Friday, July 22, 2011

Forget About The Baby I Want To Fight

Most people do not think about fighting another person over a subway seat. This is especially true when one is pushing a baby in a stroller. Well, most people are not these two women from New York who get into a serious fight on the subway and totally forget about the baby in the stroller which ends up on the platform, outside of the train itself. Way to parent there. Oh, and get yourself some better wigs. It is also quite the fight for 9:40 in the morning.


  1. I saw this earlier and almost had a heart attack, WTF is wrong with people?!?! I mean really?!?! I have to ask myself are these things faked for amusement purposes?? or are there really dumb ass savages out there like these two???

  2. Welcome to New York!

  3. The stroller disappeared. Someone else had to remove it.

  4. I just think I wouldn't fight if I had on a wig. I just wouldn't.

  5. @Timebob..I'm a born and raised New Yorker and there are plenty of people who do NOT behave that way in New York and there are out of control morons like the ones in this video fighting over nonsense all over this country. It is not just a New York deal.

  6. The mother with the stoller maces to the other lady around the 33 second mark...

  7. Wow. What have we come to in society. Where the Hell is CPS when her baby rolls out on to the platform because she wants to get in to Bitch Punch/Slap throwdown? Nothing funnier than a weave/wig that goes flying off.

  8. This probably happens in San Francisco, too.

  9. Anonymous12:29 PM

    The woman with the stroller was to blame. People out here are CRAZY, so why put your child in danger...?

  10. Who was filming it? Are there cameras in all NYC subway cars? The film starts before the fighting begins.

  11. Wow. Never in all my NYC years have I witnessed something like that.

  12. Life in NYC can be pretty sad and disgusting sometimes. What if that child had fallen out of the stroller and into the gap between the train and the platform? Grown adults have been seriously hurt by falling through there. So sad...

  13. That bitch didn't get maced. She wouldn't be able to open her eyes not to mention that everyone within a couple a feet of her would have cleared out with a quickness. She might have sprayed her w/something but it wasn't mace. You can hear the other chick yelling "My baby!" a couple times and all those other people telling the chick in the white to let go of her. People are assholes.

  14. Notice that the first person to step in and break it up was the older guy in striped shirt with walking stick?? People are assholes

  15. Your headline made me laugh! I think it could have used some punctuation, like...

    Forget About the Baby; I Want to Fight

    (Sorry. I'm an editor. I can't help it.)

    As for the video, I think the cameraman hit the record button because he heard loud, agitated talking and placed his bets on a fight breaking out. Too bad he was right.

  16. My heart sinks thinking about the baby! As a recent mom.... god.... how could you forget about your child's safety? I don't even leave him with certain people in my own family.

    I think stuff like this happens everywhere, but obvs more people in a certain place equals more stuff happening!

  17. I am shocked noone stole their purses.

  18. @Natalie I was just being ironic.

    I too am born and raised in NY. I work in NYC midtown. I see crazy things all the time. I also see amazing things in art and people banding together in tragedy.

    But bitches get crazy on the trains I have seen it 100x.

  19. I never actually saw the stroller get pushed off...who had the kid the whole time during the fight?
