Monday, August 15, 2011

Want To Murder Someone? Head To Aruba

The last time I checked, Aruba was part of The Netherlands. Somehow I don't think it is this easy to commit murder and get away with it in The Netherlands, but if you are in Aruba, it must be really easy. First there was Natalee Holloway and now it looks like Gary Giordano may walk free this morning or tomorrow because Aruba does not have enough proof that he killed Robyn Gardner to keep him locked up. They could decide to hold him for eight more days. but his lawyer says it is time for Giordano to go free.

"Today, nine days later, [after] four voluntary interviews, two site visits, and more than 30 statements coming from different sources, including witnesses and professionals, we cannot deduce that there is hard proof to sustain a demand by the public prosecutor against our client No felony has been committed by him."

I have not watched Nancy Grace in the past week, but what does she think? Does she have the guy convicted already? I think he is guilty too, but what are you going to do if you can't prove it. One piece of advice, if your loved one and you have been arguing a lot lately and they suggest Aruba, think twice about saying yes.


  1. What do they need? A video of the murder?

  2. Oh, he did it. I mean, I have no comment other than that -- he obviously did it, and he's rich enough to afford lawyers who'll get him out of this sticky lil' situation.

    It just really sucks that whenever I see the word "Aruba", a certain terrible Beach Boys song instantly enters my head...

  3. They need a body, in the US you are guilty untill proven innocent.
    In the Netherlands you're innocent untill proven guilty

  4. note to self : should my husband suddenly want to go to Aruba, time to meet up with a lawyer.

  5. I decided after Natalie Holloway I wouldn't go back to Aruba - this just reinforces my decision.

  6. 2 murders of tourists in Aruba is nothing compared to the murders of tourists in the US. Even if you downsize it to scale.

  7. he has a rap sheet full of domestic issues from ex gf's and stuff like that. FBI searched his house recently too. I wish they found something. he so did it.

  8. Natalee did not get murder by her husband. And there was no actual evidence than Jeroen did the deed. I suggest no one visit Cancun either. Or take a cruise either. Bodies have disappeared there as well.

    I call SNARK.

  9. Guys like that can't help themselves and I think G will pull some kind of Joran-esque stunt and he'll end up in jail evenutally..

  10. Probably sold her to the sex trade, as happened with poor Natallee H.

  11. If people need to watch out for Aruba then they SURE AS HELL better watch their back in the USA. Murders, kidnappings, rapes happen EVERYWHERE!
    What happened to this woman and to Holloway are tragic but the whole country should not be ostracized for it. Hell this is a grown ass woman who WILLINGLY went away with someone she barely knew. Maybe she should have learned more about him before she decided to go away. And I am not blaming the victim but I call a spade a spade. She ended up the way she did by a CHOICE SHE MADE!

  12. This is exactly why these murders are such big news in Aruba. Things like this just dont happen there. Most everyone there is laid-back and fun-loving, with very few issues.
    The big lesson from this is DON'T GO ANYWHERE ALONE WITH SOMEONE YOU HARDLY KNOW. Duh.

  13. AAAAAruba, Jamaica, oohh I wanna take ya to Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama...Sorry Ida. You made me do it.

    As was pointed out in a previous post about this, Aruba still seems like a pretty safe place to vacation, compared to Mexico.

  14. I doubt there was a murder; more like, human trafficking. Watch "The Whistleblower". This shit has been happening for ever, including children. Sad, sad story.

  15. Supposedly he liked to tape women. I'd lay odds he has a recording somewhere of her demise.

  16. The reality is, most people get away with murder and other crimes. I feel sad for the lady's family and friends and hope justice is done.

  17. No real lawyer would write something obtuse. Release someone bc there's no evidence? Oh, no!

  18. Typo, no real lawyer would write something THIS obtuse.

  19. This girl probably didn't make good decisions (just like Natalee Holloway), but that doesn't mean she deserved to die. After reading what NH's parents documented about the Aruban police, I wouldn't be depending on them to find ANYTHING.

    Sure, crime happens everywhere but when you have two obvious cases like NH & this girl and they aren't able to put shit together, they look like morons.

  20. Both women disappeared without a trace. Dead bodies don't disappear that way. I think this scumbag got pissed at her for who knows what reason and sold her to a brothel in Pakistan.

  21. Terribly sad. I will NEVER go to Aruba, regardless of how much I love the Dutch.
