Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Office Meets Dallas

Have you ever wondered what The Office might look like if it had been made in the 80's? Now is your chance.


  1. I don't have sound at work, but I was totally humming the ol' Dallas theme throughout the whole intro. I miss that show and intend to watch the SHIT out of the new one.

  2. Dallas was awesome. I will watch the new show to catch a glimpse of Patrick Duffy. YUMMY. : ) My Mother waited on him in a jewelry store when Dallas was huge and she said he was incredibly nice and better looking in person.

  3. Nov. 21, 1980...a day of memories for me! First off I didn't feel well but my Mom made me go to school. Started feeling much worse during roll call, next thing I know I wake up in a dark hospital room. What's the first thing I did? Pick up the phone to call Mom & Dad. What was the first thing I asked them? Not, "what happened, why am I in the hospital?", but, "who shot J.R.?".

    TRUE STORY. Did I happen to mention I was 9 1/2 years old?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Dallas theme song is the KING of theme song. And the one from "Falcon Crest" is the queen.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. s <---- please enter at appropriate spot in my post.

  8. Sorry, not remotely interested in the Dallas re-do.

  9. omg that was rad!
