Monday, September 26, 2011

Justin Bieber Gets Sponsors For His Big Date

So, did you hear about Justin Bieber renting out Staples Center and all of its 20,000 seats for his most recent date with Selena Gomez? The one where he and Selena ate at mid-court and then watched a screening of Titanic all alone in the place? He then Tweeted that "Romance isn't dead. Treat your lady right fellas."

Well, first of all, the guy did not even pay for it. Not the rental or the food or any of it. Staples Center gave it to him for free. Nothing wrong with a free date, but you don't see me announcing to the world the same thing after handing over my buy one get half off IHOP coupons do you?

Who of us would not do the same thing if it was offered to us for free? OK, well I would probably not sit there and watch Titanic for 3 hours. Plus, as cool as it looks for a few minutes in a movie, I am not sure how fun it would be to sit in the middle of the arena for all that time with the empty seats just staring at you.

That being said, at least Justin did not pay for it himself because Justin that money is not going to last forever.


  1. Is it just me or is he getting funny looking....sort of out growing the cute and heading into bizarre.

  2. These two are totally lifesize bobbleheads.

  3. Do you remember when you were 16 and dreamed that your idol would come and sweep you off your feet? If you remember your daydreaming back then, don't you cringe at your naive worship of a guy that did not truly exist?

    What Justin did, I'm ashamed to admit it was the the kind of behavior I dreamed about when I was 17. And back then, 17 was equal to today's 13.

    Cheesy, very cheesy, but cute as hell! Lucky Selena.

  4. It's the thought that counts. For all we know, he planned it all out himself and then when he contacted them, they offered to do it for free.

  5. I think it's sweet. No, he didn't have to pay for it, but he made it happen, didn't he?

  6. I just can't poke fun at young love and all that goofy stuff. I was thrilled if my bf won a stuffed animal at the fair for me.

  7. exactly. To be young, and have the power to have all your Cinderella dreams come true.

    Now back to work as a ballbuster... Or a nutcracker. Whatever is more fitting for today's meetings menu.

  8. Ah, I think it's sweet, too. He's no Chris Brown, that's for sure ;)

    Also, I love how Fish on Superficial keeps calling him the "Maple Christ". Hilarious.

  9. can you hear in like 20 years his wife like "remember when you rented out the staples center for that bitch selena? you don't do stuff like that for me."

    lol. it think it was a great gesture, very sweet but my has he set the bar for himself extremely high.

  10. God. That picture makes me feel ridiculously old. I need a face lift.

  11. Enty, what the heck is this hate you have for Justin Bieber? He's a teenager. He hasn't, as far as I know, done anything except act like a goofy, self absorbed teenager (and aren't they all?) What has he done that you are this venomous?

  12. You know, I love how clean their teenage love is. The movie dates, he beach picnics. Would much rather young girls watch this then whatever Chris Brown is tramping with lately.

    Please don't let them get matching tattoos. That's when all starts heading to hell.

  13. I think it is sweet, too. These kids are teenagers. Never again will they be so naively romantic, let them enjoy their romance.

  14. I think she is so adorable.
    Him? Meh.
    But good for him for being so romantical. His tweet was pretty cute. I'm off to vomit now for complimenting this behavior.

  15. I think it's cute as hell. It's sure better, than showing up in the tabs drunk, drugged, and groping each other.

    ITA that he is getting funny looking, but I'll chalk it up to puberty.

    So Far these two are certainly taking a better route than most.

  16. meet mickey rooney and judy garland for the 21st century. big deal. who cares about this dosh?

  17. Eeewwww @ Titanic LOLOL

  18. Read that the Staples Center insisted on it. Their way of thanking him for filling up seats 5 times already. Cool gesture, some tv producers give cars for a good season to their leads, the Staples Center gave a Bieber a free night. What counts is what he did for his lady love that evening.

    Note that I said FOR his lady love, not TO.

  19. It is the thought that counts Enty. And even though I am not a fan of Lesbeaver, I have to give him a high five for this. I would have loved it at this age.

  20. What in the hell is hanging around his neck? I think it's my Aunt Myrtle's QVC special gold-plated necklace.

  21. first when did Bieber turn into a lesbian.

    second, it is not even an orignal idea he was copying a scene from Mr. Deeds when Adam Sandler shows a movie to Winona Ryder at Madison Square Garden.

  22. @timebob, Bieber has always been a lesbian. I'm glad people besides me are finally starting to notice.

  23. Last week I treated my date to a free dinner with a coupon I had for Hometown Buffet. And then we watched a movie on my HDTV. Almost the same thing, right?

  24. I thought it was sweet/obnoxious.

    Like right on the borderline.

    He gets props for being polar opposite Chris Brown here and doing such a sweet gesture that does sound romantic in a fantasy type way BUT the level of grandiosity was a little much.

  25. It is sweet in a "trying too hard" kind of way. He seems away into her but I am not sure she is as.
    I wonder if she will break his sweet innocent heart and so he can make his Alannis album that "evolves" him....course it could be vice versa.

  26. I dunno... may I got to Disney hell but I just don't believe this romance. It smells fabricated and the grand gestures are getting shoved down our throats. It is gag worthy and I don't care what age they are. Be a teenager and do teenage things, not courting the media. Blah.

  27. IheartJackSparrow - I think a guy stayed with during football season for my HDTV. He got his favorite beer, food, control of the remote for a 46" 1020i, a comfortable couch, and sex. I got, well, I got...huh, guess all I got was bad sex.

  28. He looks like a middle-aged lesbian.
