Friday, July 08, 2011

What Do You Think?

Last night at a Texas Rangers baseball game, a father reached over a railing to try and catch a ball that was tossed into the stands, leaned too far and fell 20 feet to his death. Prior to being carted out of the field by ambulance personnel, he kept making sure they took care of his son who was alone in the stands. Can you imagine? The story is so incredibly sad and that the guy is so concerned about his son makes this even more heart wrenching. I understand why everyone is reporting on the story today, what I don't understand is why sites and news outlets insist on showing either the video or the photos from when the man is falling to his death. Why? I do not want to see a man about to die. I do not want to see his son standing next to him knowing this is the last time he will see his dad. Are we that f**king morbid that we have to see the guy die in front of us? What do you think? Have you seen the photos today or the video? Do you think it is ok to show it? Maybe I am just being sensitive about it.


  1. Terrible, a waste of a life, and that poor child..

  2. Yes you ARE being sensitive about it and it's too damn bad the people in the rest of the media aren't like YOU!!

  3. Agreed Enty. I know it's a lot to ask for but it would be nice to see the media show some decency. I am so sorry for his family and most especially for his son.

  4. This is the first I've heard of the story, and I would NEVER want to watch that. It's disgusting and I can't believe people would choose to. I can't stand it when a newscaster says "This might be graphic for some of our viewers..." I barely have enough time to flee the room.

    There is just so much violence nowadays, I don't need to be reminded of it constantly.

  5. Head injuries are tricky. The guy was talking after the fall and then he's dead. It has to be terrible for his family to have video of his last moments played over and over.

  6. Enty, I totally agree. It's just unnecessary.

    It's revolting how even mainstream, reputable news outlets now routinely show ultra-graphic photos to accompany shocking news stories. If the journalist is a skilled enough writer, the words should efficiently convey the tragedy of an event. Whatever happened to just using your imagination?

    I think that 9/11 sort of ushered in a new era of just showing EVERYTHING. I remember being horrified at the footage of people throwing themselves out of those burning buildings -- and I *know* how that particular event was extraordinary in the scope of its horror, but it's now as if the media feels free to just shock the hell out of us whenever they want.

    I partly blame the recent glut of ultra-violent video games, movies, and popular T.V. shows, too. The human race is becoming more and more desensitized. It terrifies me.

  7. Basically what Ida said.

    Sadly, we ARE that fucking morbid now. There was a huge market for those pictures of Michael Jackson's body being taken from his home. I call it the Reality TV effect. Nothing's shocking anymore. Sad.

  8. How old was the son?

    I have no desire to watch the video and I am having a hard time just reading about it. So that's how I feel about it.

  9. nataliesingerart you are so right!

  10. Would not watch this!

  11. Yes, people are that morbid. No, it is not OK. That poor kid.

  12. This is one of most sad stories I've ever heard.... Father just taking his boy to a ballgame. I can't even imagine. Can you begin to fathom the blame Josh Hamilton has right now as well?? Just so devastating.

  13. Yes, we are that morbid. 70% of people in America would stand in line right now to see Casey Anthony drawn and quartered. (These, of course, are the same people who picket outside of Planned Parenthood facilities because abortion is murder but capitol punishment isn't...)

    Unfortunately, we live in a digital age. We want to see anything and everything on video no matter how disgusting, embarrassing or morbid it is.

    I'm a Texas Rangers fan, who lives in Dallas. I'm saddened by this death because it's a sad situation. I have yet to see the video because I haven't purposefully tracked it down. However, if I were to see it, I would probably watch it.

  14. No, it's not okay to show the fall. Anyone who wants to see that poor man fall to his death needs to address some issues in their own life. It's time the media realize that just because they CAN show something doesn't mean that they SHOULD show it.

  15. I don't ever want to see a human being take their last breath. I've seen it 3 times. IT IS HORRIBLE. We are so far beyond respect for civiliation that we have re-entered the Barbaric phase of Society.

  16. I read about it but would not want to see pics or video. It's very sad. Apparently the second time at that park. Poor kid, talk about bad memories.

  17. Anonymous10:54 AM

    What is this world coming to! No one should want to see this kind of video. This child will never forget this day for as long as he lives and if it weren't for reality TV we wouldn't even consider playing something like this over and over.

    So sad for the family.

  18. I read an article on it just a short while ago. Very, very sad. There was the video available on the web page (fortunately screen shot was benign) but I could not and will not watch it.

    At least the website I was at specifically gave a warning below the video that it 'may be disturbing' or is 'graphic' (something to that extent).

  19. I thought the same about that bobsleigh sportsman, who crashed into the column this year on Olympic Games in Canada. It was everywhere in the news and I felt bad for the family having to see this over and over again on TV. I just think viewers would be OK with some still shots of the moment and the rest is up to their imagination.

  20. I completely agree that there is no need to see the video of him falling. I really don't understand people's need to see everything these days. I think out of respect for him and his family, they should not show it. This is such a sad story!!!!

  21. It's the first time, I read about this story here. I don't want to see any pics or videos about this accident. I hope, noone will show them to me.

    Sad story, indeed...

  22. I read about it, and refused to watch any video. I think its sick that the news would play a man about to die.

  23. I live in Ft Worth. Saw a glimpse of it on the news last night but did not realize the guy had died until this morning (skipped the news & watched Conan). Turned on the tv this am and this was the 1st story they reported on. I did find that morbid. And, of course, it's on the front page (picture of the guy falling). So wrong. I read the article & the son is thought to be between 6 and 8 yrs old. His poor family.

    I also feel bad for Josh Hamilton, who threw the ball into the stands. I would guess he's pretty torn up over this. Can you imagine throwing a ball to make fans happy and this happening?

  24. Really, watching someone's death is a kind of snuff film and there used to be debates in newsrooms over whether to print certain still photos, nevermind video. There are no media ethcis or debates over ethics anymore. These things are posted purely to drive audience numbers.

  25. This story is way too close to home for me. I lost my dad after a fall, but it was work related. I wasn't much older than that kid. Fortunately, I was at home and didn't have to witness it like him. Needless to say, I wouldn't watch that video. I feel bad for the ball player too who tossed the foul ball to that man after he asked for it. Can you imagine his guilt?

  26. When you are a young child like that boy, you can't imagine something bad like that happening to you. You think that everything will be OK. After something like this, you learn really fast that accidents don't just happen to other people/families. They can happen to you too. Very sad.

  27. I have not seen the photo or video and don't want to. But I understand that many do want to see such stuff. That's why there are so many lookie-loos when there's a traffic accident. They want to see a body with a sheet over it or paramedics working on an injured person. I don't understand it, but I recognize it. Remember those death movies that showed people dead?

  28. the poor kid, the poor family. the first weeks/months are nightmarish after such a loss. .. .. and that video will always be available to remind them, should they find any peace.

  29. My teenaged daughter watched me fall off of my second floor balcony last summer (I was handing something down to my husband and the railing broke). I landed on my back and broke most of my vertebrae and ribs, but survived and can walk. My daughter STILL isn't over it! If someone brings it up she either cries, leaves the room or changes the subject! My heart breaks for the son!

  30. I have seen the video as I live in the DFW Area. We are all very upset by what happened and cannot extend our sympathies enough to this 39 yr old firefighter's family. His son watching it all, the guy next to him who tried to grab him. All are hurting. Players on both sides were crying, it is awful beyond words. And our heart breaks for Josh as well. He is very upset and we are all very concerned he could have a relapse because of it. It could do him in as well. This is the second time this has happened at the stadium, the other guy survived, but had extremely serious injuries. Something needs to be done, this should have never happened.

  31. I was horrified this morning when I saw they were showing the video on the TODAY show. I immediately looked away and changed the channel. I thought they were just reporting the story. They should have at least given a warning first if they decided to be jerks and show the video.

  32. @Tillie - That's horrible! :( I'm glad you are ok though.

    This is so horrifically sad. Apparently the mother has asked the media to stop showing the video out of respect for her son. I haven't heard about this story until now but I do not think it's appropriate to be airing it. I don't understand the fascination with watching something like this??

  33. I live in Houston, so when something newsworthy happens anywhere in Texas, you better believe our stations are going to cover it. Because it's generally depressing, I just stick to getting my news online so that I can pick & choose what I read & see. I heard about this happening & had intentionally avoided watching the news in case they played the video.

    After reading this post & everyone's comments I went to ask my dad (who watches our ABC station, channel 13 KTRK) if they had actually been playing the video. The second I walked into the room, I saw the news was on & ironically this is the story that was on. I had started asking the question while walking into the room & just froze. Thankfully the station didn't show the entire fall. Unfortunately, they did show him trying to catch the ball & going over the rail-still more than I wanted to see.

    I feel terrible for the man's son & family, as well as the person trying to keep the man from going over. Josh Hamilton also has my sympathies, and I am very thankful that he's become as religious as he has after fighting (& continuing to fight) his battles with addiction. I'm sure it's the only way he'll get through this. I can't imagine what he's feeling right now.

  34. I THANK YOU for not posting the picture or video. Incredibly sad story.

  35. This is first I've heard about this also and I refuse to watch it. Is nothing sacred anymore?

  36. I read that the spouse / mother has requested the video/pictures not be shown. Some sites have removed them. Lets hope they all will.

  37. I won't watch it. There is only so much tragedy I can take in one week.

  38. Oh good lord, hadn't heard about this, and no, I wouldn't watch the video. Our media is just trying to feed the hunger that's already out there, and this is where it's been headed. We don't want to see it, but apparently a lot of people gorge on things no one should ever see (like sex tapes, for starters). It's sick, really. Back to the family - how incredibly sad. :(

  39. I clicked on the video before I knew what it was showing, and I'm afraid the image will haunt me forever.

  40. I was glad when the local news I watched didn't show it. They only showed the area where he was at, and then some people from a distance in a corridor.
    Some people are so addicted to getting a new shock that sometimes they don't connect the video with the real grieving human beings experiencing the tragedy.
    This isn't a new phenomenon, though. Does anyone else remember the Faces of Death series of videos from the 90s? Creepy, sick stuff.

  41. They aired the fall on GMA this morning, and I started bawling my eyes out immediately. It seems like they just showed still shots as the day went on. I feel so bad for the family and boy and the players, especially the player who tossed the ball up. So sad.

  42. I haven't seen the footage, just read and heard about the story. It's incredibly sad and an unfortunate accident.

    I think that human beings will always have an inherent inability to look away from such things- especially when they are so readily available via the internet.

    I don't think that makes us evil or malevolent. It just makes us human in some inexplicable way and none of us- no matter how many psychological studies are done- may ever know the reason why...

  43. I swear we (in general) have become barbaric...sad story, do I really need to see the video???!!!!!!!

  44. i wish more of the media was like you enty. it's called respect and decency and sadly, mainstream media is so morally bankrupt these days, showing a man about to die in front of their kid is fair game nowadays.

    i heard about it earlier- my grandma was explaining it to me right as the news was showing it. had to turn away. i can't stand that they air it and i feel terrible, not just for his poor son and family, but for the player who's head this is going to mess with for the rest of his career.

    tragic all the way around. :(

  45. This is so terrible. That poor little boy will never get over it. There is no need to keep showing it over and over. It's just going to torment his already devastated family. I didn't watch it and have no desire to. I wish everyone would respect his wife's wishes and just stop it.

  46. just to set the record straight, the video shows the man falling over the railing, NOT HITTING THE GROUND. the whole thing is terribly sad and everything everyone else has said, but it isn't grisly.
