Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Jennifer Love Hewitt Wants To Date Bachelorette Guy

Apparently Jennifer Love Hewitt has gone from movie actors down to whatever Jamie Kennedy is to a writer and now to a reject from The Bachelorette. At this rate, she should be getting in touch with me after she drops about four more levels. At an average of three months per relationship, I guess I should expect a call from Jennifer or her mom by this time next year. In the meantime though, I wish her well with Ben Flajnik. Yeah, I cannot wait to see her change her name to Jennifer Love Flajnik. Kind of rolls right off the tongue doesn't it?

According to Life & Style, Jennifer saw an episode or two where he was featured and tracked him down and went to go visit him. Well that is not desperate at all. I wonder if her mom went.


  1. This girl needs a reliable, sane pack of ladyfriends to stop her from hanging around with d-bags and investing all her time in relationships. Actually, her and Jessica Simpson should be friends.

  2. OK, somebody help me out here: how come these girls don't just marry a nice dentist?

  3. Lol. This girl cracks me up. "Looking for love...in all the wrong places....looking for love...."

  4. @Weezy... LOL, I married a nice dentist =)

  5. What's the deal with her mom? Was she one of those pushy stage moms?

  6. Poor JLove. She just doesn't get any.

  7. I've read and heard many stories about her where she likes to dress up in princessy dresses and pretend she's Tinker Bell or something. Sounds totally weird. Like baby talk weird. Like you have to adore her every second weird.

  8. exhausting woman....poor Ben

  9. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Natalie I was just going to say the same thing:
    "She sounds exhausting".
    I think she still lives with her Mom.

  10. Man, that is one wonk eye on that guy! Was it a car wreck?? Seriously wonky!! Since when do we have to put people with that much wonk on television?!?!?!?!

  11. WHY? Why would you chase after anyone on a reality show when they're just on there to be famous? Horrible, horrible dating idea! Aaargh!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @ Miranda - Exactly! Jessica is screwing up marrying this loser she is with now.

    @ Rocket Queen - LMAO. Now the Urban Cowboy Soundtrack is going to be stuck in my head all day. At least we thought Travolta was hot and into women back then. ; )

  14. Hope she brought her vagazalizer with her. That gets them every time!

  15. K, my imagination, or does that guy look a little too Javier Bardem in "No Country For Old Men "ish? Tinkerbell meets the exterminator?

  16. @_-_=_: To quote Looserdude: "That is some serious wonk."

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I like Jamie Kennedy. Just read his book "Wannabe" about a month ago. It was really good. Unfortunately it was written before his JLH days.

    Next thing Jennifer will be enlisting in the military just so she can ask out her crushes on youtube. I wouldn't put it past her.

    YAY! She just joined twitter and that girl tweets A LOT. And I thought Alyssa Milano was bad.

  19. I think going to visit him was a bit much but why not date someone outside the industry? It's not like the actors have worked out.

  20. She's getting old and the rest of her body is catching up with those huge boobs.
    It happens.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Do I remember reading that she's still a virgin and saving it for marriage? That might explain the constant quick boyfriend turnaround.

  23. OMG, saving it for marriage?!?!? It's moldy by now!

  24. @Jerry - there was a reveal that back in her PO5 days, she TOLD her boyfriend that she was saving herself, all the while boinking someone on the crew.
