Friday, July 08, 2011

Octomom Heads For New York And Today Show

You really must either want some publicity or a very big paycheck to be willing to haul yourself and 14 kids on a five hour flight. You realize that with just the kids and herself, Nadya Suleman takes up over two complete rows of seats. Crazy. Anyway, once she got on the show this morning, things were still a little shaky and she also said that each child costs $1000 a month. Really? That seems high. She says the total amount of just their expenses is $15K a month. Do you spend $1000 a month per child if they are in public school?

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  1. I took something different away from it. I've never paid attention to her. She actually talked intelligible about her situation. I'm not saying it's good, I'm just saying I think she has a grip on reality understanding that she'd better make an income to provide for them.

  2. she said her total monthly bill is 15k a month on Howard Stern but she is factoring in food, clothing, mortgage, medical insurance and her first litter of kids also go to a private school. She said she earned 28,000 in June.

  3. Having not seen the video/interview, it is not outlandish to believe that she pays that much per child. Are they even old enough to be in public school? Depending on where she lives, day care could cost up to 600-700 a month, per child. She also has to pay for food, clothes, and a place big enough to house them all.

    Do I agree with her choices? No. But 15 kids can be expensive without even living a lavish lifestyle!

  4. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I feel sorry for the older child who is stuck helping.

    I got too stressed watching it and didn't finish (I'm not a kid person). This is the first time I've heard her speak and she didn't seem too crazy to me. But I could easily be wrong and I'm cool with that.

  5. Why does anyone still care about this person? She wanted attention, she's getting it. The only person who should be taking an interest in her is CPS.

  6. She is disgusting. She made her bed, now she has to lie in it. Her plan of being the next Kate failed. Sorry!

  7. I couldn't watch this either. I can't imagine every wanting one child much less 15! And let's face it, anyone who has done what she has done is truly insane, regardless of how intelligent or rational they sound. I know a guy who thinks he's the heir to the throne of England and can explain why in a totally rational, believable way. He's still nutsy-fagen, and so is Nadya.

  8. Who is the idiot that went out of her way to have a bunch of kids? She can't even say it was an accident. She already had 6 when she got pregnant with the litter of 8. She has no one to blame but herself. I don't feel sorry for her in the least.

  9. When I read this, the first thing I thought was how miserable it would be to be a passenger on a five-hour flight with her and her kids!

  10. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I would immediately pop a Xanax if I saw that swarm anywhere near me in the airport. Quelle horror!
    I understand that siblings don't necessarily need to look alike, but I find it odd that most of her kids have dark skin, hair and eyes, and then those other two are pale and fair. Hmmm.
    At least the kids seem normal -- showing stuff to people, being affectionate and inquisitive, etc. If I had even one kid, he'd probably be off somewhere in the corner rocking himself back and forth.

  11. She had two litters expecting others to support them all, sorry the woman is crazy.

  12. Cathy, my thoughts exactly!

  13. Private school eh? How's about getting a grip on reality and living like a normal person? Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous ended a long time for you.

  14. Grip on reality? I think her lack of having a grip on reality is exactly why she is in the predicament she's in. She's a lunatic.

    I don't have any sympathy for her whatsoever, but the kids, of course.

  15. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Color me grounded, but when she said she was taking up boxing to support her kids, I seriously said out loud, Really? What if you get a concussion? Cerebral hematoma? Coma? What happens to this unruly horde then?

  16. Anonymous2:37 PM

    She came off batsh** crazy in her earlier interviews and I think she has just learned how to tone that down. She kept interrupting the interviewer during this appearance and constantly contradicting herself by saying her kids are well behaved when clearly they are not. I think of all they people who can't have kids and this bozo of a woman has a freakish amount. And for her to blame her doctor is so lame. She doesnt deserve to make money off these kids and I wish the press would just ignore her. The oldest girl kis a victim and she is being coached to say its not a problem that she has to pick up the slack because her mother can't hack it. Go away are a blight on American culture.

  17. I still can't get over the fact that a doctor willfully impregnated a single woman without a visible source of income, knowing she'd have a multiple birth like this. Why would you do that? And then there's the kids - they didn't sign up for this.

    Call it karma or what you will, but tt's sort of fitting that the collective that watches 'Teen Mom' and 'Kate Plus 8' and that show about the Duggars would be footing the bill.

  18. So, is the porn thing not working out for her?

  19. Ugh Why was she even on there? Who really cares about this nutjob and her litter of unruly brats. I think I would get off the plane if I saw that mess getting on there. No way would I want to be trapped on a plane with them.

  20. just in to say...

    bitch is cray-cray!

  21. The doctor did it because fertility clinics have to report their stats to the CDC and the higher the percent of successful pregnancies the better the clinic looks. Here is a young, healthy female instead of a woman with diagnosed infertility. Boom instant statistical increase.

  22. The doctor was unethical and has been barred by the Medical Board in California. We don't know the full story. She stated long ago that she only wanted 2 babies. Perhaps that is true. Now she has to take care of them in any way she can. Have some compassion.
