Thursday, September 08, 2011

Kate Winslet Is An F Bomb Machine

So, after reading the Reese Witherspoon interview I really did not want to read anymore actress interviews today, but then I was skimming the interview with Kate Winslet in V and caught the words nut sack and apparently she was not referring to a squirrel, but a nude scene she once did.

"I just go in and say 'Oh f*ck' let's do it.' and boom. If you complain about it or procrastinate it's not going to go away. Its a profoundly bizarre thing to do. As actors you talk about it all the time. You can literally be tangled in sheets, and you turn to the other actor and say 'What the f*ck are we doing?' Dear Mum, at work today I had so-and-so's left nut sack pressed against my cheek. It's sort of unethical if you think about it in those terms."

As you can tell, Kate is not shy about expressing herself and she dropped so many f bombs that actually made it into the interview you have to wonder how many did not make it in and how many she says in a normal day. So, Kate, if you are reading this, just exactly how many f bombs do you drop each day?

She also explains that she only wants roles that challenge her. "I hope I am sh***ing myself over the characters I play for the rest of my life. Because the day I go 'Oh yeah, that's going to be a piece of pie', why f*cking bother? If you do that, you do not learn. I hope I'm always learning something. So I won an Oscar. It's amazing. I've got that for the rest of my life for a performance I am proud of. It nearly killed me. I am really proud of the film. That's it, moving on."


  1. she is so much more likable and talented than reese.

    if you haven't seen this piece yet she did w/ricky gervais, it might make your day:

  2. i didn't read so many "f**k" since Christian Bale's rant transcript or my last clash with my boyfriend

  3. Thank goodness, I thought was the only one with a colorful vocabulary

  4. I love a woman who can drop an f-bomb or two :)

  5. Yeah, me too makes me feel like maybe there is hope for me after all...*L*

  6. I kinda find Kate annoying although I admire and respect her for being way more of a normal woman than most of these Hollywood skinny and uptight chicks.

  7. Personally, I need to cut back on my F-Bombs.

  8. I'd like to hear her say, "Yes, i got a fucking nose job. Everyone in Hollywood does. If they lie, they are full of shit."

  9. Made me think about the Chris Tucker post yesterday and how he is unapologetically a 'pay check' actor.

    Ya know, I understand that people want to make money, I really do, but personally the Kate's of the world, who speak about wanting a challenging role simply because they learn something new, and also that an Oscar makes them want to do even better performances, well, those types of people are worth so much more to me than the Chris Tucker types of people in the world.

    I go to school and my degree can be more metaphysical and as such people have coasted by with their C's and graduate with a degree. But I will never get people who are in a classroom or hell, a movie set as the case with Kate is, and NOT want to get everything out of something that you can.

    Imagining Tucker's 13 yr career in his chosen profession and all he has to show for it are Rush Hour sad and uninspiring. Making your life about getting yours and obtaining as much money as you can is repulsive to me. Good on Kate for being so stimlated by her career and being real enough to share how she really talks without sounding like a proper stick up her ass.

  10. *coughPaltrowMadonnacough*

  11. "she is so much more likable and talented than reese.

    if you haven't seen this piece yet she did w/ricky gervais, it might make your day: "

    That's the only time I like Ricky Gervais. Kate Winslet is definitely on my girl crush list. Love her!

  12. "Good on Kate for being so stimlated by her career and being real enough to share how she really talks without sounding like a proper stick up her ass."


    Kate (Fucking) Winslet is a silver screen goddess who picks versatile roles and ALWAYS mesmerizes me, which is more than I can say for, um, Blake Lively or Jennifer Garner, or all the other dainty little blossoms who never cuss during their interviews.

    I just rewatched Heavenly Creatures a few weeks ago, and she was amazing in THAT -- and what was she? Sixteen? Seventeen? She and Blanchett are my queens. They can do NO wrong.

    Enty, if this were a dude who dropped the F-bomb a billion times, you wouldn't even mention it. Leave her alone. I'm SO tired of people slagging on this woman for both her appearance and expressiveness.

  13. Anonymous12:03 PM

    @ Jasmine: I understand what you're saying about challenging yourself. But people challenge themselves in all kinds of ways. Just we don't see it doesn't mean that Chris Tucker isn't accomplishing a lot. Maybe he's a great father and neighbor. We wouldn't be privy to that, so it's easy to say he's doing nothing.

    I would LOVE for Tucker and other stable, talented people to work more in movies and on TV. Tucker is hilarious. His stand-up used to be quite good, judging from the clips I've seen online. But if he's decided that he's happy with what he's got, so be it. Maybe he wasn't interested in being a full-time actor, and just fell into it, so to speak.

    Everyone achieves in his/her own way. Makes a lot of us pretty special, I think.

  14. "Enty, if this were a dude who dropped the F-bomb a billion times, you wouldn't even mention it. Leave her alone. I'm SO tired of people slagging on this woman for both her appearance and expressiveness."


    Ida, Im in love with you~

  15. I love Kate. I like her foul mouthed let it all hang out and not care what anyone thinks. She deserved her Oscar and I do not think she will get through her career without winning again. Kate, Helen and Cate all walk on water with me. @ Jasmine - Goopster does have a Oscar as well. And it pains me to know that... Such a total Bitch.

  16. I love that she drops the F bomb. I do all the time. I really have to censor myself at work, but they occasionally fly here too! = )

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Yes...Kate on Extras was...if I may...FUCKING BRILLIANT!!! I like a gal that drop's an F-Bomb every once in awhile...I find it sexy and it also shows that she is down to earth and MORE importantly real and doesn't take herself to seriously!!

  19. I really, really like her as an actress and she comes off as being a genuine, good hearted, down to earth person. Maybe too much so with all of those F bombs.

    Perhaps it's just me, but when people resort to using tons of F bombs, it makes me wonder what they are trying to prove. Or if they are nervous or insecure. She has plenty of interesting things to say without hiding behind the shock value shield.

  20. I swear too much, too.

    I like Kate Winslet a lot but I thought Mildred Pierce was horrible. Her American accent grated on me.

    She does have a fab bod and is very thin. I don't get why people praise her for having a real body. She probably works very hard on it.

  21. I love her so much. I am also a big F-bomber. I know some people say it makes you look less intelligent, but I don't believe that at all. My vocabulary doesn't suffer because of my love of f*** ;)

    Oh, and I don't believe she's had any work done. I don't see it, and that's not because I love her; I've looked at photos past & present and I don't see it.

  22. I do like Kate well enough but think the swearing is a cultural thing. As a fellow Brit, we're fairly notorious with the amount we swear and whilst it's not the most pleasant thing to overhear, probably, there have been many conversations I've had that the eff word is every other word. Not in anger either but simply as an adjective.

  23. I like what she said. F bombs and all.

  24. PS. vivien leigh had a HUGE potty mouth!

  25. She sounds like someone I could have a drink or 5 with. Kate - CALL ME!

  26. Me too, c17! I'd love to hang out with Kate Winslet, Rachel Maddow, Christina Hendricks and Cate Blanchette.

  27. I love me a british chippy with a dirty mouth! I loved practically everything she's in. She's so stinking talented.

    And can we just talk about something: So in Enty's world he considered Kate Winslet B or B+ list, right? Who else is considered B list? KATE HUDSON, correct? Let's review:

    Winslet: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    Hudson: Alex & Emma
    Winslet: Finding Neverland
    Hudson: Raising Helen
    Winslet: Little Children
    Hudson: Fool's Gold
    Winslet: Revolutionary Road
    Hudson: Bride Wars
    Winslet: The Reader
    Hudson: Something Borrowed


  28. Love her and Cate, and a shout out to the much late Vivian Leigh.

    A personal peeve of mine is that Gwennie got her Oscar for the Shakespeare in Love movie when it clearly belonged to the wonderful Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth, one of my favorite movies, imho.

  29. Ooooh...Elizabeth. Sigh.....Christopher Eccleston.......sigh...

    Excuse me! I need my vibrator......

  30. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I wish the term "f-bomb" would fade away. To me, it's the equivalent to "wardrobe malfunction" and adding "-gate" to anything scandalous.
