Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dancing With The Stars Is Going To Be Awful

Am I the only person who read a couple of months ago that Dancing With The Stars was going to be more about stars and less about people no one cares about or has heard of? Going on the show can be a great career move, but I think the problem legitimate stars have with the show is they are already working at a higher rate of pay and they do not want to commit to that much rehearsing because they have too much shopping to do and they are used to getting paid a lot of money to do nothing.

Instead of at least finding some marginally famous people though, DWTS has decided to see how obscure they can go. So far I think we have Snooki and Robert Kardashian. I thought for sure they would go out one two, but now comes word that Elisabetta Canalis is going to be on the show. You know, George Clooney's ex. Tell me one thing she is famous for in the US other than being George's ex. Being an ex of an A lister now gets you a $200K payday and network television. So, Elisabetta gets on because she f**ked George and Robert Kardashian gets on because his sister f**ked Ray-J.

If it is true that Queen Latifah is going to be on the show, she should win easily against these no names that most people don't know. Plus, if I were her, I would be ticked off because DWTS probably promised her there would be people on her level and these people don't even reach her ankles. Well, that is literally true with Snooki, since she is about 2 feet tall, but you see where I am going with this.


  1. Never had any desire to watch this show, but it's clearly popular, so they must be doing something right?

  2. Queen Latifah already tweeted that her being on this seasons shows was untrue.

  3. I've read several things that said Queen was NOT going to be on the show. I think she is on their wish list.

  4. Glad that I can still say that I've never watched an episode of this show. It's sooo stupid.

  5. Say what you will about Kim K's complete lack of talent and usefulness, but you have to give her credit for turning a spin with Ray J into a multi-million dollar empire of sheer nothingness.

  6. "...and Robert Kardashian gets on because his sister f**ked Ray-J..." No, Robert Kardashian gets on because his sister let Ray-J piss on her on film. Truth.

  7. I think it's a good idea for Dana if only we can get her out of that closet!

  8. Elisabetta did have a long arc on Leverage. And was awful.

  9. I am so glad I do not watch this crap!

  10. Did she actually f**k George or just beard on contract for him?

  11. Maybe this is part of her payoff and George pulled some strings??

  12. Dancing With The Stars was always awful.

  13. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I like the show, but many of their 'stars' have always been questionable. At least Kim K has cobbled together something that vaguely resembles a career. But what about her brother? And Clooney's ex? Really? There wasn't some former child star looking for a career boost? Come on, now!

  14. Let's see, Clooney's ex was on Leverage for a season. She was a lot better than I expected. I'd rather her than a Kardashian- at least she acts & models. Rob K has done absolutely nothing.

    But I was over the show when they had Kate Gosselin on.

  15. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Oh, I don't know Elisabetta had acted. That makes her presence better. Still doesn't help Rob K, though.

    Kate G was the WORST! Couldn't dance and was a heffa to boot.

  16. I'd be interested in seeing how they introduce her. I mean, what can you say about her?? What has she done??

  17. As long as Maks is on, I could care less who they pair him up with.

  18. Well, at least we'll finally be able to tell whether Elisabetta Canalis is a man or a woman, depending on whoever her dance partner turns out to be.

  19. LOL Robert, MEOW LOL
    I will always think of those Kardashians as the spawn of their father, friend of OJ Simpson.... urggghhh.

  20. I was astounded at how horrid Kate was. I have never seen a worse dancer in my LIFE! and I have a mirror.
