Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bristol Palin Fight Staged

The producers over at Biography must be feeling like they have a very boring show on their hands. While it is fun for a day or so to film Bristol Palin and Kyle Massey and his brother hanging out and doing a bunch of G rated things while they fuss over Bristol's baby, it gets old. People want excitement. A reason to watch. They want Jerry Springer. So, Kyle Massey thinks the whole fight last week between Bristol Palin and the gay guy at Saddle Ranch was a set up. He told TMZ that he thinks it is way too convenient that a bunch of cameras were in perfect position to capture the entire incident. Kyle also said he signed on for a scripted show and not a reality show. Really? You think Bristol is getting a scripted show? He also says the show is becoming too sleazy for him. Uh huh. So if it is a hit and sleazy, you will walk away? I think he is covering his bases for the inevitable pulling of the show after just a few episodes.


  1. I thought all these reality shows, if not totally scripted, had certain events "happen" just to cause excitment. Are there any reality shows that aren't scripted in some way?

  2. I don't think anyone believes those "reality" shows are real at all. 100% fake Fake FAKE (said in the Elaine Benes orgasm-faking voice).

  3. Hope it was staged, for that guy did not defend his point of view well, and was quite honestly embarrassing.

    1- You don't call someone's mother a whore, especially that publicly, and having nothing intelligent to say to back it up!

    2- You can call Palin many names, for her obvious lack of US history and contemporary political knowledge, her self involvement, her lack of leadership as well as her lack of respecting her engagements. But really, a whore?

    3- Also, when confronted by Palin's daughter, the guy started screaming that her mother was the Devil incarnated. Sorry dude, that is Dick Cheney.

    I so hate it when ignorant twits make the Palins look mediocrely palatable! He could've EASILY referred to her ignorant younger sister twitters, and how constantly they both slam gay men as well as visible minorities. They do ALL the time, and never had to apologize for it.

    I'm off to eat my cannoli.

  4. One can only hope that Kyle's fears are founded....and why wouldn't he think it was scripted..how else would those two people have anything else to say to one another? I hope the show is cancelled before it even airs and she and the rest of her family fade into the Alaskan landscape.

  5. This is another one who needs to go away...

  6. Rita, I totally agree. I was embarrassed for the guy. I mean, if you're going to slam Sarah (and there are many easy ways to do so), have a logical, backed-up argument and be able to cite examples. The whole "whore" thing was just ridiculous.
    But maybe that was the point? To paint Sarah-haters as wildly irrational and stupid?

  7. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I was hoping this wasn't a set-up, because I would never have signed off on anyone calling my mom a whore. If Bristol did, then she's truly Hollywood deranged.

  8. I believe it was a set up, too. I intensely dislike the Palin's, but I know Bristol would not have agreed to this. The comments from the guy at Sarah and comments directed at the guy from Bristol were not too cool. No winners here.

  9. RQ - If it was a set-up, Bristol has some explaining to do... They both looked mediocre, none had anything going for them. No one won this face-off, at all.

  10. RocketQueen said...
    But maybe that was the point? To paint Sarah-haters as wildly irrational and stupid?

    Ding ding ding!

  11. I'm with Jen. Why would you ask someone if they were gay? That guy gives off zero gay vibe and I can tell. My Sharper Image Gaydar is still practically new!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think Kyle is a pretty classy young man who didn't realize exactly what he was getting himself into by agreeing to work with Bristol.

    I hope they do cancel the show, and he can move onto better things.

  14. I thought Massey said he thought the producers set it up, but Bristol didn't know. As much as I don't like her, I don't think she was in on it.

  15. Okay guys. And especially you, Enty! It is 2011. You can't be seriously asking if reality docu soaps are staged in this day and age. The answer (from the inside) is yes, yes, and very much yes. Even on the rare occasion something cool and unplanned happens for the cameras, it is subsequently edited within an inch of what really went down and forced into the producer's pre-planned storyline. Many reality performers get scripts. Bristol may well have gotten a script. Or she may have been used as a pawn by the producers in a set up situation, but that's unlikely, especially given the Palin's usual demand for control of all things media Is this good or bad? I have my own opinion on that, but it doesn't really matter. It just is. There is a constant need to manufacture drama where there isn't any in reality TV. (IMHO that's what talented writers and actors used to be for, but maybe that's just me.)

  16. What RocketQueen said.

    I don't especially like Sarah Palin or her family but calling her a whore isn't really gonna get me in your line of thinking. ;)

    I saw the clip on TMZ and now that it's been mentioned, I could see it being a set up.

    WTF is Kyle Massey still involved with this mess? Something tells me him running his mouth about it may mean not for much longer!

  17. Palin's all should have been eaten by bears. Including the children.
