Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Some More Reasons To Keep Hating Chris Brown

I think one of the few remaining things that most people respect is that we will not park in handicapped spots. We just won't do it. I have a feeling it is more of a fear for a really pricey ticket, but I also think that inside of us, we do not want to be the person who gets that karma penalty by forcing someone who really is disabled to have to hike from the back corner of a parking lot, just because we did not want to circle the shopping mall one more time.

Well, Chris Brown has no such problems with that and freely makes use of his condo's handicapped spaces for his personal care collection. Yep, this is not just a one time lets get Chris when he stopped for a second in a marked space just to nail him, this is him saying I don't give a crap about anyone but myself and my cars.

He also races his dogs down the hallways and has loud parties day and night. I am sure the other condo owners are loving him as a neighbor.


  1. And the doucebaggery just never stops. Like the title of the article says, some more reasons to keep hating Chris Brown.

  2. His only disability is a mental one. Unfornatley, that doesn't qualify for the spot.

    Since parking in those spots is illegal, someone should call the cops to ticket him. May not do much, but it is something.

  3. I didn't need another reason to hate this a**. He's at the top of the "list of people I literally wish would fall of the face of the planet."

  4. I don't know if you can call the cops if it's a private lot... maybe just the condo association could ticket him? I hope so.

    Anyway, not to justify this in any way, but unlike at a mall or something, it's going to be the same people parking here every day. Let's hope there isn't anyone handicapped that needs the spot right now. If there is, I hope they take a wheelchair to his hood and f* that car up.

  5. Maybe the parking cops should just visit the lot daily?If it happens daily I'm sure they could get a lot of money out of him. He seems the type that will keep parking that no matter what.

  6. As someone whose dad needed the handicapped spaces I'm pissed.

  7. Can guests park in this lot? If so, there's no telling when the spot is needed. Either way, I'm with Carrie L.

  8. As someone who needs the handcapped spaces for myself, I'm pissed too. You wouldn't believe how many people do this.

  9. Of course, He's probably also the type to never pay a parking fine either.

  10. The a**hole never stops, does he? I agree he should fall off the face of the earth...with Lindsey.

  11. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I really hate it when I see people parking in a HC section even though they have the sticker but are not handicapped at all.

  12. Yeah, I don't think being a dumb asshole qualifies as a handicap. Someone needs to key his car.

  13. In my condo there is a one handicap spot for each building and every night someone parks in it tuhat isn't handicap. It's not the same person but there isn't enough spots and people are too lazy to walk. It's super annoying. I use my garage and I know the one couple that has a handicap sticker does too, but occasionally they need to park there and now they can't.

  14. I don't why his jerk still has any fans, or why his cd's still make tons of money.

    If I were his neighbor, I would patrol the garage daily and make sure each of his cars were ticketed/towed everytime he pulled this stunt. Not cool!!

  15. Of course he does. Of course he does.

    I'm going to write what Jax (I think?) wrote during the last "aNOTHER reason to hate Chris Brown" post: HOW MANY REASONS DO I NEED?!

  16. I hate that such an entitled prick is from Virginia. The commonwealth has more than enough dirtbags to deal with.

    FYI, it's not the fines that keep me from parking in handicap spots as much as the shame associated with being that much of an asshole. Also, I don’t have an aversion to walking.

  17. No comment on CB because he ain't worth it, but one of my pet peeves is people who drive cars with handicapped plates or placards because they have someone handicapped in their family and yet when that handicapped person isn't there, they use the parking spaces!!!!

  18. I live around the corner from his building and walk by it every day. And honestly, it baffles me why he even moved in there. It's a small building with super-limited parking -- not really a good fit for someone with a car collection -- and it's on one of the noisiest/busiest streets in the area with little to no privacy.

    If he wanted to stay in West Hollywood (ahem), fine, but it's not like it's the only property in the area he could afford.

  19. This is my pet peeve of anyone, like nunaurbiz said. It's so inconsiderate, but this world is filled with people just like Chris Brown.

  20. Bear in mind that someone can have a sticker/handicapped plates without a visible disability. My mother got handicapped plates when she was Stage IV cancer - although strangers would think she looked fine, she couldn't walk more than 40-50 feet without having to sit down.

    Of course this does not apply to Chris Brown.

  21. He is young, rich, famous, talented and thinks he is entitled. Hopefully, he will mature and grow up soon.

    shocker, young kids having loud parties.....why is he different from every rock and roll a**hole that parties all the time in hollywood...he needs to buy a house maybe he wont disturb the neighbors so much if he has a house

  22. It's hilarious that one of his neighbors took extensive pics of this latest douchebaggery. Chris Brown really needs to grow up. It looks like he has some instant karma going on, too, so he needs to stop wasting time whining on Twitter about how he can't get away with anything and maybe put his energy into being less of an a-hole. Jeezus H., I'm sick of hearing about this guy.

  23. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Cancan, thank you for your comment. I, too, have a handicapped placard but no visible handicap. I've had some people even try to question why I have the placard, as if my body is any of their business! Handicapped placards can be given to people with heart problems, foot issues, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, and a bunch of other serious medical problems. So don't just assume that because someone looks healthy, they are.

  24. Agreed with Texshan and Cancan. My aunt has Lupus and problems with her legs from lifelong battle with diabetes and some days are better than others. Some days every step she takes is filled with excruciating pain and she can barely move. People are constantly confronting her about her use of the HP spaces, though, because she looks like a healthy woman. It makes me really angry and I dont think anyone has the right to question or harrass someone about their perceived health, regardless of "good intentions". I agree that some people do take advantage of the placards, but I always give people the benefit of the doubt with my auntie in mind.

  25. Nunaurbiz, me too. Some young douchey girl was going maybe 50 in a parking lot, and screeched into one of those spaces. She then sauntered out of the car and gave anyone who was staring at her dirty looks. You knew that wasn't her car. Douchebag.

    As for Chris Brown, what makes me crazy is the dopey young girl fans who defend him and are the reason he still has a career. Christmas on a cracker, stop buying his albums! After the money dries up he can't pull shit like this any more...

  26. My father; before his death; walked with a pronounced limp from a job injury. I asked him to get a handicapped status for his own sake. So he would have better access to places and not be in pain.

    My father; a veteran of two wars; said:" While I can still walk, I will not get one. There are sick people and veterans who put themselves on the line for those spots. They deserve them more."

    Chris B. is an enormous douchebag. I hope to someday see Karma kick his ass.

  27. Well, maybe he is just morally disabled.

  28. Sylvia said:
    "I really hate it when I see people parking in a HC section even though they have the sticker but are not handicapped at all."

    Sometimes you dont know whats going on with the person, it might not be visable right away. My dad has a HC sticker and walks without a limp BUT his back is technically broken and he cant walk for barely more than the length of the grocery shopping trip before is in a lot of pain, and Im talking disc/nerve pain. I have seen people give him dirty looks for parking in HC lots and I just wanted to inform you that its not always oldies and people walking with limps that need those spots.

  29. I just wanted to clarify that I don't assume everyone without an obvious physical disability was abusing the system. I'm referring to people I know for a fact HAVE obtained a tag somehow and abuse it. As in taking the tag from a family member who IS handicapped for example.

    Also, my dad has a handicap tag himself b/c he can barely I get it. :)

  30. Remember the Seinfeld ep about this topic? Makes me chortle every time

  31. Yes, Kerri, someone needs to give his car the Seinfeld treatment.

  32. There's this crazy thing he should a house. I know it's a wild idea.
