Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Weston Cage Is Losing It

The past two days have been busy ones for Weston Cage. Today he says that his wife his pregnant, that he wants a divorce and that she is going to kill their baby. This comes on the heels of yesterday's missive which is below. If you ever had any doubts about whether Weston Cage is the son of Nicolas Cage, this Facebook rant should probably put all those doubts at ease. You might not have seen it but Weston and his new wife Nikki were both arrested for felony domestic violence. Nikki went after Weston with a broken bottle and Weston did something but the police won't say. The couple just got out of rehab together which apparently did not take. Weston managed to easily bail himself out but left his wife in the pokey for now. Here is his letter to Nikki for when she gets out of jail. This guy needs help. Oh, and to stop playing video games and that Larp is not really real.

"This message goes to Family, Friends and Nikki's loved ones especially... i also made this for Nikki to read when I bail her out of the [expletive] hole we got ourselves into. I PROMISE THAT I SHALL NOT REST UNTIL SHE IS OUT. I would even lie and say that I am a murderous wretch to get her out. i would do time in her honor even though i tried to save her life from her rage. I love you all and i love you Nikki.

I don't know if being your husband is in the stars anymore for me. I have to think about it and really focus. I don't contain the ability that certain men do, the ability to abuse elders, women and children. I have three witnesses and video recording of me being calm.

I won't stop for my soulpartner. I will even move to South Africa and gladly die fighting for her safety. I will take bullets if my death means her life. She cant lose me but she can lose my heart. Perhaps a heartless man who silently stands at 6'5" with boots on and walks around at 225 pounds is what she Needs. I will drop my career and be her bodyguard and melt my ring into a bullet for the enemy.

My heart is shattered but the stamina of my love for Nikki can't be exhausted as always. I know who her friends are and who they aren't. DAVE FROM RONI'S DINER. YOU ARE GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FAT [expletive] i know what you did to my wife and i know what said u were going to do to my biological mother.


DAVE PLEASE CONTACT ME AND SIGN A CONTRACT SO WE CAN ENTER THE RING. BY THE HONOR I HAVE FOR MY WIFE!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!! WILL!!!!!!!!!!!NEVER!!!!!!!!!! WALK!!!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can see why he was trained in martial arts, he must've gotten the crap beat out of him on a regular basis in school.

  3. What's this Christina Fulton business?

    Not very smart threatening someone on FB. Just sayin'.

  4. Just a tip for those of you on fb: Weston has an account under his name and his wall is set to public. It's pretty entertaining.

  5. This is just sad. I don't find poking fun at mentally disturbed people to be amusing.

  6. Nic must be so proud. *sigh*

  7. ok I couldn't resist yesterday and looked at his and Nikki's FB wall, oh em gee he is insane and thinks he really is Thor and is going to bail Nikki out, loves her, hates her, divorce her, will die for her and/or kill for her.

    Nikki's mother said on Nikkis FB page that her manager posted her bail (not weston) and the reason she is still in custody is becuase it is an immigration issue (Nikke was born in South Africa).

    And he posted 150 pictures of himself in various poses. For her sake I hope they do divorce he is not mentally well at all.

  8. @RQ Christina Fulton is his mother who at first blamed all his problems on refused to see her at the hospital. But now he loves her again. Nice guy that Weston.

    The crazy apple doesn't fall far from the crazy pappa tree.

  9. This is sad and I hope no one gives him a platform via interviewing him (ala TMZ - who I majorly disliked for doing that)

    He needs help.
    And I can only pray he does not hurt anybody before he gets it.

  10. On today's rant he says she took a "Pregnant-c" test. Not sure if that is some cool way of saying pregnancy, or if he really thinks there is a "C" test to determine if you are pregnant.

  11. Thanks timebob!

    The "BY THE HONOR I HAVE FOR MY WIFE..!" cracked me up. It's straight out of the language playbook Nic Cage used when he was arrested for that drunken brawl a couple of months back. "I WILL DIE FOR HONOR!" Relax, Cage boys. Relax.

  12. Oh wow. I just checked the pages, too, and Timebob is absolutely right.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The 150 pictures are a riot (a sad, really weird riot)

    If you go through quickly it's like browsing a cross-dressing metal flip show.

  15. WTF is right. He needs Charlie Sheen to school him on "Winning". Unfortunately, Charlie looks positvely sane compared to this crap. Let's hope he lets Christina (His Mom) get close enough to get him away from Nic and line up a team of doctors. He needs them. Wow. : (

  16. Those pictures are fucked. He comes across as a spoiled, self-absorbed, emo.

  17. LMAO, Kimmiepie1! Your comment made me snort my coffee. I noticed and wondered the same thing.

    RQ: It's hard to take him seriously once you see what he puts on his page, doesn't it?

    Don't get me wrong, it's obvious the guy has some problems and definitely needs help. I just think that there are other factors in the equation, i.e., a spoiled and self-entitled nature, youthful stupidity and love of drama, cheesy black-metal culture, etc.

  18. W O W. By the power of Gray Scull, Dave from Roni's Diner is going DOWN.

    I hope that he and his soul partner both go back into rehab and get the help they need.

  19. Weston Cage and Charlie Sheen must have the same crack dealer. That's some lethal stuff.

  20. Oh man. Checked out the FB page and it is so sad. I hope someone close to him can help fast. Drugs can make people appear mentally ill too, but I'd say that bipolar diagnosis he thinks is wrong was spot on. What a shame; the right medication could be helping him with all of this drama.

  21. TMZ is probably chumming these waters with great glee.

  22. Holy cow! Just went on his FB page. That boy needs help. I'm not sure if he's under the influence of drugs or that his mental health is compromised, but he seems very unstable.

    He strikes me as your typical 'trust fund' child with no real goals or aspirations, who lays about all day. A job and a sense of responsibility would probably do him wonders. Come to think of it, this crazy idea could also help others like the Lohans, Kardashians, Gummy and Greasybear, etc. But alas, if they all got their acts together, who would we mock?

  23. Sorka8, your comment just reminded me of something else I saw on his page: Not only did he "Like" tmz, he also wrote on their wall "Message me for the truth and photos." TMZ is totally chumming the waters, and Weston is jumping in with both feet and with both eyes open.
    Make no mistake, peeps, he knows what he's doing and he loves the attention. Which doesn't mean he doesn't have real problems, I just don't think that fact should be ignored. He's on track to becoming Britney circa 2008, when she went out every day getting photographed in a pink wig at Starbucks franchises and gas stations.

  24. OK, maybe I overstated that a little, but there are some similarities with the penchant for public meltdowns.

  25. I like "soulpartner"! I'm going to call my hubby that tonight. Much better than "soulmate."

  26. C'mon guys, Nic is too busy promoting Ghost Rider 2 to care about his kid. Priorities.
