Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This Has To Be Fake Right?

I feel like this must be special glass, because there is no way this guy is getting up from this if it is real glass and it seems like it breaks way too easily.

EMBED-Guy Crashes Through Glass Window - Watch more free videos


  1. I am not buying it. He would be really hurt.

  2. Unless it's safety glass that shatters if you happen to hit it in the right way. I work for a plumbing company and I was moving a shower door a few years ago and when I put it back down it shattered and I was left holding the metal and there was glass everywhere.

  3. Once I was at the mall and as I walked by a window it shattered into a million pieces all on it's own. I'm guessing it could break with very little force.
    And as for him not being cut up, sometimes thicker glass doesn't seem so sharp on the edges when it breaks.

  4. Looks like the real deal to me!

  5. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Wonder if he is going to sue??

  6. Why didn't he just go out the open door that was right in front of him?
