Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kim Kardashian Will Want That Money For The Future

TMZ is reporting that someone wants to purchase the Kim Kardashian sex tape and take it off the market. They want all the footage, including stuff that did not make it on the DVD. It probably did not make it on the DVD because everytime someone started watching the footage they probably fell asleep. I know many of you have never watched it, but if you are trying to kick Ambien, or stop drinking NyQuil, this tape is a great substitute.

Of course the mystery person is Kim, but what I don't understand is why she would want to buy it. She would probably have to spend several million dollars to acquire it, and she would lose a revenue stream when she has no more revenue coming in. I understand she thinks she is going to be famous forever, but she is not. She has a shelf life and it is not as big as her butt. This is like when Speidi blew all their money on making a record. When you are a reality star, you save save save. Period.


  1. I don't think Kim has spent a dollar since the last time she bought Paris Hilton blow.

    I think it is E! or Ryan Seacrest production company that wants all the rights. I think they think Kim is the golden goose that will keep on giving for years to come.

  2. I actually don't think it's Kim. For all that she protests and claims that she doesn't want to be seen as the girl with the sex tape, I really don't think it bothers her that much. After all, they needed her signature to distribute it in the first place. She knows it makes her money and wouldn't want to cut off that stream of income.

    If Kris is as head over heels in love as Enty claimed in that previous blind, maybe he's the one trying to buy it?

  3. This is totally Kim, and I'm not surprised. Apparently the purchaser wants to "remove it from the market" and get the rights to the footage that was cut *coughgoldenshowerscough* from the Vivid release. Supposedly there were a record number of downloads of this video on her wedding day - if I were her, that would kind of take the wind out of my sails.

  4. Heh heh heh, you said "stream".

  5. RQ - I just don't see Kim spending her own money on this. My first thought was hubby Kris, but timebob is right that it could also be E! or Seacrest's production company.

    Yes, tons of people did download it on the wedding day, but all those downloads probably more than paid for her new place in NYC. She's not about to give up that cash cow.

  6. chopchop - i didn't mean it like that, but totally noticed before i hit the orange button thinking, "wonder if anyone else will catch that"

  7. if only Kim got a dime for everytime she and her no talent family were mentioned on this blog.

  8. She is such an idiot. Even if it is taken off the market, there are clips all over the internet. Everyone has seen the tape, and no one paid to see it.

    She just made a "music video" for her "song", and she is writhing around and licking her lips. So now will she cry about how she was exploited once again?


  9. Wasn't there a blind here recently about Kimmy having sex with somebody (in a shower stall, with a gaggle of appreciative onlookers) for shoes? Between that, and the fact that she signed off on releasing a sex tape involving herself being pissed on, I doubt she want to "cut off that stream" or worries about the negative publicity myself. Hubby, maybe, but does he have the funds necessary? Perhaps a super-wealthy private collector who wants to know he has the only copies...?

  10. My guess is someone's tired of having TMZ run the butt-jiggling segment every single time they do a story on Kim. They know people will forget about the sex tape in time if they don't keep getting reminded of it. They may be hoping this will help her mainstream popularity last longer.

  11. Hmmm... I'm thinking it's Mama Kris who wants that tape off the market. They've all built their current careers off of it, but still it has to sting knowing that nasty little piece of Kim's past is still out there. From what I've seen of Kris, she would be the type to buy the tapes, and then pretend they never existed - so she can whitewash her family history even more and get more people to buy into this "fabulous, wholesome celebrity family" she's selling. Don't forget how many idiotic tabloids have referred to Kim's wedding as a "royal wedding" - you KNOW that family is just eating those words and all the ensuing publicity up, and getting rid of the nasty little evidence from the past fits right up their alley. Yeah, my money's on Kris Jenner being the "anonymous" buyer.

  12. She is now married again and is thinking about starting a family. I am sure her new husband does not like it out there either. I would do it too if I was her. But, then again, I would not have been so stupid to get filmed to begin with.

  13. Sue (In MO), that totally makes sense actually. It would not surprise me at all.

    An interesting thing about this particular sex tape scandal (THERE HAVE BEEN SO MANY) is the fact that although she became famous from it (no matter how you look at it, it is what made her name known), Ray J got, like, nothing out of it. It seems to me that usually the man benefits more in these situations, but he has just kind of faded back into obscurity while she and her family is taking over the airwaves...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. That tape will always be out there whatever they do.

    Good luck getting it off the market.

  16. @Sue (in MO) - I'd buy that too.

    Didn't Joel McHale say recently on The Soup that he wasn't allowed to mention "Kim K" and "sex tape" in the same sentence anymore? And I think Chelsea Handler has said similar stuff (no more making fun of her E! family mates).

    I love how her dumb-dumb husband (then fiance) didn't know she was previously married...but was perfectly ok with the sex tape.

  17. I have heard that there is another tape out there. Only it wasn't suppose to be known about, but people are talking. It supposedly will be released, but she is fighting it seems the network etc are not happy. She did it to insure she stayed popular. Just what I heard.

  18. I just watched a clip of her video on TMZ. Unfuckingbelieveably bad.

  19. Oh come on! She married an athlete! She is going to spit out a couple of kids real fast and be locked down in child support in the 5 or 6 figure range for 18 years. She new she could afford to do it. But that being said, I think it is Kris (husband, not mom) that is doing this. I think he wants his woman's trashy rep wiped off the internet. I mean if you were a millionaire and married someone, wouldn't you try to erase their whore history that is for sale online?

  20. Yes, it was a revenue 'stream' that made her famous... a golden one....

  21. It's the mother. When she saw the numbers on the website after Kim's wedding, she realized this is really going to bite her on the ass someday.

    Of course being the moron she is, she doesn't understand that that tape is never going to go away and it will forever be known as the ONLY reason her and her ugly ass brood are famous.

  22. I feel bad for the in-laws. I think they know what a low class bunch the Ks are.

  23. Don't worry... Seacrest, Kim and her fam will make millions when Her divorce happens.

  24. I'm just amazed that Enty hasn't posted a comment about RayJ and Kris Humphries meeting on a plane: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/kris_ray_fly_together_ZsMfpTzccwt6lNsCijPg6J?utm_campaign=Post10&utm_source=Post10Alpha.

