Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's Fail Time Again

It is that time of the month when the fail videos of the month are compiled and put into one glorious video.


  1. these hurt me to watch.

  2. Owwww! Are all these people alive?!?!? Some of it looks pretty benign but some of it looks like permanent brain damage. Made me feel bad to laugh at it - except it was grown humans doing stupid stuff. I will remember to be more careful. Thanks for the laugh!

  3. I could not even laugh. Looks like some bad injuries to me, some that could be life changing or deadly. Dumb Asses.

  4. The clips where people fall on their asses are funny, the ones where they hit their heads are borderline, but I find no humor in the car accidents they show - some of them looked pretty serious!

  5. OMG the one with the woman and the stove was uh-mazing. What a dumbass.

  6. i thought i would watch one or two but i just got caught up in it! And you are right, some of them look very serious.

    My ABSOLUTE fav is the jet pack

  7. i kept having to re-watch the bride throwing the bouquet because i couldn't figure out what was wrong with it...i think i figured it out...she threw it the wrong way, right?

  8. I can't watch these. Pain!!!

  9. "I just fucking shot myself!"
    I agree with the head injury clips, they're painful to watch and probably did some real damage. As far as the others are concerned, for the most part, "What the hell were you thinking?" is apropos.

  10. I can't feel sorry for the dumbasses who try and do some of these stunts. But some of these were obviously just bad accidents - funny but bad.

  11. tl; as far as dumb kitchen planking girl....owwww!

  12. Oh and I got tired of hearing the video so I put it on my mute and turned the radio back on. So appropriately it was Papa Roach's Burn at the end. LOL!

  13. Some of these people are incredibly stupid. I'd guess that at least half suffered some kind of serious injury. Hard to laugh at most of this.

    I often wondered why some appliances came witha a clip to secure to the wall. Now, I see why.

  14. RQ, I love the stove incident, too. Did she just wash the floor and didn't want to step on it? j/k

    All the failed flips just look too painful to laugh at.

  15. If this were way longer and available on Netflix, the description would be something like: "A bunch of stupid people do some stupid bullshit."

  16. The only one I liked was the (what looked to be) Eastern European guys in the green trashcans/recycle bins. They just looked happy.

  17. mikey - I think she was trying to "plank"?
    Reminds me of the time in Gr. 2 I had hands on one desk on either side of the aisle and was swinging my legs off the ground. Teacher told me to quit it. As soon as she turned around, I did it again, and promptly fell on my damn fool face and bloodied my nose. I learned a lesson about doing stupid balancing shit at an early age.

  18. I feel so much more intelligent now.

  19. Hey, dumbass I am pretty sure falling into a burning ring of fire is a figure of speech and you aren't supposed to do it actually do it. Geeesh, some people.

    Some serious head injuries and possible sterility in others.

  20. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Just remember, people, what are the most common last words of a redneck? "Hey, bubba, check this out!"
