Monday, August 15, 2011

What Do You Think?

John Duffy is a pretty rich guy. He makes millions of dollars a year and despite being married and 62, he loves his women. Lots of women. According to The NY Post, he loves them so much that he buys them homes, jewelry, and takes care of their every need, even though he is married. Well, on his way to not being married. Apparently the three women he has set up in homes are all young and all pretty including one who is a famous blonde rock star. Really? I can't wait to find out if she is actually famous because this could be good. Oh, and we will find out because the soon to be former Mrs. Duffy has sued her husband for divorce and was not happy with the $20M he originally offered her.

So, would you have sex with this guy? Gay or straight, is money that much of a motivating factor?


  1. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Who is the blonde rock star?

  2. You know what's worth waaaaay more than a mansion, a bigass designer wardrobe, and a fancy car? A healthy relationship based on love and trust.

    I am many things -- good and bad -- but a whore isn't one of them.

    So, uh, I guess my answer is a resounding NOPE.

  3. No, I wouldn't. I don't blame women who do though.

  4. You know now that I am older I am a lot less judgmental about this kind of thing. Just saying. It's not always black and white. In a perfect world it wouldn't happen, but things aren't always perfect.

  5. Given my life, I'd say no - I might not be rich, but I can easily afford everything I need. If I were a single parent, with no insurance and a child who desperately needed some really expensive medical treatment, then my answer might be different.

  6. Me personally I'll stick to my 8 to 5 day job. But he doesn't seem to lack for takers

  7. For myself, no.

    If he can take care of his young ladies, then he can give the wife whatever she's asking.

    You play, you pay.

  8. I wouldn't do it.

    I wonder if this guy really thinks they're with him because of his wonderful personality. Does he ever wonder if they'd be with him if he were an underpaid lacky in his firm instea?

  9. Fuck no. The man is a gargoyle.

  10. No, I just can't do that....too bad really.

  11. Don't think I could do it. A good personality can overcome alot though - this guy would have to have a VERY good personality. Might make a great friend, but based on looks alone, not someone I would even be slightly interested in sleeping with.

  12. I think I have called women who do things like this glorified prostitutes, but I have softened my stance, slightly. While I do think women who seek out sugar daddies are awful, I can also understand how intoxicating it would be to have someone offer you so many comforts just because he likes you. A person has to have a certain amount of self-confidence and pride in her ability to take care of herself to be able to pass up that sort of opportunity.

  13. I wouldnt have sex for money BUT I would star in a Pretty Woman remake (I've always always wanted to reenact that scene where her hand gets caught in the jewelry box) but I digress :O

    btw- that 'toup on his head is ummm not fooling anybody. *sigh*
    Why do the richest men ALWAYS have the worst hair plugs/rugs

  14. doubt if I would, but money can be a powerful motivator, especially if you're scared and broke.

    How about Courtney Love for the rock star? She's been down and out on occasion. Although I don't know if she has the ability to be discreet. She might not be young now, but she was once.

  15. but yeah, like Ida already mentioned, real relationships, if you can find em and grow em, based on love and commitment and trust, are worth a helluva lot more than some dude in a bad rug who rotates his chicks like a freaking Maharaja~

  16. It depends. In the situation I am in and I would say no and that I had shame but if I was in a position where I didn't have a job and I felt desperate I probably would. I have learned never say that say I would never do something or I would be in a situation where I will have to do it.

  17. I would not do it and I hope his wife takes him to the cleaners. He is a SCUMBAG.

  18. If you were broke and about to be out on the street, with no potential income, I bet it would seem a lot less gross. It's a hard world out there, kids. We mustn't judge.

  19. But also, si, si, the wife should take him to los cleaneres.

    I'm still not over that Spanish blind! haha

  20. In this economy? Hell yes.

    Better yet, in this economy, maybe Congress should sleep with him, too.

  21. This guy - no. Because he's not attractive. And also, I don't do married men - my issue with this story is the fact that another woman got hurt. But what the heck - what's a little exchange of monies for services rendered between friends? *L*

  22. When a question like this posed, you have to do the Lainey test--Picture him on top of you. Would you?

    So my answer is no. Not for the judge-y, prostitute-y reason, but for the I COULD NEVER LET HIM GET ON TOP OF ME. No matter the pay out. Never...I'd take attraction over money any day. (Does that make me equally bad?)

  23. I have dated 2 very wealthy men in my life. Obviously I didn't marry them. They can not keep there dicks in their pants. I couldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. When there is money involved, I feel that there is no trust. I broke up with them. Hated the feeling of wondering if he was with another person. I'm happily married to a soldier & we struggle everyday with money but are happy & trust eachother. I recently seen one of these guys that I dated & he is now on his 4th marriage & sixth kid. Glad I'm not involved in that circus. (He did ask me to sleep with him ... what a creep.)

  24. In an ideal world no, however, if circumstances changed and I had to survive then maybe yes depending on how he is like in real life. In all honesty I would still be in trouble because he likes 'em young and I am a middle-aged fat chick, so I'd need someone who goes for that.

  25. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Hell yes. If anyone who wants to pay me good money for sex if willing, Im open for it. When i was young no, now at 36 I say fuck love, give me money. Love dies, looks go, i can live in the cash paid for house forver

  26. is it avril whatshername? Taylor momsen? although "rock star" would be pushing it...

  27. I'm with Jamee: not judging, but I could not get with that! Ew! Sometimes, though, especially lately, I WISH like hell I could go there because life IS easier when money isn't a worry.

  28. oh, and I was once told by my Catholic School RELIGION teacher/priest that I would "marry for money". Again, I wish like hell I would have! (sometimes)

  29. 362 days out of the year No WAY!! But on those random 3 days, without a job, in a new state, trying to keep my head above water and .80 cents in my checking account...It sure as hell would be tempting. Yesterday was one of those days. Today isn't.

  30. LMAO @Taylor Momsen and Courtney Love guesses! I could see it being either one but would LOVE it to be Courtney.

  31. I like Pinkie's answer. Congress have been fucking us for years. Maybe it's time for them to make a commitment to this guy. lol

    I'm w/Kimberly. Jaded. Looks fade and love is fleeting. A paid off house can't leave and will always have staying power. ha However, these girls are probably idiots and they will blow the money and not save any of it.

  32. The needle on my EWWWWW-o-meter is in the red, so the answer is no, no, NO.

  33. It says the blonde rockstar is young and pretty. I'm sure Courtney Love is out...*L* And Taylor Momsen really isn't much of a looker either if you ask me...

  34. I'm going to be a Debbie Downer on the paid for house, part. Just because the house is paid for, you still have to pay the property taxes each year. Depending on where you live and how much the house is valued for, that is a lot of money. Additionally, big houses (I'm assuming they got nice, big houses and not nice, modest houses)require upkeep and maintenance. The utility bills alone are a lot more on a big house than something smaller. Hope these gals have jobs or a contract to help pay for all that goes along with the house. Or that their name is at least on the house deed. Hard to sell a house for the cash if your name isn't on the title.

  35. lmao...YES!!I've slept with creeps for less, and called them boyfriends... The only thing that would stop me is if he had a terrible personality, and if I knew he was married. If he plays nice around me, and doesn't tell me he's married then why not...

  36. That article says he tried to claim the houses were just real estate investments. HA! Did you see the details of WHAT was spent on the mistresses?? If I were his wife, I would be asking for more too.

    Money is nice to have but trust for me is #1 and if I didn't have that, I wouldn't be in the relationship.

  37. You know what...I may not have much but I have something I can't get back once it's gone. My self respect.

    So that is a great big NO to the flatbacking.

  38. Yes I would totally hit that old pepaw dicker-doo for a house and some diamonds.
