Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lindsay And Drugs

Yesterday X17 posted a video which they implied showing that Lindsay was buying drugs from someone. Do I like Lindsay Lohan? Nope. I think she is a spoiled brat who should have faded away into nothingness a long time ago, but for some reason our love of car wrecks has kept her hanging on. The best thing for all of us who want her to go away is for her to be somewhat normal because then she will disappear sooner. When she gets into trouble then companies want her services and she throws herself in front of pap cameras more to keep the cycle going.

Anyway, as much as I do not like Lindsay, I also do not think she was buying drugs. I think the statement from her publicist could have been way stronger and adamant than it was which had me worried for bit, but he probably is not 100% sure that Lindsay was not buying drugs either. I don't think she has had a failed drug test. She drinks like a fish and has enough prescription pills to start her own pharmacy, so I don't know why she would need anything else to help mess her up. She does that well enough with what she has on a pretty regular basis.


  1. I thought it was "proven" that they were crystals-real crystals.

  2. I think it's called self-sabotage. She could stay home and do drugs and nobody would know, but then again, nobody would know. She's addicted to the attention. It's like a toddler throwing a tantrum: Any attention is good attention.

    That's my theory. :-)

  3. I always buy my crystals off the street corner in a small unmarked plastic baggie. Can we get Spencer to identify the crystals and weigh in? She's such a loser.

  4. aren't rose quart ROSE colored and Sea jasper is usually GREEN and i've yet to see white meteors...but then again i'm not living in LohanLaLaLAND

  5. But like Michael K said, it would not surprise me if it turns out kids are getting buzzed from licking sea jasper....*L*

  6. I'm with Rose...

    Linds checks out the baggie and money exchanges hands?

    If it walks like a drug deal...

  7. she's a mess either way....and that picture! It makes me sad and chuckle all at the same time.

  8. there are crystal/gem STORES all over Venice. Why the hell would she buy them in a bag from some guy on the street?

    She is so fucking stupid, I don't put anything past her anymore.

  9. I don't like her either but everyone knows cameras follow her everywhere. I don't know whats in that bag but I don't think even a drug dealer would be that stupid.

  10. Anonymous11:12 AM

    You know, if someone told me that they saw Lindsey standing on a street corner trying to buy a Zeppelin with magic beans while wearing a clown costume, I'd totally believe them. Because that's how far gone I think she is.

  11. @Texshan - wow! I can totally picture that! *my new favorite mental image* Thanks!

  12. For someone so disgusted and fed up with herfather, you'd think she'd want to show a little more class than him.

  13. Not flunking a pee test means absolutely nothing unless they can show that she is getting SUPERVISED pee in, being watched the whole time. I somehow doubt that is happening.

  14. Exactly Parissucks, she would never buy them off the street when she could go into the store and steal them.

  15. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I doubt it's a drug deal. The dude with her is holding up the baggie in plain sight. Lindsay keeps looking right at the video pap across the street. I would like to think even she is not that dumb.

  16. Why is someone selling CRYSTALS out of their car??????

    After the stupidity of COKE PANTS, I refuse to believe anything this idiot says.

  17. What is going on in that photo?

  18. I think she wanted it to look like a drug deal so she could stay in the press for a few more days and make a few more bucks off of the story.

  19. Still love that picture.

  20. I lived in Venice Beach for many years. I highly doubt she'd be buying crap drugs off the Boardwalk, which has the most bunk drugs ever.

  21. I'm with Astrid, maybe a lot of this is actually staged for "column inches"..
