Monday, August 22, 2011

Octomom Wins A Split Decision

In front of a whopping 36 people, Octomom won her celebrity boxing match. Oh, and when I use the word celebrity, I use it very loosely. I thought the point of a celebrity boxing match was to have two celebrities face off against each other. It turns out though that Octomom's opponent is a bartender at a strip club which probably makes her pretty famous to the guys at the bar, but to no one else. Because Octomom won the fight, her next opponent will be Chyna. Really? How much do they get paid for these things. 36 people does not make for much money at the gate to split.


  1. And her 15 minutes just keeps ticking...

  2. 36 spectators is beyond pitiful. Check out the pictures of her mid-section, on display on TMZ. Wow.

  3. I sure hope they gave her some boxing gloves.

  4. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Please for the love of God will your 15 minute timer expire?

  5. I was really hoping Chyna got better and got a real job of some type. The D-List celebrity whoring doesn't seem like a good life to me. Might as well do Hustler one time for the big bucks and call it a day. I think it nets out the same.

  6. Yeah why is this trick still gossip worthy? I hate reality TV and the fame whoring media for the dumbing down of society. I remember when you had to have a 'talent' to be famous *pushes Granny glasses up nose and makes a "harrrumph" sound*

  7. I remember when MTV used to send reporters to the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, and urge viewers to "Rock the Vote" by registering and getting their asses to the polls; they broadcast actual news and (relatively) in-depth coverage of, say, the tsunami disaster in Thailand. Now, the average participant in their shows could qualify for the Jaywalking All Stars!

  8. Does anyone had any clue how much I would pay to punch Octomom in the face? It would be such an amazing feeling.

  9. I saw on another site that Michael Lohan was one of the 36 people at this.

  10. I saw on another site that Michael Lohan was one of the 36 people at this.

  11. lol Lauren! Right in the baby-maker.

  12. @RQ: Maybe we should take up a collection for Lauren to make that happen!
    @Astrid: Yeah, that figures!

  13. I am now taking donations.

  14. Who is the biggest loser though? Octomom or one of the 36 that paid to watch this shit?

  15. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Where is IdaB today? WTF?

  16. Her 15 minutes are so fucking over. Someone PLEASE make her go away.
