Thursday, July 28, 2011

Talk Show Hosts Who Chase Criminals For $1000

Apparently the security at the Marriott in downtown San Francisco sucks. I say this because at 2:30 a.m., yesterday, Alex Trebek woke up while a woman was in his room stealing stuff. He shouted at her and when she fled, Alex fled right after her. Now, here is where I guess we learn that Alex is probably not a guy who is sleeping naked. If he was, there would probably be no chase, because you would have to have a conversation with yourself about whether you should chase someone naked, or if you have time to throw on a robe and what happens if you do not catch the burglar and you are in the hallways naked and someone sees you and takes a photo and it ends up on the internet and your career as a game show host ends because people think you are some perv walking down hotel hallways in the middle of the night looking through peepholes or hoping someone will want to spend some time with your 71 year old self.

But, Alex must be a pj kind of guy and he took off after the burglar when at some point his Achilles tendon snapped. Yeah, that is painful. Alex did tell security and they caught the woman in the hotel but she had already disposed of Alex's cash and some jewelry. How? It must be in there somewhere.


  1. I'll take Badass Canadians Who Are Not The Ones to Fuck With for 2000, Alex!

    This just made my massive crush on him expand by two thousand percent.

  2. That's a woman? She looks like Ron Wood or some other drugged out old man rockstar.

  3. Lol Ida. I don't know why this is so funny but it is. Imagine going up to your room and seeing Alex Trebek running down the hall in his pajamas chasing a woman and screaming at her.

  4. Is anyone else curious how she got into his hotel room?

  5. He's a game show host, not talk show host. That being said, I'm with you Ida, knowing he's smart AND a badass makes my crush even stronger :)

  6. Apparently in one interview he said he had to put on his underwear, so... yeah.

  7. lol Ida! You totally stole what I was going to write!!

    You rock, Alex.

  8. Alex Trebek? Whoda thunk it?
    She does look like a man.
    I heard she dumped the money and bracelet by an ice machine.

  9. surely he was at the Marriot Marquis - not exactly low-rent. Can't say that I've seen alot of security there, but even so... how does one get in your room? Was she a hotel employee caught stealing or did he forget to close the door all the way?

  10. Here's the interview where he references putting on his underpants:

    Scroll down to the video clip.

  11. Seems like a good time to post a Connery vs. Trebek video :)

  12. add me to the list of people who crush on Alex. I got to shake hands with him at a taping of Jeopardy (my friend was playing...and won a show!). I was completely at a loss for words around him. I think I mumbled something but am not entirely sure. lol

  13. I LOVE Jeopardy but Alex sometimes comes across as an ass on the show, so me imagining him running down the hall in his PJ's is rather hysterical. I will have to forward this to my Dad who also adores this show.

  14. I guess he did not throw the doorbar that keeps anyone from coming in when you are in. That would have prevented the whole damn thing. Maybe not so smart after all.

  15. The police recovered the stolen item - they were tossed into an ice machine in the hallway?

    This woman probably tries every door in the hotel hoping for an unlocked door. It reminds me of people on the sidewalk who walk really close to parked cars so that they can scan the cars and then comeback in a few minute to smash-and-grab.

  16. It's easy to appear smart when you have the answers on an index card. Or a teleprompter.

    Just sayin'.

  17. I'm joining the parade of Trebek appreciators, I've loved him for years!
