Friday, September 30, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This very famous, and iconic actor from the 60′s is beloved by all his fans, but not so much by anyone that know him personally. Pretty much anyone that is around him or involved in his life currently, is there because of money. They are getting paid to do so. He is demanding, selfish and very eccentric. Several weeks ago, he had a fall and no one was around to help him because everyone had gone home for the evening. He was found by his house staff the next morning and had spent the night on his kitchen floor, crying.


  1. Adam West? William Shatner?

  2. Is Adam West really so loved by his fans? A good guess though.

  3. Shatner was my first thought, Adam West is great guess too.

  4. This reminds me of Sandra Bullock's character in Crash...Sad, maybe he'll be a little bit nicer to people now? Probably short-lived, if so.

  5. I'm pretty sure this is Jerry Lewis. After he was dropped from the MDA telethon this year, some really awful stories came out about him.

    I hope not, though.

  6. Shatner has a wife, and I tend to think he's not all that bad.
    But whoever he is, he should be glad he has the money to pay...

  7. Love the Jerry Lewis guess. I'm on that train, for sure.

  8. Not the Shat. He is married and seems o.k. Jerry seems to be having a life meltdown of sorts. I pick Jerry, but I do love the Adam West guess.

  9. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Pains me to throw this out there but:

    Dick Van Dyke.

    Don't know how much more iconic you can get from the 60's.

    His long time companion died in 2009. He really is loved by his fans.

    He was on a local radio station here in Dallas a few weeks ago promoting an appearance and as it turns out was a really difficult outside of the interview. How long they would talk, what questions are approved, exact times they could talk, etc.

  10. Dick Van Dyke is very close to his son-not him. And as far as I am concerned, DVD is more than an icon, he's a legend. And if he wants to make sure questions stay on track, then so be it. Plus he is an animal lover and advocate. Love him and always will.

    Iam going with Batman or Robin

  11. A relative of mine is West's agent, and believe me, he hasn't got enough money to hire friends.

  12. At least he has staff. That lady from the 50-ft woman movie didn't even have staff and was totally alone. Remember, nobody even knew she died for months.

  13. Someone on Gawker said she had dinner with Adam West a year or so ago, and he was healthy, intelligent, funny and very nice. As a kid from the 60s, I don't consider him to be iconic. I'm going with Jerry Lewis - he was EVERYWHERE in the 60s.

    DVD is very much an icon from the 60s as well. Sure hope it's not him. He's had alcohol issues but I'm pretty sure he's been clean for a long time. And I'm with Ice ANger - he's allowed to be difficult, and I could understand getting annoyed with stupid questions about all the stars he's worked with, his drinking, etc.

  14. Oh yeah...William Shatner. People who know him can't stand him.

  15. @pomme - You have such a sweet heart. Bless you.

  16. The problem with the Shat guess is that he's continued to be in a lot of stuff. And he's also great friends with Nimoy to this day. Even tho I loved Star Trek and watched it in the 60s, there's no way he was an icon.

  17. Sounds like Jerry Lewis. I read a book about him years ago - he had a really terrible reputation as a nasty guy.

  18. At first I thought Shatner, but he seems a bit too fit for that.

    Adam West is awesome and not rich. And probably in great shape.

    Dick Van Dyke. No. Just NO. I refuse to believe it.

    Nobody really loves Ryan O'Neill or Warren Beatty.

    Jerry Lewis is a known PITA. And some people really love him, I guess. I think it's him. If there's any such thing as karma.

  19. I'm tempted to say Burt Reynolds. He became a star in the 1960s but I'll allow that his biggest movie hits were in the 70s. However that timing is no worse than Jerry Lewis, who became a star in the late 40s being described as a star of the 60s. Burt seems to fit the personality aspect and he has had some health issues.

  20. Regardless of who this is, this is very sad. No one wants to realize that they are alone, whether through circumstance or of their own making. I can't imagine falling and lying on a floor for hours just having that point driven home to me. Very, very sad.

  21. Not Dick Van Dyke. He has tons of friends and is involved in a singing group (I think barbershop quartet) and does tons of charity work. Fact.

  22. Adam West pretty much just does Family Guy now. That's not big money, for a small supporting role like that. Seth MacFarlane was smart (and nice) to give AW that job.

  23. Well said, mialou. Really sad.

  24. @daveb - that's exactly who I was thinking of as well. I know he's had a number of setbacks these last years, and I read something recently, possibly about his house being foreclosed on (I think).

  25. Adam W. was at a Comic Con my nephew went to a few years back. The man was friendly and nice to the public. I would say it was NOT him.

  26. I'd believe the Burt Reynolds guess.

  27. Jerry's demanding and tempermental for sure, but he's also married with a teenage daughter. Doesn't compute. What about James Garner?

  28. Is anybody from Bonanza still alive? That was a huge thing in the 60's.

  29. It's sad that this happens, but when you treat the people you encounter like crap, don't expect them to hang around. Karma.

  30. I will admit that I suck at guessing blinds, but my first thought was Jerry Lewis.

  31. Sounds like DVD. Didnt he have a rep back in the day for being a tempremental alcoholic?

  32. Just to be different: Davy Jones. He's known to be a tempremental diva.

  33. Didn't know Michelle Triola died. Way to get out of a paternity suit, Dick, by letting her die first! (Sorry, but I was on Lee Marvin's side.)

    Not Shatner. He has a big ego, but who in Hollywood doesn't? He has many good friends.

  34. definitely not Shatner. Henry Rollins who is definitely not someone to mince words did a hilarious bit on his experience with Shatner in one of his spoken word performances that I saw. Shatner is weird and eccentric but more in the "strange uncle we all love" manner.
