Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kiowa Gordon Busted For DUI And Warrants

Twilight actor Kiowa Gordon was arrested in Arizona yesterday on suspicion of DUI. He was also charged with failing to appear in court over a previous arrest for giving booze to minors and possessing drug paraphernalia. All of this comes of course just before the release of the next Twilight movie. Are we at the end of these things yet? Will there some a point when they are finished and I will never have to see the word Twi-hard again. I wonder if the next movie will do as well. To me, the books are akin to a boy band whose popularity diminishes as the audience gets older. Even though there are kids replacing the original fans, it is not enough to keep the fame and they eventually go bye bye bye. You like how I did that? Me too. So, it will be interesting to see if the demand stays the same for the product, especially since the acting is so atrocious. Speaking of which, I saw the preview for the Taylor Lautner movie Abducted. He is still an awful actor but give him kudos for picking a movie where he does not have to speak much and the movie actually looks interesting.


  1. There's the difference between Twilight and Harry Potter. You can see what can stand up over time and what will be forgotten as a fad.

  2. It feels like Twilight mania has been going on FOREVER. I can't wait until it's over.

  3. I realise I am a big True Blood fan, but honestly, vampires are so over. *L*

  4. @Jackie -- the BIGGEST difference between those two franchises is that J.K. Rowling lovingly constructed seven highly-detailed, colorfully-delineated, humorous, suspenseful, hyperimaginative books with empathetic characters you genuinely fall in love with and want to champion -- and those movies (which aren't nearly as great as the books, but they're still great entertainment) show that same exhilarating attention to plotlines and details. The directors KNEW that adapting the books in the series would be a daunting task, and they took that task seriously -- look at the sets, and the casting. Top notch all around.

    The Twilight "books" were penned by a woman who lacks the skills to write an Arby's menu. She is a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE WRITER. Her success is INSULTING -- it insults me as an avid reader, as someone who was once a teenage girl, and as someone who currently freelances for profit. I haven't watched any of the movies, and I won't, because I doubt anything as dull as Meyer's prose could become something exciting to watch on screen.

    I DO, however, like Kristen Stewart. I don't know why, but I'm rooting for her to have an actual career once this Twilight shit is far behind her.

  5. I just hope i'm dead by the time they remake the Twilight movies.

    I can't go through this twice in one lifetime.

  6. timebob - HA!! So funny and SOOO true!!

    Maja. With a J. - I love True Blood also, even though the were-panther story made my eyes roll... Ugh, does everyone have to have a super power? But yes, I am super sick of all this 'vampire' crap too. Over it.

  7. Who??

    Agree with Ida on the HP franchise.

    Enty, when you digress (which is often) you sound like Dr Doofenshmirtz on Phineas and Ferb.

    Hey, where's Perry???

  8. "who lacks the skills to write an Arby's menu."


    I have a weird hatred for Stephanie Mayer or whatever the hell her name is, and I thank you for this sweet visual Ida :))

    And color me shocked- you mean a member of young hollywood is arrested for a DUI?!
    Next you're gonna be telling me that Taylor Lautner isnt the next Laurence Olivier of our time!

  9. And I care about this idiot why?

  10. I'm proud to say that I've never watched a single minute of these stupid Twighlight movies and have no intention of it.

  11. The Twilight books are silly, poor writing and just a fad. They are incredibly entertaining though, and Rob Patterson and Kristen Stewart do have amazing onscreen chemistry.

    Harry Potter (books and movies) blow anything completely out of the water, except for The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Steven King Dark Towers series.

  12. @maja - This season of True Blood is KER-RAY-ZZZY. The last two minutes of this week's episode had me scratching at my face.

    F*ck Twilight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I know, right? By the end of last season I thought I might have to quit that bitch but the last couple of episodes have been FUCKING FANTASTIC. THE SUN! THE SUUUUUN!

  14. I am so glad to hear that you guys. I am watching season three and it is just pretty bad. Dexter was like that, too - that HORRIBLE season with the English woman almost made me stop watching, but the next season was brilliant.

  15. @crila - THANK you for mentioning the Dark Tower series. I am completely obsessed and wasn't totally disappointed when the movie recently fell through. Javier Bardem as Roland? Uh, no.

  16. Anonymous4:43 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. From what I've heard from the Twilight fans I know is that the Breaking Dawn book was horrible. I've never read the series, and only seen snippets of the movies when they were on cable, and the writing, acting, direction got a big fat meh from me.

    You really can't compare Harry Potter with Twilight, although I'm sure Hollywood would love to! I haven't read the Dark Tower series. Maybe I should. But I think the Song of Fire and Ice series, of which I just started the 3rd book, rivals HP in scope and quality. Written for a more mature audience though.

  18. Uh-oh, sounds like you stepped on someone's Edward fantasy, Ida!

  19. Ha! I thought Ida compared the two nicely, actually. The last book was painfully horrible. And I think Bella Swan is one of the worst characters of all time. Kristen actually makes her tolerable.

    Not that I'll go to the theater for it, but I didn't think Abducted looked that bad.

  20. RocketQueen said...
    "I am completely obsessed and wasn't totally disappointed when the movie recently fell through. Javier Bardem as Roland? Uh, no."

    Not to disparage Bardem's acting but he's just physically wrong for the part (IMO anyways). Someone on the lanky would work better.

  21. @sussique -- I have a distinct feeling that you're probably fifteen or something, and since I don't pick on children, I'm going to bite my tongue. ;-)

  22. The books are junk food for the brain--mostly harmless, silly fun sort of like Harlequin romances. Also, very badly written. Oh well, it's America. The movies are awful too. But again, someone is doing something right because they are big money makers. As far as I can tell, the original age group for the books & movies are now in college--they now watch them to make fun of them. I know this because I have a college age kid who does this. :) Completely fluff entertainment, much like Jersey Shore. I don't know who this Kiowa guy is--is he one of the weres? In any case, the vampire/occult theme has run its course although I too enjoy the genre.

  23. "oh now IdaB is a book critic. Hahaha lol, look at Ida in her BIG glasses deciding who stays and who goes."

    You say that like it's a bad thing?

  24. @Maja -- I know, right?! :-D
