Thursday, August 18, 2011

Someone Did Not Like Dave's Top Ten List - Orders Him Killed

I guess you know you have done something wrong to someone if you end up on a militant Muslim web site. Apparently the site is a fan of Jay Leno so have ordered followers to try and kill David Letterman. Wait a second, is this Jay Leno getting back at Dave for all those comments he made about Jay when Conan was so ticked off at NBC?

David Letterman made a joke about Osama Bin Laden's replacement so the site wants him dead.

"I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, one of the lowlifes of the Jews, and one of their pigs, mocking one of the leaders of the mujahedeen." So, the writer wants David to be killed and his tongue cut out. I'm not sure why he was watching Letterman if he cannot take a joke.

If he wanted no humor then he really should have been watching Jay Leno.


  1. See, I really don't get the Leno hate. Ratings dropped 49% when Conan had the show, (speaking of not wanting humor that's the #1 show you should be watching) so he merely said, "I wouldn't mind having my old job back. I don't see what's wrong with that. I'm a leno fan and would watch him over letterman anyday. I still got love for ya Jay! =)

  2. i actually find this a bit frightening. i wonder if it makes Letterman nervous, i know i would be freaked out!

  3. Oh no! 10 top ways not to be killed by Muslims tonight!!

  4. The guy was not watching Letterman for the jokes. In all fairness, who does? He just wants to be offended. He's an asshole who can't think for himself so the only thing that's relevant to him is his feelings. Making jokes about his leader hurts his feelings. I doubt he even watched the show, just heard about it later. Also, who's funnier Jay or Dave is a toss up, but at least Jay seems like a friendly guy.

  5. I disagree Danielle - humor is subjective. I can't stand Leno and will take Conan over him anyday. That's why Enty's last line made me laugh out loud.

  6. While I agree that humor is subjective, I just prefer Leno to Letterman or Conan, as I've said on other comments on this site. Letterman always strikes me as the sterotypical old guy yelling at kids to get of his lawn, but there's still freedom of speech in this country and I respect his right to say whatever he said. Hope he doesn't let these jerks intimidate him.

  7. I SO dont want to get into a religious shit storm on here BUT I wanted to share my initial reaction to reading this.

    As an atheist I get so tired of hearing on the news about things like suicide bombers and people just dying or being threatened, like in this case, in the name of religion.
    When I read this, I felt equal parts exasperation AND anger.
    To me, here was yet another example of how organized religion, fundamental or not, is just no good.
    I know people can give me examples of good deeds or actions but I tend to think of it as acts performed because of the good of the PERSON not the good of the religion.
    My two cents~

  8. Religion is the damnation of humanity. I just can't anymore.

  9. btw- Even if 5 people watched Conan, he is still funnier and more genuine than Leno's zombie emotionless ass any day of the week.

  10. All of the anti-religion comments make me sad. To each his own.

  11. I just can't with the crazies.

  12. I've watched Letterman since the 80's and rarely watch anyone else. Can't stand Leno. Anyway, hope Dave stays safe.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I co-sign bluebonnetmom.

    Also, @shehla

    I think that fundy Christian who wanted to (did?) burn the Qur'an got called something to that respect.

  15. If organized religions just magically disappeared tomorrow, people would immediately find some other reason to hate on each other. Nature of the beast. Also, atheists are not exactly peace-loving. Sorry, but it's true. Atheists are just as in your face with their contempt for people who don't think like them, sometimes more so, as any religious person i've met.

  16. Dave will be alright. He has security around the clock. He does attract the nutballs doesn't he? Is this the same group that threatened The South Park guys last year. I wish those militants would find something else to do - like watch some of Bin Laden's leftover porn.

    Religion? Uh-uh. *covers* ears with hands. LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA I can't hear you guys.

    Nope - not going there.

  17. green....and glowing.

  18. And, since no one has mentioned it, Letterman is not Jewish. Which made the whole threat rather nonsensical.

  19. God, I hate religion.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Perhaps the militants will hold another "Fire Dave." rally like those 12 or 15 Palin loving idiots did 2 years ago.

  22. Anonymous4:19 PM

    @Missy, what you wrote was funnier than the entire original post.

  23. Through the ages there has been more killing in the name of God.....
    It's about time it stopped.

  24. Is atheism a religion?

  25. I love Dave. He is so dang funny. he was a bit tipsy last night tho.

  26. @Robert; no - it's more like a club *L*. Everybody wants to belong to something!

  27. Actually, it's not a club. It's people who don't want to be in a club of deity worshipers.

  28. RQ, there are many atheist clubs and organizations out there. Not saying every atheist is a member, but they do exist.

  29. Of course there are, but what you said is that being an atheist is not like a religion, but rather like a club that people belong to. It's not. It's a lack of belief in a deity.
