Friday, August 26, 2011

Kardashians Spread Like Cockroaches

Just when you spent most of the past few days praying that the E! special featuring Kim Kardashian will bomb when it airs which would probably cause E! to kick them to the curb, comes news that Kris Jenner is moving to network television. Yes, you heard that correctly. Now that hosts on The Talk have been fleeing for their lives from Julie Chen, CBS needed new hosts and one of them is Kris Jenner. How did she get the job? Her daughter f**ked someone on tape. Must be a proud moment for Kris to know she can owe her network job to her daughter wanting to be a porn star. I have no idea what CBS is thinking. None.

The other person CBS is bringing on board is Sheryl Underwood. I think Sheryl is funny, and is a much better choice than Kris Jenner. I can just hear the suits at CBS deciding that since Holly Robinson Peete is leaving, they better find another African-American woman to replace her. As much as I like Sheryl though, she is no Holly. It is like CBS suddenly decided to try and make their talk show go from B listers to a bad season of DWTS.


  1. "How did she get the job? Her daughter f**ked someone on tape. Must be a proud moment for Kris to know she can owe her network job to her daughter wanting to be a porn star."

    Hi. Can we please talk about all the MEN in Hollywood who've fucked people for jobs? Supposedly, L.A. is littered with people who've slept their way to the top, and it's NOT just a phenomenon regarding women.

    Oh, and if we're discussing porn, what about all the ~esteemed~ actors who have been known to dabble with escorts and other Paid Ladies? Sean Penn and George Clooney come to mind, but they're practically untouchable as far as the media is concerned -- particularly Clooney. Yet every woman still loooooooooooves his ass. Whatever.

    At least Kim was in love with Ray J. when she made that tape. She wasn't pulling a Montana Fishburne. It wasn't technically a PORNO. YES, she was paid handsomely after its release, but what would you RATHER have happened? Should Vivid have kept every single cent from the profits? Kim didn't sit around wallowing and making EXCUSES for herself like a Lohan might. She acknowledged how she did something dumb, she's NEVER done anything like it again, and she's discussed it openly. Honestly, I think she handled it with as much class as possible, considering the SUPER-embarrassing circumstances.

    Truly, I don't care when people shame the Kardashians for their ubiquity or their complete vapidness. I understand why they annoy the shit out of people, even if I personally find them culturally harmless. But it drives me insane how people STILL bring up that sex tape. I'd say it brought that family *some* money and definitely a bunch of notoriety, but they've made plenty more cash on their own with other enterprises.

    And, AGAIN -- Enty, you DO realize you're just adding to Kris Jenner's fame EVERY SINGLE DAY by posting about her and her family more or less constantly, right? I mean, I doubt this is even the LAST Kardashian-related post of the day.

    Okay. End rant.

  2. This should be fast...

  3. Agree Ida, but I still don't like them ;)

  4. @Ida,
    Deep cleansing breath. Deep cleansing breath.

  5. Ida, seriously, come to the Gawker side.

  6. @Patty -- are you insinuating that I should "calm down"? That NEVER works, and only has the opposite effect. Ask my boyfriend.

    @TG -- I still read Defamer, but honestly, I've got some issues with Nick Denton and the Gawker crew -- particularly Jezebel. Gawd, I HATE that site. I can be a feminist without bashing other women or laughing at the misfortune of men, you know?

  7. I really don't care, I'm hardly home during a weekday and when I am I watch Whoopi.

  8. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Ida, I'm with you re: Jezebel. I like reading some of the articles, but I know if I read the comments I am going to be furious REALLY quickly. The commenters there are the unshaven, man-hating, strident, bitchy variety of feminist, which I can't deal with. A couple of days ago one person commented on Jezebel that having an abortion was just like having a wart removed, and no one challenged her on that. Regardless of your feelings about abortion, I think most reasonable people would not equate a fetus with a wart.
    Also, I hate the Kardashians/Jenners. Because they are worthless. But so are 90% of the Hollyweird types.

  9. @Texshan -- "A couple of days ago one person commented on Jezebel that having an abortion was just like having a wart removed, and no one challenged her on that. Regardless of your feelings about abortion, I think most reasonable people would not equate a fetus with a wart."

    OH. MY. GOD.

    My friends who've endured abortions would NOT concur. That is HORRIBLE, but it also doesn't surprise me in the least.

    A homeless teenage boy died in a movie theater in Sydney during a screening of Twilight, and those Jezebel scags practically rejoiced over the circumstances surrounding his death. THAT was the day I stopped looking at that site.

    They're like the most horrible bitches in the high school cafeteria -- the ones who insinuate what you should be, how you should dress, and with whom you should associate, etc.

    I highly recommend this site for anyone who needs a break from Jezebel's bitchery:

    It's fantastically written, and it's a blog wholeheartedly in support of women -- and the men fortunate enough to love them. ;-)

  10. Kris will probably have Julie Chen fleeing for her life, Les M or no Les M.

  11. Blog looks interesting, Ida, but she doesn't appear to have updated it since March, which is ... problematic. :)

  12. I miss the OLD Defamer (and old commenters) that would make me pee my pants like a lot of CDAN-ers do. Gawker just isn't the same either but I still read it.

    As far as Kris Jenner being on The Talk... That show is shit anyway, so why does it matter? To be perfectly honest, I would rather see sleezy Kris on there than that damn squawking Leah Remini.

  13. I can't say anything. I've become quite addicted to their stupid show. I am part of the problem *sigh*.

  14. @sunnyhorse -- LOL! True, true. I'm hoping that if she gets a bunch of hits from this site, she'll get crackin' again. ;-)

  15. Oh, and @Ida: You're right about all the other people who have slept their way to the top...what is special about the Kardashians is the fact that they managed to get the WHOLE DAMN FAMILY famous from it!!!*L*

    I honestly think very few people get to the top based on true talent and hard work these days, and I'm sort of OK with that. It's how the entertainment industry has evolved and eventually, it will be its demise I'm sure. I think eventually this cult of celebrity and fame will fade and people will slowly start demanding substance again. Once they can tear themselves away from "Khloe and Lamar" *sighs @ self*.

  16. I admire the work ethic of this family. I totally agree with Ida about the sexist aspect of Kim being vilified for something she did not want released. It was a private tape. Didn't the guy she dated release it?
    Also, no-one talks about the fact that it was her partner who wanted to pee on her. When you are in love, sometimes you do things. No, I have never been peed on, but I am not judging her for it.
    Having written all that, I do feel the need for a FREE BRUCE campaign.

  17. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I used to love Jezebel a few years ago when they did more actual news coverage regarding women's issues-and more lighthearted posts. And there were some amazing commenters.

    Then I had stopped reading for awhile and went back and it was all super-ridiculous commenters and less real news and less light-hearted posts like Ida mentioned and it made me sad.

    I still read Gawker though. And I still read Jezebel for MidWeek Madness.

    And while it's not quite the same as Jezebel-I really like Good Magazine They do a number of awesome articles on education and culture and society and it's just fun and fantastic and interesting. Highly recommend it.

  18. I, for one, happen to like the Chen Bot.

  19. "At least Kim was in love with Ray J. when she made that tape." lol, yeah, that makes it okay! "look honey, here's mommy when she was in love!"

    what is w/ all you people defending these trashy wanna be's today? go start a fan club for D listers or something, and leave us snarky folks to rip them a new one.

    the kardashian mom is the worst one. and they ARE spreading! last night one of the little girls was on E Hollywood doing cheers, wearing her cheerleading uniform. we'll never be free of them! AHHHHH!

  20. @Me -- "last night one of the little girls was on E Hollywood doing cheers..."

    ...aaaand that statement proves how you're just one of the many dumbasses who watched it happen. Adorable.

    I don't have cable myself, so I couldn't tune in, but way to do your part towards improving their ratings. <3

  21. Jeri --reading your comment I just realized something. Kris prob. has no illusions about a long-term seat on "The Talk", but she wants a CBS deal for her brood, and (correctly) thinks the way to get to Les is by sucking up to his old lady.
