Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Beyonce Breaks Tweet Record

Not only did Beyonce showing her baby bump on the red carpet get a record number of viewers to watch the VMA's this year, but during her performance on the show, a Twitter record was set. An average of 8,868 Tweets a second were being sent during her performance which beat the previous record by almost a 1,000. Second place was during the Women's World Cup soccer final. Here are my thoughts on this. Are that many people excited that Beyonce is pregnant that they have to share their excitement with the rest of the world that second? She is going to be pregnant for awhile, you can stretch out those Tweets over the next few months. Although I watched the Women's World Cup Final and Beyonce, I did not Tweet. I wonder if women are more active Tweeters. I wonder what the breakdown of Twitter is between the sexes. To me, the fact that the two most Twittered events revolved around women makes me think that women are much more likely to Tweet, which would also explain the Beyonce record. I doubt the average guy was sitting on his couch watching the VMA's and when he saw Beyonce put down his beer and said, "Damn, I better let the guys know at work that Beyonce is pregnant."


  1. I can't believe how big she is for someone due in February

  2. The bigger question to me is why Beyonce, with all her million$, cannot get better hair/wig than those bronzed out I-swam-in-the-pool-after-getting-the-red-hair-dye stiff hairdos she keeps showing up in.

  3. MISCH - I didn't know she had announced her due date yet?

  4. Cathy, I saw it somewhere online...wish I could remember..

  5. Word on the street is that she is due in February I believe, making her about 4 months along.

    I thought the bump looked a little big for 4 months, but then again I never showed until I was closer to 5 1/2 - 6 months, so I'm basing that on my own experiences.

  6. Who cares? Yet another woman on planet Earth is pregnant. Wheeeeeeeee. The ONLY reason why people are so worked up is because Beyonce is now somehow more "relatable" to roughly half the population. Stars! They reproduce! They're Just Like Us! Except they're STILL absolutely, totally not. Beyonce's favorite weave still costs more than your first born's college education.

    Regardless, I hope she has a boy, because a girl with Bey's body and Jay's face would be TRAGIC.

    Also, Enty, while I'm at it, may I please request a Kardashian-free Wednesday? The daily bashing is getting old, tiresome, and irritatingly repetitive. It seems as if you're running out of shit to whine about, honestly. This is me imploring you to please pick a new target.

  7. I showed almost immediately and yes, I am a "Bigmama" LOL But some people show quickly. It usually is because they have previously conceived, however. imo

  8. "Damn, I better let the guys know at work that Beyonce is pregnant."


    Personally, I think she looks just right for 4 months.

  9. I bet she is further along than they are letting on. But, every body is different.

  10. Yeah, yeah...she'll be the NEXT only-female-human-to-ever-bear-a-child foisted upon us in the friggin' media.

    Seriously, I give a shit that she was able to procreate?

    (not directed at you, Enty)

  11. blah blah blah
    Beyonce is pregnant
    blah blah blah.

    Congrats and I wish you a healthy pregnancy and baby, but I've already heard enough. Ida nailed it.

    I had to pull out the maternity clothes at 4 months. She looks about right to me.

  12. You ask, you get. Some Twitter demographics (courtesy of
    - 55% female; 45% male
    - 45% of users are ages 18-34; 24% 35-49
    - 16% are african american - this indexes 184 against the internet average!! There's your #1 reason why Beyonce is so big on twitter

    Now take quantcast with a grain of salt, but it *does* usually point you to kernels of truth.

    I'm not at all surprised that Beyonce is showing so much already. She has a zaftig body naturally. I always get the feeling she is one bite of food away from bursting out of her clothes.

  13. I think you're giving her a hell of lot more credit than she deserves. Unless she TOLD people she was going to make an announcement during the pre-show, why would they tune in to watch her make a surprise announcement?

    As for the record tweets during her performance, you may want to view the show and see what happened directly before she came on stage -- Britney Spears was screwed out of an acceptance speech for a once in a lifetime award (not a big fan, but dammit let the girl say a few words) and was forced to introduce Beyonce instead. I know the people I was hearing from were pissed about it. With Beyonce's album sales tanking, I can't imagine too many people gave a big rat's behind about her pregnancy or her weird performance.

  14. I knew if we had the statistics there would only be a slight edge for one gender (most likely women) over the other in terms of which gender uses twitter more.

    Nice one, Atlchica.

  15. @Cindy, I didn't watch and didn't realize she didn't give an acceptance speech. I was aware she introduced Beyonce though.

    Well Brit, I suggest you join with Adam Levine and say FU to MTV. What a screw job!

  16. "Who cares? Yet another woman on planet Earth is pregnant. Wheeeeeeeee." LOL. Oh, Ida Blankenship, I heart you. I am female but not fascinated by reproduction or babies, so I don't really care about her pregnancy. What I want to know is, why is she wearing such ridiculously high-waisted pants? Her outfit is hideous.

  17. Beyonce seems like a nice person, but I can't believe how this pregnancy is being hyped. Monday night on the NBC Nightly News with Brian Wilson, he did a story about her pregnancy that lasted 2-3 minutes! Really? The economy is in the tank, warships from Iran & Israel are getting into place near Gaza, Vermont, NJ and other states are flooded beyond belief and you devoted 2-3 minutes to Beyonce? People are out of their minds!

  18. Well where does Ashton fit in? Has his tweeting went down now that he has an actual job?

    I just can't get into Beyonce. I thought she treated her Destiny's Child band mates badly and is only happy when she is the center of everyones attention.

  19. i'm happy for her and all that good stuff...but i won't first thought after the announcement was how much wider her already ample hips are going to get. #shallow #hangsheadinshame

  20. I'm a guy and I didn't tweet, email or tell someone that Beyo was pregnant. Really don't care.

  21. I didn't Tweet about it (mostly because my Twitter is broken)...I also don't find it all that fascinating that someone is pregnant per se, but the whole thing DID have a certain entertainment value *L*. Sure, there are more important things to care about but can't we throw a little bit of light hearted fun in there too?

    And Ida - I think any girl would be effin lucky to inherit Beyonce's body! :)

  22. I have that song stuck in my head..."Where'd you get that body from? I got it from my mama! I got it from my mama!".

  23. If I may, I'm actually pregnant right now and due in February as well. I'm about her size, so that looks right to me. Mah pants no longer fit! Wish I had her budget for new clothes, that's fo sho.

  24. I heard about the pregnancy on Facebook. And it was men whose status updates joked about Beyonce calling them to let them know they're going to be dads. Same joke from three men.

  25. Congratulations RocketQueen!

  26. @Maja -- Oh, man. PLEASE don't get me wrong: I think Beyonce has one of the most bangin' bodies out there. And her face? Absolutely exquisite. No question.

    But we ALL know that Jay-Z looks like a turtle, and a turtle's face atop that Knowles hourglass figure would just be an aesthetic waste, IMO.

    Therefore, I hope it's a boy.

  27. *LOL* Well, I can only agree with you there! :)

  28. I don't have a twitter, but when she was on the red carpet & showed her bump I was like, "Beyonce is pregnant!" Both she & Jay Z seem excited & happy about the pregnancy, so I think it's great that a child is being born to two excited & together parents.
    (SN: Not that a Mom or Dad can't do it on they're own. My S.O. is an athlete and there are way too many women having babies to "trap" men or get child support for 18 years. Both parties are to blame for that-wrap it up if you don't want kids fellas-but these are children, not a monthly check or free ride.)

    Congratulations RocketQueen! Hopefully your baby is a Pisces, we're the best :)

  29. @Ida if you think Jay Z looks like a turtle, google image "joe camel jay z", it's pretty hilarious & rather uncanny

  30. @RQ-Congrats! May you both be safe and healthy.

    As for Beyonce,I think the whole thing was a set up to once again "Steal the Show". I am just suprised Kayne did not jump up with Brit-Brit steal her achievement award and give it to the future baby.

  31. "Beyonce's favorite weave still costs more than your first born's college education."

    ^^^LOL Ida.
    Put solidly into perspective as only you could do.
    You just made me simultaneously eye roll and smile at the same time, hahahah :)))

  32. I love the Twitter, but I would not have tweeted, retweeted or any of the like about Beyonce being pregnant.
    I already feel like a loser as it is when I reply to ANYTHING a celebrity might say.

  33. Congratulations, RQ. That's pretty exciting news.
