Monday, September 19, 2011

Emmy Award Photos Part Six

Mayim Bialik
Melissa McCarthy
Charlie's Angels, one of which is Derek Jeter's ex-girlfriend.
Olivia Munn
Paula Abdul
Paz de la Huerta (worst all time)
Peter Dinklage and his wife.
Rashida Jones
Sofia Vergara (top 5)
Ty & Holly Burrell


  1. Sofia looks gorgeous.

    I love Peter Dinklage! He is hot.

    Charlie's Angels will be canceled by Mid- November. Will not be a minute too soon.

    Enough of Olivia Munn. She is marginally cute, and not funny at all.

  2. Ugh, I ♥ Rashida Jones. She's awesome.

  3. Finally! A picture of Paula Abdul. Can someone please tell me they've noticed the mess she was on the red carpet and how hard it was for her to talk? I kind of pitied her a bit, she was out of it.

  4. agree about oliva munn - over it

    rashida jones can do no wrong is my eyes. she and zooey deschanel are my girl crushes. hands down.

  5. It would really suck if after all the months of pushing they are doing for this Charlies Angels series that the thing gets cancelled even faster. I feel like they kind of shot themselves in the foot by having them be presenters last night.

    Also, did anyone see the dress of girl who plays Alex on Modern Family when she was on stage? When I was 13 I'm pretty sure I never had a dress where my boobs were playing peek a boo.

  6. Good Lord Rashida Jones is beautiful. Then again, she has fabulous genes. Sofia looks amazing (as always).

    I need to see, 'Game of Thrones'. And yes, Dinklage is hot.

    Olivia who? I swear I didn't even notice her and couldn't tell you what she looked like. I think she's not getting through my filters or something.

  7. Why is Olivia Munn not part of the top 5 worst dressed? It looks like she's wearing an ill-fitted 80's bridesmaid dress... too tight in the stomach and WAY too loose in the chest. And those stripes going down the front only bring more attention to how badly it fits her.

  8. Holy fuck, Paz de la Huerta. She used to be pretty. WHAT HAPPENED.

    I love Sofia, but she has lost a lot of weight since Modern Family started. Kinda makes me sad. I liked her curvy curves.

    Love Melissa McCarthy. Hate "Mike and Molly". It's so BAD.

  9. I Love Melissa - big girls can be beautiful and no one better tell her otherwise. She stole Bridesmaids.

    Sofia was the best dressed of the night as far as I was concerned. Wow. : )

  10. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Sofia looks sexy as hell. She has lost a bit of weight.

    Rashida is lovely.

    I like Melissa's dress, especially the color.

    One of the Charlie's Angels is dressed like a Solid Gold dancer.

  11. YourNameHere, I was mortified when I saw Ariel Winter (Modern Family) on stage. Who allows a 13 yr old to leave the house looking like that? All the makeup, the cleavage, the entire look was wildly inappropriate. Her parents should be ashamed.

  12. I don't get why they are making a Charlie's Angels tv show. The original show was pretty bad (I watched it faithfully) and the movie was awful. None of the women in that pic have the charisma that Farrah/Kate and Jaclyn had.

    I LOVE Paz. She is a fabulous hot mess who doesn't give a sh*t. And she doesn't hurt anyone with her f*ckery like some others do - so she's alright with me.

  13. Wow! You go, Amy Farrah Fowler!!

    If I could look like anyone on earth it would be Sofia!!

  14. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Sofia...OMG. That is all.

  15. Rashida Jones is one of those women that could pull off a burlap sack, her face is just stunning.

    Paz de la Huerta is keeping me from wanting to start watching Boardwalk Empire.

    Wasn't Ty Burrell a guess for a blind about an older sitcom actor having an affair with the young girl that played his daughter? Is the girl that plays Alex his daughter on the show (sorry, just getting into MF, I think it's up against Antiques Roadshow here or something)

    agree Mike & Molly is painful to watch, but Melissa McCarthy is great, I love how her real life hubby was in Bridesmaids with her!

  16. Not planning on watching the new Charlie's Angels. Once was enough.

    Olivia Munn's dress is horrible and the color is horrible.

    Paz De La Huerta, no matter what she wears she looks very Trashy.

    Love Peter Dinklage. Good show Game of Thrones. Highly recommend it.

    Rashida Jones, don't know who she is but she looks very pretty and her dress is very nice.

    Love Modern Family but can't stand Sofia Vergara. Find her very annoying.

  17. Great posing Sofia, work those collarbones forward. Lea would be proud, as would Sarah Hyland.

  18. I love Sofia Vergara and her overall "over the top-ness". That dress is gorgeous. Rashida Jones - also gorgeous. Spaz De La Huerta...I don't know. She kind of brings a whole new dimension of "hot mess".

  19. spaz is a disaster but she works at it. i can't stand her but that's her thing.

    no excuse for olivia munn. HORRID dress. cut, color, style, everything. just awful. it doesn't even fit her.

  20. I love Mike and Molly. I guess I'm in the minority, here. Their plotlines may be a bit stale, and some of the jokes are iffy, but Billy Gardell and Melissa McCarthy make their characters seem genuine.
    Melissa designed her own dress -- she totally nailed it.

    Although Olivia's dress is brighter than my Walmart-special living rooms curtains, it looks like it could've been cobbled from a pair of them. I don't get why she's getting all of these projects, either. Are her talents more suited to the casting couch?

    Mayim looks lovely, too. I like that she went a little sexy without trying too hard.

    Everyone else here looks great except for Paz. Was she out of it on the red carpet, or does this picture just make her look stoned?

  21. I thought I had a crush on Tyrion but then I saw Dinklage on 30 Rock and I realized it is HIM I have a crush on, not his character. H-O-T! And Game of Thrones is just amazing.

    Don't get Olivia Munn at all. Not hot, not funny, doesnt seem like a very nice person in interviews. But she must have something cause there are some people out there who love her.

  22. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that child from Modern Family's dress was INCREDIBLY inappropriate. I didn't even wear something that revealing to my senior prom, for god's sake. Where are her parents?

  23. I always get a real Charo vibe from Sofia Viagra.
    Olivia Munn is a goddess to all the fanboys who watched her on G4, I think, but it doesn't translate well otherwise. At least she's got her mouth closed here.
    Rashida is a goddess.

  24. When Melissa McCarthy won last was one of the top 5 BEST reactions to a win Ive ever seen...I coulda sworn she mouthed the words HOLY SHIT too :-O

    Sofia has an amazing body and Rashida looks so dreamy in that dress.

    I too thought the dress on that little girl was insane! When they won and the producer or whomever was speaking, she was in the corner of the screen with those boobs hanging out combined with her little girl face and it was VERY distracting and creeper...

    When Peter Dinklage won and while he was giving his speech, he gave off SUCH a sexy masculine vibe to me...I really was attracted to him. yowza

  25. my one thought though, upon seeing Melissa's dress was...dayum. Why do the big girls always got to wear the most plain boring shit? I remember whenever Gabby Sidibe (precious) was on the red carpet, it was the same deal....

    Even us big girls like to look fancy and pretty too---its like Hollywood has NO IDEA what to do with a woman whose a size 16+. Ridiculous !

  26. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Size 16+? Please, Jasmine, I think you are being too generous. Designers and Hollywood have no idea what to do with a woman larger than a size 4! If you don't want to wear either flowered polyester tents, tacky rhinestone-encrusted satin tents, or a tent with a billowing chiffon over-tent, I guess you are shit out of luck, apparently.

  27. I usually agree with the plus size dress issue in Hollywood, but if she designed her own dress we can't fault Hollywood for that one. I have to wear plus sizes sometimes because I'm top heavy and regular stuff either buckles or is too tight around the boobs. Its a shame how hard it is to find nice fitting clothes if you don't fit nicely into a size 4 or 6. But, I agree I wish she did a bit more with it. I guess that's what she's comfortable in.

  28. omg Texshan I know, right!?

    I dont know if you watch Project Runway but last week the designers had to design for 'real women' and one of them- Olivier who is a 21 or 22 y/o gay man- had no concept WHAT boobs were (he didnt know what a cup size meant when he found out his model was a D-cup) and more, he was pissed off he had to even work around breasts at all----

    Maybe it's because I grew up chubby and my mother (being thin herself) had NO concept where to find me things that were really hip or cute like what the other pre-teen girls were wearing- but I am really hyperaware when I see larger women in Hollywood on red carpets who have the money and resources and yet for some reason feel they can only wear a solid colored, heavily paneled dress!!! its appalling and offensive and Melissa deserved better than that shitty dress.

  29. @Jasmine/Texshan - A-f***king-men

    I'm assuming since Melissa designed her dress, she designed what she thought would be most flattering/comfy, though?

    I have not see a single woman in these photos that qualified as "harried" in that one blind item....until I saw Paz de la Holy Hell.

    Peter Dinklage had a really good speech. Thanking the pet sitter and his sweet remarks to his wife really got me. :)

    Sofia probably had my favorite dress and she looked AMAZING last night. She HAS lost weight. Her waist is SO tiny!
