Thursday, August 11, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

After walking her dog last week, this C list, (on her way to B list) actress (film and television) stopped by a park and let her dog run free. When her dog bit a young kid at the park, this actress allegedly gave the parents of the child a nice lecture on how they should control their child. She wouldn’t let them speak about their child’s injuries and threatened to sue the family because their kid harassed her dog. The parents stood bewildered as they held their crying child while the actress grabbed her dog and left.


  1. I'd say January Jones...but "I" don't think she would be considered on her way up.

  2. That's nice behaviour from the actress.

  3. As a dog owner, there's a part of me that's wondering if the kid was doing something obnoxious, like pulling the dogs ears or tail.

  4. Enty, as much as i love you, I'm going to have to take the dissenting opinion on this one. (I agree with you more than 99% of the time, however!). I have seen parents let their kids get away with absolutely abhorrent behavior. It's entirely possible that the kid was harassing her dog and the dog bit as a last resort. Of course, depending on who the blind is about, the dog probably isn't the only bitch in the story. )

  5. IF the child was pulling, hitting the dog- it had every right to bite. However, it sounds like the whole situation could have been handled better.

  6. Amanda Siefreid? Always shown with her dog and has been in a lot of things lately.

  7. If dogs aren't allowed off-leash in that park, she and the dog lose any legal battle, and that's the end of it. This is coming from a dog-lover. It's up to us pet owners to keep our dogs safe, and if we have them off-leash illegally, we suffer the consequences. If the kid had been REALLY hurt, her dog could be euthanized in some jurisdictions. That's on the stupid actress. If this happened in a dog park, children should NOT be there, and then it's on the stupid parents.

    You can be assured I don't put my dogs' welfare in jeopardy. They are only off-leash in the yard and in LEGAL dog parks and dog beaches.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I know this isn't Kelly Bensimon, but it reminds me how of how on RHONY this season, when someone is upset, Kelly starts her shushing thinking it shows how concerned she is but all she's doing is soothing herself!

  10. Considering how she can't keep her mouth shut these days, this makes me think of Mila Kunis.
    Keep in mind TV and film.

  11. Letting your dog off-leash in a public park where there are children is just wrong. You have to keep your dog under control for others' safety, and for the dog's safety. I own two dogs, and I wouldn't put them at risk like that.

  12. Nor would I put myself at risk for a lawsuit.

  13. Dogs are not allowed off-leash in any park in NYC - except is specially designated "dog runs." If it's in NYC the parents have every right to sue and the actress every right to Shut the Front Door!

  14. As a dog owner who often lets my dog off leash in public areas, I agree the onus is on the owner. I've got a German Shepherd (a SWEET boy!) who is great at voice command, and I would never let him off leash at a park where children are around. Not because he would do a thing, but because there are many who are afraid of dogs. We go to areas where other dog owners go, or on trails, ie where it's not populated. Even then if a person is near I call out He's friendly! - and keep him by my side until I get a response. He will only approach if I tell him OK! Whoever this is should be reported - she gives responsible dog owners a bad name.

  15. Absolutely Amanda Seyfried.
    She's tv and movies- and is the middle of filming a hit thats going to be make her B list for sure.

    I like her though, I'm sure theres another side to this story...

  16. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I'm with Smoke and Mirrors and Snarky -- you shouldn't let your dog off-leash anywhere but in designated areas. Doing so can be dangerous to the dog and leave you open for all kinds of trouble. However, I am willing to bet that little brat was harassing the dog. Kids notoriously don't know how to deal with dogs, and can annoy them either through ignorance or snottiness really easily. I have a chiweenie and a pom, and I never let them off leash in public except at the bark park. I'm not worried about them attacking anyone, but I know that the chiweenie hates kids and will growl and snap at any munchkin who tries to pet her. That's just being a responsible doggy mommy.

  17. As a dog lover, I hate it when stupid dog owners don't respect the law and cause their dogs mistreatment, even death. I hope for the actress's sake that we are speaking of a dog park.

    Could it be Amanda Seyfried?

  18. PLEASE reveal this big guy!

  19. Anonymous12:41 PM

    January Jones FTW. You should never let your dog off of the leash in a public park - to many unpredictable moments.

  20. I personally hate to see people let their dogs off leashes in areas they are not supposed to. Every dog is a wild animal, just because they are good around the owner does not mean they are good around strangers. The child should not have had the opportunity to harass the animal, as the animal should have been on the lead. I am a dog lover, but if I owned a dog, I would be responsible. Too many attacks are happening because people seem to think their dog has more rights than humans. How many times have people been hurt because an owner truly believed their dog wouldn't attack anybody.

  21. msgirl, as someone who is not fond of dogs, I liked reading your post. A lot of people will gladly let their dogs run after and jump up on people, excusing it by saying "oh, he's just SAYING HI".

  22. My brother had a lot of company over one day, and had his dog leashed in the back yard. He and his wife kept telling the visitors to keep their kids out of the back yard and away from the dog, because the dog, being leashed, could not get away from the kids. A couple of kids kept harassing the dog, and it finally had enough and bit one of the kids on the face. The parents were inside eating and drinking and had left their kids unsupervised. They
    sued my brother over the dog bite.

    The worst part? The reason all these people were at the house was because they'd just come from the funeral for my brother's two year old daughter. So on the day he buried her, he also got told he was gonna be sued by a negligent couple of parents who refused to control their kids.

  23. California has strict liability for dog bites. It doesnt matter on or off leash or even what the kid did. The dog (owner) is absolutely at fault. They should have called the police. Although TMZ probably pays more...

  24. Little Miss Smoke & Mirrors and ex.iwp.nap are absolutely right.

    I hope they sue the celebrity!

  25. I don't know about CA law, but here, anyone bitten is required to turn in the name of the dog owner to the County Health Dept, who then tests the dog for rabies. The dog owner is always, always responsible for any bites or injuries to anyone else if it was off of a leash and in a public area.

  26. I agree with Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors. I have kids and dogs and am a big dog lover, but if a dog bites a kid - BIG PROBLEM, period. Especially if the dog was off their leash.

  27. Umm to be different... Blake Lively? I think Amanda is probably at least B list and I like her, she's had some nice blinds on here about her as well so I hope she wouldn't shout at the kid.

    Blake Livelys dog is so cute and tiny though

  28. Squeezebox, your story makes me sick. What horrible, awful friends your brother had...they should be ashamed of themselves.

    Bummed we won't see a reveal on this since it isn't one of Enty's blinds. The only way I'd side with the actress is if the dog was in a designated off leash area. If not, the parents should definitely sue. Even if the kid was harassing the dog, she should only let it run free in off leash areas.

  29. @Squeezebox - That's horrible! Agree w/ Miss X.

    I'm gonna need more details on this. If the kid was harassing the dog, well I' probably gonna side w/ the dog.

  30. She needs to have a talk with her lawyer -- and she'd better hope one of the parents wasn't fondling the record button on their phone while she was blithely admitting her dog bit the kid. The burden of protection is on the dog's owner. What state/jurisdiction did this happen in?
