Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Those 10AM Benders Are Tough

Samantha Ronson was arrested yesterday morning for DUI at about 1030 in the morning. Yep. The officers in Baker, California who work the day shift probably never get a chance to practice their field sobriety procedures, and who would want to, considering the temperature was probably like 115 in the shade. For those of you who use the metric system that would be like 45 or 50. One of those high numbers. Anyway, Samantha had worked the night before in Vegas and because she does not get the private jet treatment anymore was forced to drive back across the desert to Los Angeles. Considering that Baker is like a good two hour drive from Vegas she must have been hammered to still blow a number over the drinking limit. She also told police she had actually slept the night before too. So, wait. Se worked the night before, partied a little bit, went to sleep, woke up, drove across the desert for a few hours and was still drunk enough to be over the limit? Sounds like she might have been drinking after she woke up too. Either that or she crawled home the night before.


  1. I've read before that the most common time for DUIs is Saturday and Sunday mornings. People assume they're sober when they wake up, and nope...still drunk!

  2. i can't stand these idiots who think they're such badasses they can dive under the influence. i bet you good $ had they done blood or urine tests they'd have found an entire cocktail going on in her system...such is the nature of her profession, and i doubt she's beyond the temptation.

  3. The police where I live are known to hold stop checks on Saturday/ Sunday mornings. Very few people realize that sleeping does not remove the alcohol from your system, and even if you feel sober, the alcohol is still there. I know I have woken up, after only drinking 3 or 4 beers and getting 6-8 hours of sleep and known I should not drive.

    I doubt she was drinking before her drive, chances are days of drinking without a break caught up with her without her fully realizing it

  4. wow, I thought that was a picture of Malfoy.

    she's an idiot for being with Lindsey and clearly she is an idiot in general.

  5. Exactly what Pookie said.

    @BigMama -- I can *totally* see it. The Sorting Hat would toss Ronson into Slytherin with zero hesitation.

  6. Drunk drivers to be are at the bottom of the decent human being chain. I despise them. I couldn't stand that smart aleck smirk of hers before and to know she drives drunk I hope she gets whatever she deserves..and she will..karma doesn't miss a thing

  7. ^^sorry about the typos..I was drinking and driving while writing that

  8. Did you see this wreck's mug shot? Such arrogance for someone so ugly on the inside and out.

    BTW, Baker, California, is the 3rd layer of hell.

  9. I doubt alcohol was the only thing in her system. She and Lohan were partners in crime for a long time....Sam just always let Lindsay look like the bad one.

  10. Yeah, I wish they 'd have tested for other substances in addition to alcohol. She was listed as 5'7 and 102 lbs. Yikes! Same height as me, and 60 lbs less!

  11. I was more shocked at her 5'7" and 102 lbs as well with clothes on! That is scary skinny. : ( And I bet alcohol was not all she had in her system either. Get a designated driver or a car with a driver Sam!! Not that she would ever be that responsible. Her irresponsibility allowed her dog to kill another dog in her condo building!

  12. I remember a story back in the old days of Blohan and Sam dating, back when Lindsay was scary skinny, and it said that she and Sam had a pact, to be skinny as possible, or stay skinny, or something like that. I think Sam has many mental issues, one of which is she is terrified of gaining weight.

  13. wow, she is just really..wow...ick!

  14. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Sam Ronson is seriously unattractive. I never got what the former peen fanatic LiLo saw in Sam that made her decide to switch teams. She seems like a smart-alecky bitch, too.

  15. DUI is a crime. I get it. But what I don't get is why people who CAN afford to hire a driver (or a friggin' taxi) DON'T.

  16. If she really is 5'7" and only 102 lbs, she could probably get hammered on a single Bloody Mary. However, if she's that thin, I am pretty sure there was plenty of coke in her system, too. Damn, that's thin! I'd be emaciated at that weight and I am only 5'4".

  17. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Sam is a very nice person. I have met her many times and she is always polite and down to earth. Here is another chance for you arm chair gossip mongers to throw your crap at someone. I bet all of you have driven with alcohol in your systems at one time or another. She has more talent and beauty than all of you put together. Team Ronson Forever.

  18. I think to be stopped in Baker is probably punishment enough. I just hope she got her lottery ticket at the general store before she got pulled over.

  19. Never got the appeal of this person, she seems like a stuck up beyotch to me, her smirking in every single photo is stupid. I

  20. @sussique...it may be she is a nice person, but i am definitely cuter :)

  21. Anonymous1:27 PM

    There should always be a disclaimer or some type of warning so you don't get startled when you see her hobgoblin face. She is extremely unattractive. You know how you can always find at least one nice thing to say about someone? Not her, there's just nothing. The eyes are kind of bulbous and she neve looks like she sleeps, her skin colour is so sallow. Are her teeth nice? I imagine her to have a gross, rotting mouth.

  22. LOL. I'm with you, Chrissy. I may not know my way around a turntable, but I KNOW I'm more attractive than Ronson. ;-)

  23. @ Sussique, she might be a nice person, but she is making some incredibly BAD CHOICES. They say she had TWICE the legal limit of alcohol in her system. That is way beyond drunk. She is darn lucky she did not kill herself or someone else. And in regards to looks, she does herself no favors with her attire, hair or laco of makeup. Anyone can be ugly if they do not even try. I will never, ever put someone down for at least trying to look as good as they can.

  24. Actually sussique, I can say with total honesty that I have never driven with alcohol in my system. If I have to drive after a night out, I just don't drink. Having a friend who killed himself driving drunk when I was 16 made me swear never to do it. And yes, like Ida and Chrissy, I am more attractive than SamRo.

  25. she gets paid to run tunes off her Macbook air...hire a fkn driver or stay overnight.

  26. I guarantee she never went to sleep. She probably worked until 4, then hung out with friends, and figured no one would THINK to pull her over in the morning.

    asshole smirking in her mug shot.....

  27. she does NOT know her way around a set of turntables. she sits behind her laptop and pushes play on an itunes playlist. she is a disgrace to real dj's. among other things that make her terrible...

  28. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Those of you putting down her DJ skills have obviously never seen her spin so just shut up. I'd like to see photos of the peeps claiming to be better looking than her too. As if that really matters. If you are ugly on the inside who cares what you look like on the outside (IdaB). Most of you are making ignorant blind comments about her and have no idea what you are even talking about. FYI Ex President Bush Jr. has a DUI and the list goes on and on from there.

  29. Wow you guys, I don't agree or disagree with anyone-it's a forum make your comments....but when did we get so rude? She's ugly? Her attire? Her lack of make-up? More attractive? Uggh. Unfortunate situation but very disrespectful to a person we don't even know.

  30. Anonymous3:07 PM

    @Sussique, relax. Not everyone here agrees with each other but most don't freak out at each other. I understand you are best friends with her and Lindsay and know everything there is to know about them. The thing is she drove drunk and that is an extremely stupid thing to do. I don't understand your last comment about Bush having a DUI. So?

    And I'm a million times better looking than her. I'm not being conceited, just stating a fact. And judging by the readers photos I've seen (and you can go back to July 4th's posts to see for yourself), the commentors are all better looking than her. Again, not a compliment.

  31. Not to excuse her behavior, but I doubt she thought she was drunk. She probably thought she was back to "normal" after sleeping.

  32. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I am not best friends with Sam and Lindsay and don't know everything about them. Who cares if you are better looking, Anita? That does not count for brains. As for the Bush comment, I am just pointing out anyone is liable to get a DUI, and if nothing else, Sam is in good (or bad) company. And good for you girltrav, well said. Allisonstupidland you have never seen her spin. You don't know what you are talking about. In the hierarchy of DJ's, she is probably the number 1 female DJ on the planet and in the top ten amongst the male DJ's. Where do you rank in your profession? Hmmmm? Thats what I thought. Shut up.

  33. what on earth is wrong with you?!? samantha ronson should not incite this sort of rage in anyone. calm down.

  34. don't know her but I still think she's a twat.

  35. *tsk tsk* name calling is never nice. no one here meant to rub you the wrong way. let's all just agree to disagree, kiss, and make up.

    (as long as i don't have to kiss SamRo...sorry, couldn't resist)

  36. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Samantha Ronson is not inciting rage in me. Ignorant comments about her are.

  37. Anonymous3:46 PM

    .08 is not twice the legal limit BTW.

  38. I think the phrase of the day is "arm chair gossip mongers." LOL

  39. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Thank-you, shiny!

  40. Anonymous4:18 PM

    @Sussique, seriously, calm down. And it's an incredibly stupid thing to do and it doesn't matter that anyone is capable of it.

  41. let me just say all this bickering about Sam Ro definitely kept me pleasantly occupied for a few minutes thank you!

    Everyone has their shit to deal with and everyone has their good parts and parts they need to improve on.

    I'm sure if we all weren't hiding behind a computer screen things wouldn't get so catty. It's a lot easier to talk shit through a screen

    ps- I agree Sussique you kind of took it a little too far no one should get this riled up about 102lbs worth of what I think is a woman

  42. @SKT, i was also enjoying the show *hangs head in shame*

    and as far as being arm-chair gossip mongers, that is kind of why we come to these sites. we want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly and snark about it a bit.one thing i love about this site is that i feel safe coming here and expressing opinions. and that is all they are...OPINIONS!

    *steps off soap box and falls on my bottom*

  43. I have NEVER driven drunk. I won't ever drive after drinking. I can have fun without and refuse to be criminally stupid enough to do it.

  44. She's lucky she didn't kill someone. She had no business being behind the wheel of a car. I don't care what her talents may or may not be. She is incredibly selfish.
    She also looks like Malfoy in this photo.

  45. I have to say I have no particular opinion about her looks. I am no beauty myself. I can say quite a lot about the DUI, though. I have never driven with so much as a single drink in my system because as the sister of a police officer, I have heard stories of the results of even "a buzz."

    Maybe I'm just odd (heck, I've been called worse) but I have little-to-no tolerance for drunk driving. No matter who the driver is.

  46. @ sussique

    Okay, you're just being silly. Top female spinner? In the top 10? Obviously you haven't seen very many djs/spinners to make that proclamation. Her peers certainly don't think this about her. She has talent, but definitely owes the degree of her career to her brother, and for the notoriety of dating Linds. Sussique,step away from the kool-aid.

  47. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Name 10 DJ's more well known than her. She doesn't owe shit to Lindsay for her notoriety. Its more like the other way around. She trained early on with DJ AM. He once gave her a set of CD's with over 10,000 songs. Quite a gift. Name one female DJ more well known than her. It can't be done. Ms., how do you obviously know how many DJ's I've seen to make this proclamation? Are you stalking me? Hmmmm? That's what I thought. Shut up.

  48. I don't give a shit what this goblin does for a living, she was busted driving drunk and that makes her a top-ten dumbass.

    For the record, I have NEVER operated a car under the influence. When you're drunk, a car is a WEAPON. People could DIE. What about that is so hard to grasp?

  49. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Someone hand Ardleigh a halo.

  50. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Someone hand Netta a halo.

  51. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Someone hand Melanie a halo.

  52. Sussique, no one's asking for halos -- I believe they're simply responding to/countering your earlier comment, "I bet all of you have driven with alcohol in your systems at one time or another."

    To which they're saying, um, nope.

  53. I don't need a halo for behaving like a responsible person.

    You, however, should consider removing that stick so obviously up your ass. You might be a lot less crabbypantz.

  54. Sussique, as Bon pointed out, I was merely responding to your comment that all of us have driven with alcohol in our systems. You don't have to be such a bitch when you people refute the statements YOU make! Stop acting like a snotty little brat when your ignorance is pointed out. And for the record, I don't give a damn what she does or doesn't do as a DJ, she's a piece of shit for driving drunk and endangering the lives of others. It says a lot about your character (or lack thereof) that you are so vigorously defending her.

  55. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I think its clear which sticks are up whose asses. Last time I looked up my own ass...no stick. I have never driven with so much as one stick up my ass! bahahhaha. Bite me bitches!

  56. Well, that explains a lot. You spending so much time looking up your own ass, I mean. Good luck with that.

  57. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Netta....your bitterness is showing. Hey everyone...Goodnight. I was a heel today I know. I owe apologies. Maybe another day. I am going to watch, "The Hottie and the Nottie", with the very talented and amazing actress and humanitarian Paris Hilton. Someday she will get an academy award...mark my words....hahhahhh. Peace All. Sussique

  58. wow.....that was an interesting thread. I felt like cracky lohan was twittering there for a minute. Yikes...vacay time at the asylum come early??

  59. @Netta - nice, made me laugh out loud
    Sussique is clearly a teenage fan of SamRo and much like Twihards, they just can't shake the glitter from their brains.

    Driving drunk is irresponsible. End of subject. If she is all that and a fried pickle on the turn tables and is in fact the top of her profession, than surely she can crack open that wallet and pay for a ride. Or heck, maybe she can get a foaming at the mouth fan *hint hint* to give her a ride. Maybe one of her good buddies should suggest that to her.

  60. This thread made my morning.

  61. ^^ Me too. Hysterical...yet sad.

  62. Being well known doesn't mean you're the best DJ in the world.

    @ sussique, the reason everyone is comparing their looks to Sam's is beause you came in here and insulted everyone's looks and talent. You can't have it both ways.

  63. Didn't she blow exactly the legal limit? Driving drunk is always a bad idea but I don't think she deliberately drove drunk, based on her height body/ weight I think it's safe to guess she had 2 drinks. Slept, assumed she was good to drive and got pulled over. I am shorter than her and have about 25 pounds on her. When i have 3 or 4 drinks I shouldn't be driving the next morning. Also for those of you saying you don't drive with any alcohol in your system, depending on how much you drink it is still in your blood upto 3 days later. While it might not be enough to get you a DUI, you get hammered Friday night it's still there sunday or even Monday.

    I think this was an honest mistake. If she had blown .01 lower we wouldn't be having this disussion. @girltrav i second your post

  64. Lol....I guess the day had to eventually come when we'd get a Lindsay and SamRo apologist freaking out on the boards!

  65. sussique is hilarious.

    that is all.

  66. My favorite part of the whole entire thread was this gem:

    "I think its clear which sticks are up whose asses. Last time I looked up my own ass...no stick. I have never driven with so much as one stick up my ass! bahahhaha. Bite me bitches!"

  67. @Ida - that was priceless, but I still think Netta's response was the slam dunk. :)

  68. @BigMama -- True, true. Netta made an excellent point. :-)

  69. i think Sussique may have been a pot stirring troll...that is the only explanation for her ideas. her hilarious ideas...man that was fun to watch ;)

  70. Well, I enjoyed that! :)

    MaryAnn - I completely agree with you. I have nothing to say about Samros attractiveness or lack thereof, but her actions speak for themselves. Driving drunk is NEVER ok, no matter who else has done it.

  71. sussique, don't you have to get to Claire's and buy a new Twilight poster? You obviously couldn't find a summer job and have nothing else to do before school starts.
    SamRo could have killed someone. She had no business being on the road, and she is more famous for who her family members are than for her good looks and talent.

  72. Anonymous8:35 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. This HAS been fun.

    I gotta say that I never heard of Sam Ronson before she was involved with Lindsey, but I am not in L.A. and not of that scene.

    Regardless, she should have been more careful, or lucky, as many of us have been (careful, lucky, or both).
