Friday, August 05, 2011

Warren Jeffs Convicted Of Sex Abuse

It took long enough, but Warren Jeffs finally got what he deserved. He was convicted of two counts of sex abuse on a child and faces life in jail. Good. He made audio recordings of him having sex with a 12 year old girl and that is what got him sent away. Can you imagine how many different girls he has sexually abused? This was no religion. This was a guy who bastardized a religion to fulfill his own sexual perversions and I am glad he got convicted and I hope he discovers how Texas prisoners treat child sex offenders.


  1. This man is so disgusting. It gives me the creepies just thinking about.

  2. "This was a guy who bastardized a religion to fulfill his own sexual perversions"

    A certain dogmatic, antichoice, and extremely powerful church also comes to mind...

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Put the key UNDER the jail after you lock him in, okay, officer? Thanks.

    How gross is gross? Would you believe that his followers actually taped his sexual encounters with these children?

    Yeah, that gross.

  4. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Chances are the ODCs (ordinary, decent criminals) will not be thrilled to have Mr. Jeffs sharing their space. I'll bet he gets put in protective ad seg (solitary). The guy is a creep and disgusting and should never get out of jail.

  5. Hopefully he doesn't last long in prison.

  6. I hope he also feels the spirit of God when he takes it up the ass every night.



    Burn in eternal Hell you sick, sick FREAK.

  8. "Finally" is right. Better late than never. I hope he will now get to experience in jail what he's been doing for years. Don't drop your soap Warren.

  9. This fucker would just TELL the parents of whichever girl he wanted that she was his. Period, end of story. And these poor, misguided, deluded brainwashed followers LET him.

    While they let their sons be driven out never to be seen/heard/loved again.

    Stupid ass motherfucking "religions" like this can kiss my ass.


  10. Good. I hope they put him away for a long time.

  11. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I read the description of those tapes and almost threw up. He can't suffer enough to pay for what he did to all those little girls.

  12. Yay for Texas! Scum like him should not be allowed to hide behind civil rights and religious freedoms to excuse or justify their criminal behaviour against underage victims. I hope he feels even a fraction of the terror and horror that his victims felt while he rots in jail.

  13. I wish the jurors had the option of sentencing him to be hanged, drawn, and quartered like Henry VIII used to do...or boil him alive. He did that a time or two as well.

  14. There are so many elements of this story to be appalled by it's difficult to focus on just one at a time.
    Thanks to people like this, it's gotten to the point where considering yourself a religious person is something you don't mention to anybody.

  15. The stories out of his sect are as chilling as those out of another creepy religion (one embraced by hollywood). Look into it. Abusing children isn't the only vile thing going on behind their walls. Lots of people (adults) have disappeared. This guy needs to never, ever get paroled. Hopefully the brainwashed living there can find some semblance of a normal life.

  16. He represented himself and just walked out of the sentencing hearing because he can't take not being in control. I hope they send him away for forever.

    And those parents and women who stay in the compound, knowing what went on and continuing to support this evil need to be... I don't even know what. Sense slapped into them and intense therapy I guess.

    What's also bad about this is Utah basically held their case against him because it's still such a political issue there. They were going to re-try him on old charges if Texas didn't do the dirty work for them.

  17. "A certain dogmatic, antichoice, and extremely powerful church also comes to mind..."

    Given the amount of international good the suggested church has done, I think that remark is a little unfair. I'm not condoning pedophilia in any way, shape or form, but I have witnessed, supported and been a part of many Catholic organizations that help underserved populations. You can disagree with it in every political, religious, or philosophical way - and that's fine - but you can't negate the amount of good the church has done the world over (soup kitchens, homeless shelters, afterschool care, tutoring, ESL, education, I could go on and on).

    As for being antichoice, it's actually called pro-life, which means preserving human life. They do so by offering pregnant mothers in difficult circumstances help in any way possible. I know because I've seen and supported this effort too.

    Not trying to pick a fight, just clarifying where I detect some unfair allegations. I find people make statements like that simply because they're unaware of all that Catholic organizations do within the community because they're relatively quiet about it. I had no idea until I started doing a lot of community service just how much they contribute, which is why I defend them. I'm a stickler for misinformation. :)

  18. @KatD -- I get your point, but a little bit of charity doesn't erase all the horror that's been swept aside by the highest-ranking members of your church.

    And if they really wanted to help women make the right reproductive choices, their stance on birth control would be VERY different.

    But I *also* know that other religious leaders from other sects get away with things that are equally reprehensible.

  19. All the guards have to do is mention a word they have for men like this scum. Good ole Warren will be toothless (all the better to deep throat) and getting his anal orifice resewn often.

  20. I live in Central Texas, and some of the children are still here at various childrens homes. :(

    I am glad they convicted him, I hope he rots in hell!

  21. A pedophile is a pedophile, no matter his or her religion, and needs to be locked up and the key thrown away. The end.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I don't think there is any better justice in the world than a sick, disgusting, animal (in other words, a pedophile) being subjected to the same level of horror and pain that they inflict on defenseless children.

    There isn't another crime in the world that angers me as much as child molestation/rape/abuse. These men and women effectively ruin the rest of a child's life because of how traumatic the experiences are. It actually fills me with rage.

    I hope the inmates show him exactly how he made his victims feel!

    And I completely agree with the comment about Henry VIII's version of punishment. Bring it back for all child abusers.

  24. Hope he can't subscribe to Italian or French Vogue in prison ... that 10 year old in the provocative poses would be right up his stimulation alley ....

  25. Hope he can't subscribe to Italian or French Vogue in prison ... that 10 year old in the provocative poses would be right up his stimulation alley ....

  26. I live in Texas and was going near where their compound is. I saw these gorgeous little girls, all dressed in the same style of dress, using the same material. Knew immediately who it was. They were so gorgeous, but I just wanted to steal them away myself. It was all I could do to contain myself. None of the young girls was over 12.

  27. Oh, that is so sad. I wonder if these girls will ever be able to overcome what they went through and live a normal life.

  28. @Karmen -- "I don't think there is any better justice in the world than a sick, disgusting, animal (in other words, a pedophile) being subjected to the same level of horror and pain that they inflict on defenseless children."

    Come on, now. You're really doing a disservice to critters by using the word "animal" to describe this foul, fetid, horrid beast of a HUMAN.

    Sorry, but this guy is reason #45345435 why I VASTLY prefer furry creatures to my own species.

  29. @Ida... I was just about to say the same thing. Animals don't do shit like this, humans do. And we are supposed to know better. I always refer to these sick, disgusting human beings as monsters or savages, not animals.

  30. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I thought the church they were blindly referring to was Scientology. But all the sh** that goes on in the C church fits too I guess. It's funny to me how some people go right to imagining this monster getting raped in the anus. There are much worse things that will most likely happen to him in prison. But yeah, @natalisinger, he would do well to keep a tight grip on his soap... there is no cure for a pedophile, chemical or physical castration included. It is deep seated in their brains. I would enjoy beating this man within an inch of his life, then letting him live so I could do it infinitum. However, I will leave the butt stuff to those more qualified.

  31. YAY!! Some good news :)

  32. @Ida & Zuzu - You're right! Monster is a much better word for this trash. My pet kitty would bitch slap me if she knew that I compared her to him. :)

  33. Ida- from the Catholic hatitude to the dislike of animal/pedofile comparison- I cosign every fucking thing you just said.
    <3 you

  34. I'm so glad he is doing his time in Texas. I hope they give this sick freak a very long sentence.

  35. Trouble is, he's the only one convicted. At this point he's trained several generations'-worth of male leaders and female followers who now know how to *hide* these pedophile attacks so they won't get caught next time. The local CPS squad needs to stay on them 24-7-365.

  36. Correction-- I just read that 7 other church leaders were convicted in a separate trial, but I'm not sure on what charges.

  37. The definition of a destructive religious cult is like alcoholism-if alcohol controls you instead of the other way around you are an alcoholic.
    If they try to ruin your reputation and break up your family for trying to get out then they are a cult!
    Please examine the Jehovah's Witnesses pedophiles go door to door and come on our property.
    Many court documents and news events prove that Jehovah's Witnesses suppress evidence when a child comes forward with allegations of molestation within the congregation.Whenever you surrender your logic and reason to anyone who asks you to trust them because they know better it's possibly a cult.
    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....
    Danny Haszard abuse victim -dannyhaszard(dot)com
