Thursday, September 29, 2011

Casey Anthony Headed For Mental Hospital

The National Enquirer is reporting that Casey Anthony is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and could be headed to a mental hospital if things do not change. Apparently in her therapy sessions she has been exhibiting multiple personality disorder. Her parents spoke about that on Dr. Phil and I think one of her ex-boyfriends said she used to have seizures which caused her to turn into different people. I didn't know seizures could do that. I know her mom would like to believe that seizures from Casey were the reason Caylee died. I don't really care what happens to Casey Anthony as long as she never makes a buck of the death of Caylee. Unfortunately though I will probably not get my wish. With the state of Florida trying to get $200K from Casey, she is going to be left with no choice but to write a book or hit the talk show circuit or something to raise cash. Plus there is the pesky thing about attorneys fees.


  1. So obviously I think Casey is guilty as hell, but I'm wondering how the state can claim $200K from her? I mean if she was found innocent, why should she have to pay fees that I assume are related to the case against her?

    As for the mental hospital - uh, WAY overdue.

  2. I thought the money was for all the search and recovery stuff the state did.

    This bitch is taking her cues from the Law & Order: SVU playbook. She should spend the rest of her life drooling on herself and sleeping in her own feces.

  3. she should have BEEN in a mental hospital.

    oh, and I hate that picture. She looks like a demented Alanis Morrisette.

  4. The 200K is for the state's money spent on the bogus search for Caylee when she said Caylee had been "kidnapped". And the state is paying a good bit of her attorney's fees. Remember that old movie "The Snake Pit"? That's where she should spend the rest of her days.

  5. Vicki - you're totally right about the SVU thing and that reminds me: as much as I hate the idea of them making a movie about her, it'll obviously happen eventually and I'm calling it right now that Jennifer Love Hewitt will play her.

  6. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Vicki is right. The state is trying to recover money spent on the extended search for Caylee's body, since by her own admission Casey knew where the body was the whole time and lied about it. She was found guilty of lying to the police, so the state has every right to try and recover those funds. The owner of Texas Equine Search is suing her, as well, for the money his group spent searching.
    Also, contrary to Hollywood, MPD is EXTREMELY rare. So rare, in fact, that some psychologists and psychiatrists doubt it even exists.

  7. Vicki's right, it's for the search and recovery work that the state did. One of the volunteer search teams sued her for the amount of money they spent going out to look for a baby she clearly knew was dead and the location (if I'm remembering correctly).

    I don't know about multiple personality disorder, I'm pretty sure that would have been brought up at trial by her lawyer, along with everything he threw out there. She definitely has mental issues, but I'm not sure you can rehabilitate people that manipulative unless they reallllly want it.

  8. The money owed by Casey Anthony is for search and recovery since the defense said she knew Caylee was dead during the search.

    I would think living with the guilt/knowledge of killing your kid would send you over the edge mentally. Dumb beyotch. I have no sympathy for this one.

  9. @Texshan - jinx. Wrote the same thing at the same time :)

  10. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Feisty, I owe you a Coke!

  11. Ah, thanks guys. That makes sense and is TOTALLY fair.

  12. @Texshan

    You owe me a coke from yesterday. I was going to say jinx, but I had to leave.

  13. About MPD...there has been a move away from that term. Instead it's dissociative identity disorder, which generally manifests after some sort of trauma or abuse, often long term sexual abuse. It is rare and it is very serious. I doubt that it would just show up now in CA. Maybe she or the parents are going to try to claim that it was another personality who killed her daughter. I think she belongs in Arkham Asylum.

  14. I am not sure but in some states there is a law against profiting from a homicide victim. I would certainly hope she doesn't try--or that her parents would step in and stop that from happening!
    Casey's only mental illness is immaturity and what we call in the mental health field "Cluster B Traits". It seems as though she killed her daughter because being a mother interfered with her need to be out partying.

  15. For added fun check out Casey's lovely mother on Twitter - CindyAnthony. It's denial personified! Those folks will go down in history as the most psychotic family ever after that family in Texas Chainsaw Massacre!

  16. Just wait until the Kardashians get wind of all the money if there's a movie. Mama Kris will stage a murder/suicide of her daughters and then make a fortune.

  17. Huh, since Cheryl has said this RARE mental illness comes from abuse, most often sexual, methinks this is more disgusting manipulation - she has done her homework and chosen her mental illness to back up her claims of abuse. I really hate myself for saying this but I hope she dies.

  18. Frankly, this might be the best thing for everyone. Put her in a mental institution and leave her there forever and hopefully she will never harm another human being (and we'll never hear about her again). I don't mind my tax dollars being used for that.

  19. What Cheryl said. I highly doubt Casey has DID, but I do think she is manipulative and disturbed enough to fake it.

    Or, even more likely, the guilt is driving her crazy.

  20. She's a psychopath. She has no guilt. Or shame. Or remorse.

  21. The look on her face in that picture is rather unsettling.

  22. @Unknown: in most states, you can't profit from your crime if you are convicted. There is nothing stopping Anthony from writing a book, etc., and profiting from killing her kid because she wasn't convicted.
    And that REALLY sucks.

  23. This is a ploy by her family to gain her some sympathy. It's not going to work.

    I like the SVU playbook analogy.

    I also agree that she has no remorse about what she did to her daughter. She is being inconvenienced by the public's hatred and wants to hit the clubs. I think she's more concerned about how many wet tee shirt contests she's missed.

  24. This tweet by Cindy is very disturbing:

    @CINDYANTH0NY Cindy Anthony
    @orlandomicki he will get Giordano off i'm certain

  25. This blind is asking to to believe that a therapist who discloses details of his sessions in gossip would be competent to make any diagnosis at all. Which is unlikely. What diagnosis would you give to a therapist who discloses facts from a therapy session, knowing that the client will know that only one person could have revealed those details? I'd say the therapist is experiencing separation from reality issues.

  26. She was evaluated by several mental health professionals prior to trial and 3 more during trial. None of them found anything wrong with her that would prevent her from standing trial. In fact after the trial she signed a waiver allowing one doctor to speak out who spent time with her and he said she was just immature and he said she didn't have a personality disorder (as many, including myself believe).

  27. oops, and by personality disorder I mean borderline, socipathic, etc...not DID.

  28. "Sounds like you have mental problems, man."
    "Yeah, you have mental problems, man."
    "Yeah, it really does."

  29. Oh please, for the amount of time she spent in jail, why was this NEVER reported until now?
    Wouldn't the guards have noticed?

    She needs to check into a hotel with Van Der Sloot.

  30. @Bigmama -- haha Alanis!! Hahaha!

    And to whomever said JLH should play Casey, you are on point!!! I couldn't find the comment to ID you? I'm blizind.

    I think she may be a sociopath. It's hard to tell however, because she is so young. She gave birth so young that it could also be PPD, in which case is terribly tragic. PPD needs more acceptance. At her age it's difficult to really pinpoint because she is still forming as a person.

    Entirely sad.

  31. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Geez, Feisty, Sue Ellen ... I owe everybody a Coke!

  32. Shehla, she's 25. At what age do you consider someone a fully-formed person?

  33. Cindy has a Twitter account now?

    So, Casey had a seizure, which caused her to morph into one of her crazy personalities, and then kill Caylee?
    That is actually more plausible than any of the other 500 excuses she and her family have offered up thus far.

  34. Joo - hmm I thought she was younger but I do know some really naive 25 year olds ha! I thought she was like 16 or 17! Oops.

  35. Yeah, I totally agree with Barton Fink here. A therapist that sells confidential information to a tabloid needs to lose his/her job ASAP
