Friday, July 15, 2011

Remember This Woman?

I think it was last year I wrote about the woman above who was the largest woman to ever give birth. I guess that should be largest person, because the only men I have heard of giving birth have been really skinny. Well, it turns out there are many many people who find this woman sexy. Yep, the same people who think there really are celebrity star whackers. Speaking of which what happened to Randy Quaid, he has been quiet lately.

Anyway, this woman charges $20 a month for people to watch her on a webcam all day. Yes, for just pennies a day you too can watch this woman eat and eat and eat. She eats 15,000 calories a day. Her goal is to become the world's largest woman. You know what? I think I discussed this before when I wrote about her giving birth, but what kind of future is she giving her kids? Seriously, she is trying to kill herself, doing it publicly and her kids must know she is doing this, so what kind of lessons are they learning? If you were a parent and tried to kill yourself in a more traditional way, would Child Protective Services maybe take your kids for awhile? Well, how come they don't investigate this woman? She is doing this on purpose. I guess you could compare it to smoking because that is also probably killing yourself slowly, and they do not take away your kids for that.

Oh, and in case you are wondering how much she makes via webcam? About $100K a year. I know, and no traffic to get to work!


  1. That's insane. $100,000 a yr? Pass the twinkies

  2. It's unfortunate that there is nothing special about me people would want to watch. Back to work.

  3. If anyone is interested in watching a Swedish chick laying on the couch watching TV or napping for hours, I can hook you up!

  4. That actually pisses me off. It's one thing to be overweight for psychological and physical reasons, but to actively gain weight for monetary reasons is just fucking wrong when you have children. It's just a slow suicide.

  5. Who wants to watch her eat all day, and pay for the honor? Yuck.

    I used to have someone in my office that weighed 500 lbs. I can do without the visual.

  6. Maja, are you nekkid? LOL :)

    I'm about to make tostadas for the kids, if anyone wants to watch.

  7. 1st of all, $100k, no problem for most of us, but she is eating almost 7X MORE than she is supposed too. Plus housing, clothing, and food for her kids too? ????? I can see CPS coming in the future if NO ONE ELSE is in the home with her-how soon before she cannot walk? before she is bedridden? How can she take care of her kids then? BECAUSE SHE WANTS TO BE THE FATTEST PIG IN THE WORLD? I am overweight, I have chronic pain making it near impossible to exercise, lose weight. I could just cry when I hear someone DOING THIS ON PURPOSE-SHE IS MENTALLY ILL!!! and depriving her kids of alot-and soon, THEY, HER KIDS, will be her NURMAIDS!

  8. Looks like she can't walk anymore, the woman is insane and the people who pay to watch very's a toss-up who's crazier.

  9. I honestly think CPS should have a say in this. Or at least make sure the woman's made out her will and her daughter will have some place to go when she dies, which shouldn't be long now.

  10. Pass the twinkies to Octomom! Her poor kid!

  11. first of all - deeply deeply disturbing.

    second - looking at her makes me feel a bit like a dainty flower.

  12. I'm only 30 pounds overweight and feel like shit all the time. I don't know how anyone can do this to themselves. Not even for 100K a year.

    I also think this whole thing about taking people's kids away because of weight problems is frightening and dangerous.

  13. Her kids need to be taken from her, and she needs to be shot,in the place else would do ant good

  14. Big Mama - you ARE a dainty flower.

    Part of me wants to say - where do I sign up, but most of me hopes that she is putting money away for her daughter.

  15. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I will sit around in my underwear and, pkay with my three cats, and once a day put on a bikini and go outside and swim. I also do yoga and eat about 1600 calories a day. Who want to pay to watch me

  16. My husband is overweight and has been his whole life. He would give anything to be thin, is thinking about surgery. Every joint hurts from the excess weight. She is mentally ill. : (

  17. Momster, no - I'll be in a shapeless old t-shirt and yoga pants from Walmart!

  18. 500+ pounds and not an ounce of self respect.

  19. i'm w/ enty. i think she's trying to kill herself, and it breaks my heart. she doesn't even want to live for her child(ren?). i can't wrap my head around it.

  20. @BlueBonnet, you and your husband should check out a movie called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Seriously inspirational--has an involved community on Facebook and on (which has plans, tips, etc.).

  21. Anonymous1:23 PM

    @Treesap I just watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead the other night and found it to be really inspiring. I would recommend it to anyone looking to detox and feel better. I might try a fast next week...a bit scared, however...

  22. this reminds me of the movie Feed with the very hot Alex O'Loughlin.

    its streaming on netflix very creepy movie.

  23. A couple of days ago I watched a show on Discovery Health (I think that's what they're calling it now) about a woman who was 606 pounds, and basically lived on her bed (even was washed on top of her bed) because she couldn't walk. I don't know how anyone can make a conscience choice to be obese as that's hardly what I'd call "living."

  24. does she charge her monthly subscription fee by the pound?

  25. I think she is doing this because it's the only way she can feel like she has control over her body and life. She could use a lot of therapy.

  26. there is something terribly fascinating about the truly grotesque.

    but for me: YUCK!

  27. mentally ill and unfit to parent

  28. Yeah, note to self, get a webcam

  29. I'm not understanding the desire to watch anyone at any size eat. And pay for it?

    According to other articles, she says she's healthy. Her goal is to be 1000 pounds and she's dating someone she found on a plus sized website, who is totally in support of this "career." In one of the articles, she kind of says the food addiction started in her childhood. Didn't sound like her mom promoted healthy eating.

  30. Anonymous1:32 AM

    The other day my husband and I agreed that if you can't find your fetish on the internet, there's something wrong with you. I googled "fat women eating" and I got nothing. Well, nothing about eating, I got a lot of other disgusting stuff I didn't know existed but nothing about watching fat women eat. Maybe she was on page 2 of the search.

  31. "Oh, and in case you are wondering how much she makes via webcam? About $100K a year. I know, and no traffic to get to work!"

    Enty, is this a segway to another one of your 'money drives', watching you in the basement, eating bacon & donuts & blogging? ;)
