Friday, August 12, 2011

Your Turn

Have you ever died in your dreams? Is it possible? I have not, but others have told me they have. I did not think it was possible. Do you ever have a dream that has repeated itself many times over the years?


  1. I've died in a few dreams. Once I was shot with arrows and once from a gunshot wound to the head.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have more than 1 recurring dream, sometimes i stop in the dream and say this is not what happens next!

  4. I had a dream I was shot in the neck at close range and the next thing I know paramedics are on top of my shoving gauze (I guess) into my neck to stop the bleeding and I told them that they have to save my life or my mom will be really really upset lol.. then I woke up. It felt pretty real. I heard the gunshot and felt the blood draining.. very scary.

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    ironically my reoccurring dream is a death dream. the dream is from my point of view: i am leaving a movie theater and reaching in my pocket for my keys. i look down and see i'm wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans, then i look at the keys in my hand. i turn when someone yells loudly, then i get shot in the stomach. i throw my keys down and cover my stomach with my hands. the blood spills out through my fingers and i just keep asking for help until i pass out. weirdly, the dream rarely wakes me up.

  6. I have recurring dreams all the time, in bold, vivid color, with full details including smells and sounds, and I have had them ever since childhood.

    Some of the places in my recurring dreams are places I have visited in dreams since childhood, too.

    I have never died that I remember, but I have been attacked--stabbed, chased, shot--and often my dreams are "running away" or "escaping" dreams like hopping from a runaway 18-wheeler onto a motorcycle and speeding down the highway; or running from a low-flying, slow quiet UFO.

    I often wonder how crazy my dreams would be if I didn't smoke weed!

  7. I'm an active dreamer. I move around, I talk audibly, I wake up irritable with people if I've fought with them subconsciously (which isn't fair at all, I know, and it's not as if I STAY annoyed), and I've kept detailed dream journals since I learned how to write.

    When my parents were splitting up, I remember having dreams more or less constantly of falling endlessly down a dark hole. I woke up a lot on the floor during that time in my life. :-/

    I've had three separate apocalpytic dreams -- one when I was twelve, another when I was sixteen, and the last was on September 10th, 2001. Not shitting you.

    The elements were the same in each dream: extreme wind, a desolate beach, waves that turn into a gigantic maelstrom, a strange hut in the distance with bread and cheese (?) and some old man saying "some mourned for me, some mourned for others who had passed away" in a language that sounded like Latin.

    I've had horrific dreams in which other people have died, but never me. That would be interesting, though!

  8. Also, I am purely curious: who DOESN'T dream in color?! I can't even imagine a monochromatic subconscious.

  9. Ida- I thought I dreamed wierd shit! wow! I would love to read those journals.

    I have re-occuring dreams. I think most people do. Usually they are frustration dreams etc. Occasionally I dream of pregnancy (big surprise right) but when I do, someone I know turns up pregnant. I had the pregnancy dream something like 9 times when I started my job. My co-workers, who didn't believe me, teased me and said things about baby-booms etc. Then, the whole damned plant got pregnant it seemed like. All sorts of people turned up pregnant at the same time. it was funny. Now when I have the pregnancy dream, they listen. ;)

  10. I've died multiple times in my dreams. Once I was shot and killed by Mr. Rogers, and another time I was gunned down by the Menendez brothers in my school's parking lot...I can't even imagine how those dreams would be analyzed...

  11. YES! I was shot in a parking lot in a dream. I could feel the blood draining from my body as everything slowly faded to black. Eeriest dream ever, I still get chills thinking about it.

  12. I haven't had a dream where I died, but many years ago I had a dream where I was dead. In the dream, it's night and I'm in my bed. I can hear my mother crying so I get up and go into her room where she is sitting on the edge of the bed. I say to her, "I'm dead," and she replies, "I know it." Then an incredible calm came over me, and I woke up. My mom died in 1986 so I didn't die before her.

    When I was young, I used to have the same dream every night when I was living in Virginia, then a different same dream every night when I lived in Oceanside, and then a different same dream every night when I lived in San Diego (in other words, three dreams that only changed when I changed locations). The dreams always concerned headless people who would talk to me.

  13. When I was really young I had a dream that Heckyl and Jeckyl (cartoon crows that used to be on a tv show) killed me and cooked me up in a pie and invited my family over for dinner. Right before they started eating I woke up.

  14. I have had repeated dreams of a bear chasing me, catching me and killing me. (sometimes its a lion). I'm always afraid it's going to get my kids, but then I realize the bear wants me and not them.

    I looked up the significance one time and a bear represents the cycle of life/death/renewal, or it can mean I feel overwhelmed or threatened by something I can't overcome.

  15. Yes, there is one dream I have had a few times. Once I dreamed I was already dead and came back to visit with my family, only it was a bad for me to visit, they already had plans.

  16. for whatever reason, I am always falling off a cliff....or being sucked up by a tornado.

  17. I have never dreamt that I was killed. I dream in colour and I have dreams that continue, so if I dream something on Monday, and I didn't finish it, I will take up where I left off on Tuesday. One time it went for 3 or 4 nights. When I hit puberty I had really full-on dreams about vampires taking me both exsanguination wise and sexually.
    I have had recurring dreams. I also dream I need to pee in a dream if I have to go in real life, and I will constantly be thwarted trying to pee in the dream until I wake up and go to the toilet. I have never wet myself in my sleep.

  18. ^^^I had to look up that word, exsanguination. I learn something new every day here, lol.

  19. I once was assassinated in a dream Sonny Corleone style - by my ex girlfriend. She then told me she once had a similar dream where men in dark suits where chasing her. she blamed it on me because I had Godfather posters up around my house.

    I do have a recurring dream of being in a van, stuck in mud and unable to drive out of it. I've been having that one for about 15 or 16 years. Wonder what THAT means, LoL.

    Since I've been reading and blogging about celebs I've been starting to dream about them. Not often but once in a while. I dreamt the other night that Olivia Wilde shouted out me when I tried to take her photo. Funny thing was I don't even much like Olivia Wilde. The worst was that time a few months back when Charlie Sheen went crazy during those few weeks. I was having NIGHTLY dreams about the crazy fucker.

  20. I have a recurrent dream that I get up out of my body and fly around to see everyone I know. They are all sad and mopey, so I fly back to my body and got back in. I wake up resenting everyone for forcing me back into a physical form. lol

  21. Ooooh, I loved that word usage, feratart--"exsanguination."

    My husband doesn't dream in color, nor do his people in them ever have faces or can he see/smell/hear any details.

  22. I got shot and everything faded to black and then I woke up.

  23. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I don't die in dreams, but I have several that recurred for years. In one, I am in a house with a lot of windows and doors, and something bad is trying to get inside to get me, and every time I get a window or door barricaded, whatever it is is at another one. This happened over and over when I was trying to raise three kids on a secretary salary, so it must have been something to do with that. I don't have it now; however, I am retiring in a week so it may start again.

    In another...and I am scared of heights...I have to cross a bridge, only I have to do it on the understructure of the bridge, and there are buildings on the side, and people looking out at me but not helping me. Again, this was during a time that I struggled financially.

    Lately it's dreams of falling. Doesn't matter where I am, on a mountain, on a cliff, on a building, I always slip and fall. I probably should get a helmet.

  24. For some reason, I can usually realize that I am having a dream when someone is killing people. I have nightmares like that a lot-go figure. I tell myself and the killer that he can't kill me because this is just a dream. They always still shoot or stab me, but i don't even feel it. Weird. Yes to repeating dreams as well. I used to have one when I was in my late teens/early 20s where a man was always following me, calling me, trying to find me to kill me. He caught me several times and beat me up in my dreams. In some, he had a gun. Forward to my mid 20s, and I found myself face to face with the guy from my nightmares. My nightmares became real life. In my nightmares, I killed him by hitting him in the throat with a bread board. In real life, he was sentenced to prison. True story.

  25. In my recurring dream I am in a car, in a tunnel, and being crushed. I do not dream in color, and also don't see faces in my dreams.

  26. It actually scares me a little that I dream in vivid color and can even feel pain (or so it seems at the time).
    I dont really know the rules around dreaming or what but I also think about those old wives tales/scary movies about dying in your dream equals death in real life or something about if you are really scared in your dream all you have to do is pinch yourself to wake up and realize it was all imagination/not real.

    So when I feel pain in my dream and yet keep dreaming, when I wake up for a few minutes its hard for me to rationalize whats the real and tangible to what is all 'made up'.

    But yeah, I have two reaccuring dreams: I've had this one for 20 years- I am floating/falling down the tunnel of a castle and white sheets are billowing where open windows are and I am waiting to fall to the ground but it never happens.
    I also dream very very vividly about me sitting in a room in a high rise building and staring out at the horizon as an atomic bomb mushrooms out and slowly levels blocks- from the horizon eventually right to me. This is my scariest dream. I think I've had it since I learned about Hiroshima in school and it stuck with me what the civilians must have gone through/seen.

  27. Dreams are fascinating. I say I'm an atheist because it's easier, but believe in reincarnation because of memories and dreams. Some of the death dreams posted here could be past incarnations, if you believe in that kind of thing.

    I've died a few times, the most memorable one was seeing a missile decent and then an explosion and being out of my body, not sure what to do next.

    One of my reoccuring dreams is sexing with Warren Beatty, and he's really good in bed, except I've never been attracted to him in waking life.

    I love reading about precognitive dreams - they don't all seem to unfold the exact same way in reality as they do in the dreams, but are similar enough that you recognize them.

  28. Never died but came close many times.

    Constant recurring dreams:

    1. Losing teeth
    2. Back in grade school, high school or college-typically the end of the session and finals and I haven't been to class all semester!
    3. My husband cheating on me or I am cheating on him and/or we are divorced or were never married.
    4. Being at work (these are the worst!!!)

    Incidentally, I used to work at TGI Fridays and one of the guys there had a dream that he was waiting tables but the kitchen was 3 blocks away and he kept having to run back and forth-the dream lasted all night. I just thought that was funny and if you have ever waited tables-you would see the humor!

  29. Oh...and when I was little I used to have constant dreams about the boogie man! But he always took different forms. Once he was a spiked head looking monster that hit me over the head with a club, but I woke up. Another he was Herman Munster and yet another, he was my Uncle Eddie!!!

  30. I have dreams where I fall to my death all the time.

    I recently had a dream where I was raped and strangled while people just walked by. I've also dreamed that I was at my own funeral visitation.

    However, the most bizarre dream that I remember ever detail of occured more than 10 years ago.

    I was sitting in the floor with my boyfriend and two other friends, staring at a candle. I knew that once the candle went out the world would end and we would all turn to ashes, so we all said our goodbyes and watched the flame until it went out. I woke up in pitch black darkness and started freaking out. It took me a few minutes to realize it was all a dream.

  31. At a time when I was having a lot of problems at work and in my personal life, I had dreams with this recurring theme: I was working in a mall and on my break, so I went to another part of the mall for a little while. When it was time to return, I would try to get back in time, but one of my legs would go lame. I ended up crawling back to my job. No one seemed to notice and no one helped me.

  32. I don't die in dreams...but I always end up living underwater like a 10 foot deep ocean, and I'm breathing just fine. I love the ocean too.

  33. Wow it sounds like a lot of people get shot in their dreams.

    I seem to die quite a bit in my dreams, always a different and unique way.

    Once I was standing in a street and I watched as an airplane crashed right on top of me, I just didn't move. I've also been sucked into the couch, Nightmare on Elm St style, where I'm completely suffocated and die. I've also ridden off an unfinished rollercoaster and highway, hoping to wake up on the fall and end up going all the way down.

    Freaky shit!

  34. I have a lot of "pregnancy" dreams too. Just last week I had a dream that my friend was pregnant. I sent her message and about it and the next day she found out she was!I also dreampt(?) it was a boy, so if it is she will really be freaked out! This same thing has happened with at least 3 other friends so now they all want to know when I have dreams about them :)

    I also found out I was pregnant with my daughter this way. I had just gotten off of working a 48 hour shift (yes you read that right) and went to bed. First dream I had was of me going into the bathroom and taking a pregnancy test and it being positive. When I woke up it happened the exact same way!

    When I was pregnant last summer I had 3 different dreams that I lost the pregnancy. In real life,when I went to the Dr that week we found out the baby didn't have a heartbeat.

    So needless to say I take my pregnancy dreams very seriously :)

  35. I've never dreamed about dying, but I've had dreams where I've killed someone (most recently, my ex, by shooting her with a pellet gun then drowning her in a bath tub lol).

    I also had two different dreams where Avril Lavigne has died, once by being shot (in that dream I saw her die), and once in an earthquake in LA.

  36. I think I usually wake up before I actually die in my dreams.

    I find dreams so fascinating. I tend to have very odd and VIVID dreams so I wished I'd kept a dream journal all these years like Ida.

    I have all kinds of re-occuring dreams. I dream about catastrophes and end of the world type stuff all the time. I've dreamed about tsunamis since I was a child.

    @Hayley - Your Mr. Rogers dream made me laugh out loud.

  37. Ok so the dream that I died in was effed up!

    I was seventeen years old and I dreamt I was walking down a street I knew very well in a neighborhood that I never lived in though with my two brothers. As we were walking down the street I heard foot thuds. There behind us was the only other person around. He was a tall white man dressed in green military fatigues..the dogtags and whole bit..then everything happened in lightning was like all at once I heard his footfall and at the same time saw my brothers faces look up in a split second their faces went from wonder to concern..I saw my dads old van from the 80's ( he sold it years before that dream ) roll around the corner with him ( my dad ) driving with a smile on his face looking at something ahead...then all of a sudden in less than a split second there is a knife and I know what is happening before it does and I blink and all of a sudden I am out of my body and I see the stranger slit my throat and drop my body. I see my brothers scream and my dads face go into shock..

    I wake up...

    That is only a crappy comment version of the dream but I think the point is clear..

    that dream was effed up...

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. @ Jasmine - I have had three mushroom cloud dreams..those were among the scariest I have ever had! Each one was different and years and years in between but definitely memorable and outlandishly scary.

  40. @Alicia- I know, right?

    There is just something about dreaming things that can and do actually occur that really frightens me and lingers with me.
    Its funny, I am a girl from Cali, never lived anywhere besides the USA and certainly never dealt with bombs or weapons or terrorists of any kind BUT just dreaming of something that seemed so real at the time and so all consuming in its destruction of people and the things around them...well lets just say that I have a gut fear of nuclear weapons that seems very real and tangible to me.
    Its funny then, how dreams can make things more tangible to you than you would have realized in real life.

  41. I have often died in dreams and in many different ways.

    My rerun dream is me walking and talking with a male figure. We usually talk about what is going on in my life.I sometimes get advice on my life. They usually happen right as I wake up.

  42. Never died in a dream, but I do have some recurring ones. The scenario is never quite the same but there are two themes: airplanes or rollercoasters. Sometimes scary, but not always. I also often dream that my teeth or gums are cramping - I can't explain it, it just feels like my teeth are being pressed together and are about to shatter. I know I grind my teeth in my sleep though so that probably has something to do with it.
    I often wake up because while I wasn't dreaming that I was falling, I have the sensation of falling in my body...and there's a helicopter sound in my head. A friend of mine experiences the same thing.

    Also, twice in my life I have experienced lucid dreaming. It's been years since it happened and I hope it will happen again, but no such luck yet :)

  43. I have familiar dreams frequently - like they are woven with dreams from my past but I can't remember all of the details. Last night I had a horrible dream all night long that my 2 year old son was out on a fire escape and he kept looking over it and I couldn't get to him to save him from falling. He never fell, but I never got to him either. It was terrifying.

    When I was little, I had a series of recurring dreams for a few months. I kept dreaming that I was with Daisy Duke in a helicopter and she was trying to land it on the Empire State building - which of course is impossible. We would fall to our death. I think I was about 5 - someone posted earlier about their parents getting divorced and having dreams about falling. My parents got divorced when I was 4. Weird...

  44. OMG this was so interesting to read.

    @ice angel - Everytime I have ever dreamt about my teeth falling out, someone died 3 days later. Last time in May, my bff mom died 3 days later.

    If I dream about a cat, it usually signifies something is wrong with my bff.

    I always assumed that if you dreamt getting killed, you would actually die. I guess I got that from Nightmare on Elm Street.

    I had a recurring dream since I was a child upto 2 yrs ago. I am in a building and I am trying to get out but something outside is preventing me from leaving. The building and the barrier keeping me from leaving always change. I attributed the dream to mean I wanted to get outside of myself and be free and live life.
