Friday, September 30, 2011

Four For Friday

#1 & #2- This B list R&B singer who has suffered silently as the mistress of this A list producer/celebrity for years seemed to indicate that the relationship has ended. She was overheard telling someone that, "He paid me off. Not enough, but he paid me. I should have made him pay for that baby he made me get rid of."

#3 - For years this Academy Award winner/nominee actress has supported her basically unemployed husband. She has found him work, got him meetings, and given him tons of money. How does he repay her? He gets a little success and then starts cheating on his wife with someone half her age.

#4 - This former almost A list R&B singer is now closer to C. She is struggling to stay relevant and has spent a great deal of money promoting herself. Recently she has started paying paps $300 a day to meet her at certain times of the day to get "random" shots. They are so posed and ridiculous that paps are having a tough time even giving them away to the tabloids, but keep showing up for the money she pays.


  1. 1 & 2 - Jermaine Dupri and Janet Jackson? Or haven't they been broken up for a while already?

  2. #1&2 Rhianna and JayZ

    #4 Toni Braxton, Ashanti

  3. Not Julia - her husband is successful in his own right and was even before marrying. Of course not the staggering money she has, but he doesn't need her support to get him work. Too bad, as I would love her to face some public humiliation.

  4. #1 and 2 sounds like Diddy and Ciara ..

    #3 Julia Roberts and Danny

    #4 ...

  5. I find it hard to believe someone would say "I should have made him pay for the baby he made me get rid of". Would those words really come out of someone's mouth?

  6. I can see someone saying that.

  7. #4 Mariah Carey.

  8. #1 & 2 - P Diddly and Ciara popped to mind.

    No idea on the others. Maybe Kelis for #4?

  9. Isn't Julia the one who steps out in that marriage? Even if he cheated, I have a tough time caring given how she got him and her in-your-face attitude with his former wife.

  10. I like JayZ/Rhianna and Diddy/Ciara for #1&2

    #3 - got nothing

    #4 - Lil Kim. I've seen a few really staged looking pics of her recently.

  11. (meaning I'm torn for #1&2 - i understand i can only be one of them! lol)

  12. 1 & 2- Diddy and Ciara

    3- Are Demi & Ashton too obvious?

    4- Mariah Carey.

  13. 1. Diddy and Cassie (not Ciara)

    2. Jennifer Hudson (she married some guy who wants to wrestle on WWE)

    3. Lil' Kim

  14. #1 It's Diddy and CASSIE - Not Ciara. Cassie was ONLY seen with Diddy, never alone, and lately I've seen a few shots of her solo.

    #2 Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban?

    #3 No idea.

  15. I'm only good at deducting people. #3 isn't Jennifer Hudson. She's not married and if he was cheating w/somoeone half her age it might be a teenager cause she isn't that old (early 30s?) Cassie was a B list R&B singer? I only know her as Diddy's jump-off and nothing else. She sings, really? Ciara was never almost A.

  16. Cassie and The Didiot for 1 and 2.

    Brandy for #4.

  17. Grace, Mariah has RIDICULOUS amounts of money. She never has to work again. It ain't her.

  18. Yes, Princess, sorry...CASSIE. I couldn't pick either of them out of a line up.

  19. Just to be different, Nicole Scherzinger (because I have a hard time seeing Cassie as B-list) and Jimmy Iovine as the producer. "Celebrity" because he's been a mentor on American Idol.

  20. 1-Cassie
    2-Annette Bening and Warren Beatty

  21. I don't think Mariah is having to promote herself for money. I think she has to promote herself for attention. Can you imagine what would happen if people stopped paying attention to Mariah Carey? She would have (another) meltdown.

  22. Rihanna is not a B-list r&b singer, she is an A list pop singer.

    Cassie is far lower than D-list and everybody knows she's with Diddy so thats not suffering in silence.

  23. these guesses are crazy.

    Warren Beatty needs Annette Bening to get him meetings?
    Keith Urban "basically unemployed?"

    These guys are major stars!

  24. that said, I like the Jay-Z guess for #1 & 2, with the pregnancy he's probably cleaning up old messes.

  25. Grace, since Mariah had the babies, she has been seen out twice. It is not her. And she is not a former "almost" A list singer.. she was A+++++ for years- record breaker on the charts, Grammys up the wazooo.

    No way in hell it is Mariah.

  26. It's black Friday, I love it.

    1&2. I like the Jay-Z guess
    #4. Ciara
    3. Someone black?

    What academy award has Demi Moore been nominated for? Not.

  27. "It's black Friday, I love it."


  28. Cassie has never had a B list day in her life not to mention how are you the mistress to a single man who has never been married. And Lil Kim is a rapper; she doesn't sing R&B, never has.

  29. For #3 - how about Barbra and James Brolin? I know, Enty didn't mention singer, but that would make it way too easy...
    For #4 - I thought of Anita Baker and Toni Braxton first -- those women were definitely A List, and never thought Ciara was....

  30. Warren Beatty for #3????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    If #1 was Jay-Z it would say "rapper/producer" or "musician/producer" or something. He definitely has a music career so it wouldn't not mention that. P Diddily makes sense.

    #4 Kelly Rowland? Brandy? The other chick from Destiny's Child?

  31. Doc - I really like that Barbra/Brolin guess!

  32. 1/2:Cassie and PDiddy
    3:Hillary Swank and her ex-husband Chad Lowe

  33. What about Mark Ronson for number 1?

  34. oooooooooooh Barbra/Brolin! I like that guess!

  35. 1&2 at first read like Eve and Sean Penn but I guess he would've said actor in there somewhere.

    I say #4 is Mariah Carey.

  36. Trying this again...#4 is either Ciara or Kelly Rowland, both of whom I'm sick of seeing.
    #1 is Diddy/Cassie. Cassie is popular in the hip hop world. She's featured in videos and mentioned in songs. Heard she cant sing worth squat. Diddy has been known to be abusive, and considering he offered a hideaway to Chris Brown and Rihannoreah after the incident, are we surprised?
    And for as long as Diddy and Kim were together, any jump off is clearly a mistress.

  37. Coming back to say, I'm sure #3 is comedianne/actress Mo'Nique. Yes, they have an open marriage, but it's possible she doesn't know about it. He's building a reputation as a producer, but that started with her show.

  38. Hillary Swank & Chad Lowe have been divorced for a long time.

    I think Ashton has done a lot of producing between acting so I don't think 3 is him & Demi.

  39. I think # 3 is Mira Sorvino. Enty has in the past made several comments about her husband being a jerk who didn't work, and she has won an academy award.
