Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Russell Armstrong Beat His Pregnant Wife

Radar found some pretty shocking stuff against Russell Armstrong. No, not the stuff that still has not fully come out about his business dealings where he and Taylor funded their lives by allegedly scamming people out of millions. This stuff has to do with the restraining orders filed against him and his conviction for battery. This guy gets into as many fights with women as Michael Lohan. In 1997, Russell was married to a woman and while she was six months pregnant, she claimed in court papers that Russell threw her to the ground and slapped her face. Oh, and at other points during their marriage he also kicked her in the back, gave her multiple black eyes and threw glasses at her. Think this is as bad as it gets? Well, despite being beaten when she was six months pregnant, she gave birth and when Russell would visit with his child, was not above giving him a beating too. Other girlfriends have also come out saying they were beaten and threatened too.


  1. Wow indeed. No matter how one feels about Taylor and her famewhoring and fishlips, Russell is a GRADE A ASSHOLE! My goodness, kicking and beating any woman is disgusting enough, but one that is six months pregnant with your own child? No words...

  2. Sigh. I swear people like this should have to disclose their records to any women they meet :(

  3. S C U M !

    He'll still deny it, no matter who speaks out. What a shame.

  4. If this is true then I am glad his reputation is now known and will follow him as a warning to other women.

    I am sorry but I am just as disgusted with Taylor. Her posturing in front of her charity is repulsive. Those women need REAL role models who have ended the cycle of abuse in their lives. She needs to get out of the reality tv show circuit, get her daughter away from that man and get help for her own denial and abuse issues. End of rant!

  5. I don't follow the RH franchise too closely. Is this the guy who hasn't been paying child support to a previous wife because he "couldn't find a job"?

  6. Teeny peeny, woman hating bully. If this is true I hope he gets what's coming to him and while in jail I hope he has some great big dude who likes him a whole lot but also has some anger issues. Karma I love you.

  7. Voice O' Reason--don't you think you're being a tiny bit insensitive? Taylor does need help, but for someone who was abused as a child, she is obviously dealing with a perpetual habit (staying with the abuser) that she can't get out of. It's not as simple as, "okay, I'm gone!", which is what most of us would do. She's wired differently with the lifetime of abuse to has suffered. Be sad for her, but saying you're disgusted by her is nothing more than abusing the abused.

  8. He sounds like a woman hater that deep down is really gay and is too afraid to admit it or come out of the closet.

  9. Remember, Taylor is the one that pursued him. He didn't want anything to do with her but she probably gave good head so he latched onto her. They are both losers in my world.

  10. @ Weezy - no you are thinking about Slade Smiley from Real Housewives of Orange County. He's a real piece of work.

  11. Thank you Jamee, I totally cosign everything you just said! :)

    "Sigh. I swear people like this should have to disclose their records to any women they meet"

    ^^THIS STATEMENT 1000% too!
    <3 u RocketQ

  12. Holy shit, then maybe he really DID go all Oklahoma on her ass!

  13. two and and "other girlfriends"? I do not see the appeal.

  14. and the court still allows visitation. the court system is SHAMEFUL in its treatment of children of divorce. and its not because its expensive or difficult, its because the court insists that children benefit from contact with their parents no matter how horrible they are. sickening!

  15. Anonymous7:54 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Everytime I hear something about one of the housewives/husbands backgrounds that's shady, I think WHAT were they thinking going on a reality show?? This stuff always comes out!

    Russell turns out to be a real a-hole. I'm def not the only shocked one. ;)

  17. What the hell is wrong with that woman's face???
