Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Linda Hogan Says The Hulkster Is Bi-Sexual

Apparently Hulk Hogan does not just like his daughter and women who look like his daughter. Linda Hogan was on Matty P's Radio Happy Hour and was asked whether Hulk Hogan ever was intimate with his best friend and former wrestler Brutus Beefcake and Linda Hogan says that she thinks they were. I guess she does not have solid 100% proof because he also said she wanted to be careful how she phrased it, but I'm guessing she also was not sure if she should be saying it or not or if it violated some settlement they had rather than not knowing whether the Hulkster was bi. I do wonder if he is a top or a bottom though.


  1. Attention all Hogans...STFU No one cares.

  2. I vote bossy bottom.

  3. That explains the fanny pack...

  4. These people are amazing, they have no filters..if they think it they say it....too much information.

  5. forget that bi-sexuality.. is that a FANNY PACK!? Good lord..

  6. Gotta go along with Patty on this one.
    But let me guess - he has a small dick too?

  7. I vote he is a Top. I laughed my ass off when one of my gay friends explained that you were either a Top or a Bottom. I told him I just figured the partners took turns. He thought that was hysterical. I learn something every day. ; )

  8. Power bottom for sure.

  9. This is some serious Tom Of Finland shit.

  10. I have to say I wouldn't believe any member of this family if they told me today was Wednesday.

    None of them has even a nodding acquaintance with the truth.

    So I don't believe her. Frankly, I wouldn't believe him if he denied it either. They're all lying liars.

  11. @ bluebonnetmom: Really? I thought they changed things up too. Now I'm going to have to ask my friend Perry.

  12. Montanna- C ;o)

  13. Some are tops, some bottoms, and some ARE 'versatile'. FYI. Some guy couples do 'take turns' as a preference.

    When they're single, they get laid the most too. Like having type-O blood. One size fits most.

  14. Just the thought....

  15. At the risk of saying things my Norwgian Lutheran grandparents would pass out if they read, I have to add my two bits, namely: Gay men do not all engage in anal intercourse. Statistics put it at about fifty percent involvement with anal intercourse, and lots of gay guys are repulsed by the idea.Trust me, I've slept my way across three continents, and my experience is congruent with the studies.

  16. In Australia, Fanny is slang for Vagina. Also, root is a euphemism for sex, so everytime you 'root, root, root' for your home team, I giggle.

  17. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Barton interesting information.


  18. I don't believe a word of what Linda says. That being said, I don't like either of these two, so let the mud slinging fly!

  19. ...which could be why he finds his daughter so attractive, what with her being so mannish and all...

  20. @ Maja. With a J: Hah! Now I'm completely picturing that!

  21. Barton's info matches that I've gotten from my gay friends. And my dyke friends too. This one time, I was instrumental in setting up my dyke work-wife with this stunningly beautiful straight girl. Next day I'm assuming, y'know, whole monty and she's like, "Oh no, I only do that when I'm really serious about a woman."

    Are you freakin' kidding me? I would have had my face between that girl's legs in a heartbeat, if that's what she wanted.

  22. I'm ashamed to admit that in high school we used to refer to fanny packs as "fag bags".

  23. Anonymous8:32 PM

    This seems far fetched but if Enty thinks there is some merit to it than I have to go with Hulk is definitely a top, unless he is with Brooke.

  24. This skank family is of no interest to me.

    But I appreciate each & every one of you for answering some questions I always wondered about gay couples. Thanks for sharing info so freely.

    Hogan's - still trailer trash.

  25. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of wrestlers (male and female) have had gay experiences with each other.

  26. All the guys I knew with fanny packs had guns in them.

  27. Bubba Army!

    Actually Hogan's best friend (Bubba the Love Sponge who has a radio show) said how before they split up, Linda thought Hulk and Bubba might have been lovers. Bubba thought it was funny, since it wasn't true.

  28. Not suprised FUN FACT: wrestlers wear fanny packs because that is where they keep all their pain killers and other "medications".
