Friday, August 12, 2011

Did You Know The Vatican Was In Florence?

Last night I watched Jersey Shore. The problem is last week I watched the first one and got sucked in so now will probably stick through the entire Italy season. Last week was worth it alone just to hear Snooki try and describe where Italy was located. Well, last night was once again a proud moment for the American educational system. I bet you had no idea the Vatican moved from Rome to Florence did you? Well, according to the entire cast of Jersey Shore it did. While walking past a church in Florence, one of them said. "Is that the Vatican?" A handful replied, yeah, it is and looks really beautiful." Oh, and then later, at lunch, they spot it again and this time offer the thought it was hand built by da Vinci.

Other random thoughts I had from the show are whether Jwoww has started taking drugs because she looks so different from last season and I do not mean that in a good way. Deena takes falling down drunk to a whole new level. I have never seen someone fall so much when they drink. For a big guy, Ronnie does not hold his liquor well either. He sweats so much when he drinks that I find it painful to look at him. No matter how often I watch the show it still shocks me to see how fast some woman is willing to go home and have sex with one of the guys knowing they are going to get thrown out right after the sex. Where is the self respect people? Is it worth two minutes on television for that?

I think the music is way better this season on the show and really liked two songs last night. One sounded Japanese, but considering the geography lessons learned last night, it probably makes sense. It was also right before the guys got in the love tub together, so maybe that is it. Anyway, it was someone called Kate Crash and the song was Sawago. Of course now that I have looked it up I see she is on Blackheart which probably explains why I like it. Anything to do with Joan Jett I am on board with. The other I really liked I can't remember the name of, but there was a third which stuck with me too and I caught it because they played it like three times. It was a group called Wallpaper but it embarrasses me to even write the title, #STUPiDFACEDD. Yeah, have to love that education system.


  1. Thank goodness I have never watched...

  2. I am so glad I don't have cable anymore

  3. Did you know that I'm going to kick the Sitch in the chunk nose if I ever see him? Well, now you do. :)

  4. @TempestuousGrape - that killed me. So funny

  5. I thought the same thing about Jenni. She doesn't look healthy and got far too skinny.

  6. TG, I would pay to see that!

  7. Jenni looks weird. Her upper lip doesn't move, her face looks like it's made of wax, and she is too thin. Think about how thin she is IRL, if she looks too thin on camera.

    As for the hook ups, I think the premise is fine for these women who have sex with the Jersey Shore boys. What's wrong or unusual about a woman wanting a 1-night stand? At least they know what they're getting into, and these boys are in great shape.

    I thought it was rich when Ronnie and Deena were getting lectured about drinking too much, by others who have drank too much and will do so again.

  8. My DVR crapped out on me and didn't record it so I have yet to see last night's episode, but it is the kind of mindless entertainment that I need while I am cooking dinner or surfing the web. That's my justification for watching it anyway...

  9. Every time I see the previews for this season, and see Snooki doing the robot in her neckbrace, I just about fall out.

    Is it just me or does the Situation's nose look like Silly Putty? I'd give TG 5 bucks to bite it. ;)

  10. I'm a giant Joan Jett fan too. I'm going to listen to her cover of "Let It Bleed" right now because she rocks the f*ck out of that song.

    Will there be a Jersey Shore recap every week like they write show recaps on Entertainment Weekly? If so - Awesome!!

  11. Big fan of Blackheart, especially Girl in a Coma...those girls are pretty amahhhhzing.

    Favorite part of episode was when Sammi was commenting on how wierd the strawberries looked and Deena had to tell her they were raspberries...I mean, c'mon!!!

  12. Oh goody..Snooki's going to be on the next Dancing With The Stars. Fo' real. Get ready America - a tiny alcoholic orange girl the size of a smurf will be getting her smush on two nights a week this fall on ABC.

  13. I have never watched Jersey Shore and I don't intend to. However, I had a friend who fell down constantly when she drank. It was as if gravity ceased to exist when alcohol touched her lips.

  14. I have no comment about the jersey shore ignoramuses. So that aside, I came on here to rant about something Enty reminded me of when he wrote the tittle to a song as #STUPidFACEDD.
    I have a few facebook friends that are under 15 and they all write their shit like this!!!! I get a lot of sentences like: 'yea, I luv u 2 and btw and 2 nite' etc. And when they have to use real words their grammatical structure sucks! This generation's text talk is deplorable. I think giving a kid a cell phone is fine but under a certain age dont include text! It just allows kids to slack off on their language skills and frankly dumbs them down.

  15. I agree with Jasmine 100%. It's not just kids. I have a friend who is in her early 40's who writes like that. One day it took me ten minutes to figure out that this:
    Hv 2 go mtng 2mrw. Wll ms lch prsly ths X.

    Meant: I have to go (to a) meeting tomorrow. I will miss lunch purposely this time.

    I sat there playing WTF is she saying until my head hurt.

  16. Jwow looks completely different this year - she did something to her eyes.

  17. I don't watch JS. But having been to Florence twice, two things I can't imagine: what that show is doing to such a tiny, wonderful town; how those ignorant male thugs are competing in any way for women with the gods that are local Italian men.

  18. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I admit it, I watch Jersey Shore. They're so stupid, it's hilarious but the thing is, they don't pretend to be anything more than they are.

    That aside, I believe when Deena was asking about the Vatican, she said, "that church that starts with a V." Idiots.

    Did Sammi get a boob job or gain weight? The Situation looks 47, Jenni and Sammi look beyond rough. If you're going to use bronzer, learn to apply it properly. I'm extremely pale so my legs are horrifily white. I put on self-tanner to reduce the glare and make it safe for birds and cars so they don't get blinded by the sun reflecting off my shins, but I try my damndest to not get streaks. Jenni had one right across her cheekbone.

    But I will keep watching it and I don't care what anyone thinks.

  19. Situation & Snooki (and probably the others) are on Twitter, with scads of followers. Snooki has a special term she uses for her followers: "New episode of jersey shore in 10 minutes! LETS GET IT TWEEDOS"

    Situation live-tweeted the episode in all caps, like a moron:


    #SituationNation HOW DID YOU GUYS LIKE THE 2ND EPISODE? #Jerzday


    Just pathetic.

  20. I don't know- I know they're not brain surgeons, but I think they purposely make themselves look dumber. I can't imagine- you're going to Italy, and you don't know where it is on a map? You can't go online, look at a map and see where it is??? You just know that it's a big boot? It's funny, but I honestly can't believe she's that dumb- she has to be playing it up for the cameras. People want to see them doing dumb shit, that's why they watch the show. If they were sitting around, drinking cordials out of snifters, and having a halfway intelligent conversation, the ratings would be in the shitter. Can she actually be that dumb? Can they all??

  21. I have had the pleasure of seeing 3 Jersey Shore cast member interviews between Conan & Fallon with the Italy premiere this week.

    JWowwwwwwWWWWwww was on Fallon and I immediately thought there was something going on with her face. She was on after Julia Stiles, who stayed on during JW's interview and I wondered if she was secretly horrified by sharing a stage w/ her.

    The Situation was on Conan and I think he used the word "situation" 20 times in the course of the interview. Add me to the list of people who'd pay to see TG kick Sitch in the nose. ;)
