "gossip"? It seems more and more human interest articles are being posted on this site. I come here for the celebrity gossip and have noticed I don't come to this site as much as I used to.

  7. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Pretty interesting but still wrong.

    Last night I was watching Law & Order SVU where the mother was having a sexual relationship with her son and blaming him. The son was out killing women at the end he ended up killiing his mom.

  8. I hear you @Audrey. I feel the same way.

  9. I think this site has evolved over the years from being purely gossip related to including a little bit of everything. I have no problemn with it.

  10. Me either. Some days gossip is slow. As long as it makes me gasp, I'm cool with it ;)

  11. The Father showed have should some restraint here and kept the zipper up. Feel so bad for the daughter, it could not have been that good. Seriously.

  12. i 'm going to vomiting

  13. Yep, Anna is right ~ The studies are pretty fascinating if you can get past the ick factor.

    I had an acquaintance many years ago who met his bio daughter for the first time as an adult (she'd been adopted as an infant). He confided that there was an incredibly strong sexual attraction between them, although it never moved past the heavy petting stage (squeeee, I know).

    The intertwined relationships of my acquaintance, his daughter, and the biological mother were incredibly conflicted and f'd up. The daughter actually identified as a lesbian, and was involved in a sexual relationship with her bio mother, whom she'd met as an adult.

    And this is why I refer to the guy as an "acquaintance". Prior to knowing any of this information, we had dating/relationship potential. After learning the above gory details early on in our "friendship" ... well, hmmm ... not s'much.

  14. I understand that this is really gross, and disturbing, but everyone seems to be placing all of the blame on the Dad.

    I agree, he is a nasty guy with some serious issues, but she is no better. She was as much a part of this as he was, and she knows how taboo incest is too.

    It takes two to tango.

  15. With all due respect, I disagree, Lauren. The father is the most responsible here, not only because he's HER FATHER and the parent-figure, but also because we don't know what sort of heartache and upbringing this girl had, for her to think it was okay to have sex with him. It was his responsibility to say this wasn't okay. Kids learn things from their parents. It's sad what she learned from him.

  16. Anna Galetka- thanks so much for sharing that really intriguing info!

    I would add too that some kids who grow up with backgrounds where they feel abadoned by their parents/family might have problems establishing and keeping boundries, as healthy boundries are often synonymous with self esteem/self worth/postive self image. Perhaps in addition to what Anna said, this girl was farther suseptible to this inappropriate human behavior because she had little or no boundries in place to block it from happening.

    The whole thing is particularly interesting because, as Anna pointed out too, INCEST remains on of the few universal taboos.

  17. I also agree with RocketQueen-

    this girl has boundary problems and who knows what else BECAUSE of, in whatever part big or small, her father not being around. In some ways his absence set her up before they even met online for this to be more likely to happen. Giving her equal blame is erroneous and fails to look at the whole picture.

  18. Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA) is a pretty amazing occurrence- it is quite common for close relatives (siblings, parents/children, first cousins) who meet for the first time as adults to feel a huge sexual attraction towards one another.

    Apparently, we are all genetically programmed to be attracted to people who share out genetic traits, but the process of sharing early childhood together creates a sexual aversion that keeps us from inbreeding (scientist theorize that the Westermarck Effect is evolution's way of preventing inbreeding.) Which is why it is unthinkable for people who grew up with their parents and their siblings to engage in incest- we have a sexual aversion to our close relatives. This is true not only of genetic relatives but of any people we share a close childhood with- for example the children raised on kibbutzes in Israel (where children were separated from their parents and raised in "children's homes" all together) were then unwilling to partner up in later life, causing the decline in kibbutz lifestyle. Those children weren't genetically related to each other but had been raised as virtual siblings, so the sexual aversion had been cemented in them.

    If you google GSA you'll find quite a few studies and cases of family members who engage in sexual relationships- you have to get past the ick factor but it's pretty fascinating stuff.

  19. It's amazing how strong our disgust is for incest - and I'm including myself in that equation, don't get me wrong!

    But if you look at it genetically, it's not usually a problem unless there are multiple inbred generations. And if the relatives both have a "perfect" genetic code (no illnesses in the gene pool) there actually isn't any scientific reason to avoid incest. And of course, if you don't procreate then it doesn't matter anyway.

    (That's of course ignoring the potentially abusive power dynamics in a relationship like father-daughter...)

    I think we had to build up this powerful disgust reaction in order to counteract phenomena like Genetic Sexual Attraction. Weird.

  20. My first reaction was "Ewwww"....

    It makes sense, all that Anna Geletka said but still makes me a little queasy thinking about it.

  21. whinemaker - OMG. I would have no idea how to handle that information if someone told me that. That is just... wow. What a f-d up situation

  22. Wow! Now I'm just scared. And perfect genetic code - with today's drugs? Legal and illegal. Kids being born with missing chromosomes and plenty of other crazy stuff. So thankful I'm not having kids after reading all this. So thankful!

  23. how did they keep getting caught having sex and or how was it proved in court?

  24. Shudder to think what this genetic sexual attraction might mean for the future generations of the now hundreds of thousands of children who share biological fathers through artificial insemination and have no idea?

  25. Like Whinemaker, I actually know someone in a similar situation. We only ever talked on the phone (after meeting on a date/chat line), but I dropped him entirely after hearing the details of what was happening. I wasn't sure what else I could do, because I didn't know real names or locations, and everyone was past the age of consent, so...? It seemed that all I could do was feel sick.

    Basically, this guy grew up in a family where he and his sister went from normal, curious exploration to a full-blown and truly kinky sexual relationship that has lasted for probably thirty years now. Interestingly, his sister actually identifies as a lesbian, but they still get together whenever they can (vomit, I know). Anyway, he actually married and had one daughter. The mom had serious mental health issues and was "out of the picture" for most of the daughter's life (and still is). At age sixteen, the daughter supposedly "seduced" her father (cough*bullshit*cough), and they have continued that relationship for something like eight years now.

    Unfortunately, I think this kind of thing happens FAR more often than most of us care to realize (see, for example, the recent case of Columbia professor David Epstein). I definitely did not have the constitution to continue speaking with this guy to learn what drives him, but I wish someone did. I think only by understanding the deep psychological underpinnings in a situation like this can we learn to prevent them. It takes someone better and stronger than I to do it, though.

  26. I'm late to the party, but I'm confused about this. I thought we are genetically programmed to be attracted to people who are genetically different than us, not similar to us. That's why this does not make too much sense to me.

    On a side note, I have a half-brother (same father,different mothers) and I met him at 36. I was in no way shape or form attracted to him AND I seriously doubt he is my father's kid. I think my father's wife (they are still married) stepped out on my dad.
