Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Driver Files Complaint Against Matthew Fox

Describing him as very drunk and reeking of liquor, a bus driver in Cleveland made it official when she filed a complaint against Matthew Fox for assault for what he allegedly did on Sunday night. Although police did not arrest Fox on Sunday they did photograph the bus driver's injuries of which she has several. Apparently Matthew did not just punch her once, or even twice but did so repeatedly. I still am kind of surprised he was not arrested on Sunday night. You have a drunk guy who is beating a woman and instead of arresting him you see that he is a celebrity so you put him in a cab and send him home? Seriously?


  1. I was seriously preturbed by this. Not that I have any deep feelings about Matthew Fox, but wow. I mean, Who the F does he think he is? I don't care if you are famous or not! You don't hit people, especially smaller people (i.e. children and women). Shia will do this too one day if he doesn't get it under control. If you aren't a pleasant person when you drink than don't drink! If you have anger problems that might lead you to lash out with fists than you sure as HELL don't need to drink! Idiot! I hope she sues the crap out of him!

  2. What the hell is Matthew Fox doing taking the bus?

  3. It was a private, party bus.

  4. So sad and disappointing. I don't want to believe he is a violent person but whatever the case, it's clear he has a major alcohol problem.

  5. I heard somewhere that other cast members from Lost were saying that Matthew Fox was moody and had a temper. Unfortunately, this is another case of celebrity bad behavior without any consequences.

  6. I feel sorry for his wife (and kids).

  7. If you can punch someone and not get arrested here in Hollywood, will someone let me know when Gwyneth Paltrow comes to town?

  8. BigMama, do we know she was smaller? I saw a picture and she's no shrinking violet.

    Not that I'm excusing him if in fact he did anything.

    I don't think this will never go to court.

  9. How did the scuffle/punching happen? Was there a large scuffle and things got way out of hand (not condoning his punching, mind you)? Or was he just standing there being declined and then started punching?

  10. @ Dex - Can I watch?

    The officers must have been some big time fans of " Lost". I smell a settlement/plea on this one. And rehab in Matthew's future.

  11. bits of moxy, I think it was a random event. Not his party, or party bus, but thought I read that he charged onto the bus (didn't know anyone) and got violent with the driver. I'm sure someone else on here has more info than me...

  12. How does he explain this to his daughter?

  13. I think my whole comment made it clear what I think of people who are violent in general. I have no doubt the woman was "no shrinking violet" but the fact remains, unless she was threatening him with a weapon or even physical violence herself, he should not have touched her. Much less hit her. I have no sympathy for violent people!

  14. Oh, and lest that not be enough...I don't care if it were a male he hit either. It is still wrong to lash out and alchohol is no excuse.

  15. Oh Charlie Salinger, say it ain't so...when I first heard about this story, I didn't really believe it but I've not heard so many stories of what an asshole he is (even though I watched him CRY to the LOST finale...*sigh*), so maybe the complaint does have some merit to it. In which case, I hope he goes to jail (which, of course, he won't).

  16. I've NOW heard so many stories...

  17. On the police report she's listed as 5'2, and he's what.. 6'0? Yes she may be heavy set but she is MUCH smaller than him. Regardless, she is a woman, he is a man, he should have never layed a hand on her and just because he's a celebrity he doesn't get arrested? Disgusting!

  18. lol Dex!

    I agree this probably won't go to court. Payoff and it all goes away.

  19. TMZ has a video interview with the driver. She says he tried to get on the bus and she told him three times to get off, then he started punching her so she defended herself. She has a bruise on her left arm and her left hand is wrapped up from punching him.

    Not that it has anything to do with what happened,I was sort of surprised no one from bus noticed who it was at first and wanted him on the bus. Or maybe they did recognize him.

    It's so disturbing to me because I always liked MF but even if he's only this way when he is drunk you don't start punching women at 40.

  20. Hope he's charged to the fullest extent. Effing pig.

  21. Well, I do love (did love) Matthew Fox, but I'm on the BigMama train!

    I keep thinking if he hadn't gotten violent and he was let on the bus, the stories the occupants would have had to tell about seeing drunken Matthew Fox. ;)

    STILL don't get why HE (or someone at le club) didn't call a cab?? Hello?

  22. While I've heard numerous stories from the bus driver about the alleged assualt, I have not heard one story where a witness (a rider in the bus or someone on the street) verified her version. So I'm going with the innocent until proven guilty thing that we have here in the US. (Though I believe that he's a bit of an ass and was drunk and more than likely got in some kind of altercation so I guess I'm also a bit of hypocrite).

  23. This doesnt just happen to celebrities. I am a teacher in a poor rural school and a student rabdomly beat the crap out of me and the admibistration troed their damndest ro sweeep it ubder the rug

  24. @headrot - That is AWFUL. :( Hope you are ok now! My friend's mom taught in a similar area and had a brick thrown at her head once. I never understood how she went back. I wouldn't have had the strength.
