Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Josh Duhamel Does Good

Over the weekend, The Black Eyed Peas played in North Dakota. I don't think they have ever even sniffed North Dakota previous to this. Yes, Fergie has been there of course, but the group has not played there. They did so because of Josh Duhamel. This is a guy who loves the state where he grew up and his community and will do anything he can to help. Back in June, his hometown of Minot had severe flooding which damaged the home Josh grew up in and condemned the middle school he attended. Using his celebrity, he talked his wife and the Peas into performing at the State Fairgrounds this weekend and the even raised millions of dollars to be distributed to those who were affected by the floods. Specifically the money will go to paying for materials to rebuild all the damaged homes. Did you hear about Josh doing this? Did you know he was there a few weeks ago to survey the damage? This is the kind of guy who flies under the radar. Yes, he may have had his indiscretions, but, this kind of thing and doing it without trying to make it all about you, goes a long way to having people forget about the indiscretions. He will have to work a little harder though to have me forget about Transformers 3.


  1. That's nice of him. I think we all have a soft spot for our home state/province/etc. If I had the wherewithal, I'd have done the same ;)

  2. He did the right thing....I can't stand celeb's who grandstand..

  3. It was very nice of him to do this. And it also shows that just because a person may occasionally display poor judgement in certain situations, it does not make them an overall bad person. I find on gossip sites in particular, a particular need to paint a celebrity as "good" or "bad" and then have all subsequent stories about that person fall continue the trend.

  4. How about more love for the peas! What Josh did was great, but they were the ones who played the concert

  5. That rules.

    I kind of want a scoop about why Jerry Lewis didn't show up for the last song at the telethon over the weekend. Apparently they had a band ready for him. I mean, if it is for the kids and not for his ego whore, then I would have thought he would have showed up.

  6. I'm guessing things are pretty ugly behind the scenes between MDA and Jerry Lewis. I can understand why he didn't show up, especially if he thought their whole 'we have a band ready' shtick was insincere show boating on their part.

    Good for Josh, helping out his hometown like that.

  7. This is a feel good story for both the Peas and Josh Duhamel. Good for all of them. I still like him way more than them. But my opinion of all of them went up for this.

  8. Hey, Josh's prettiness was one of the only things that made Transformers 3 bearable, so don't give him guff for that. :) (#1 best thing about it: ALAN TUDYK!!!)

  9. This is right near me! I saw that the BEP were doing a show with a guest appearance by Josh, but I didn't realize the reason behind it. That's awesome.

  10. Applause for all involved in this. Good job!

  11. Good for Josh and the Black Eyed Peas!

  12. Nice guy and Bravo to the Peas for performing for a good cause.

    The world could use more of these kind of folks.
