Friday, September 16, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Is Out Of Control

And Lindsay Lohan wonders why she cannot get anyone to give her a job, let alone take her seriously. Somehow Lindsay got invited to a V Magazine party. Since they are a fairly decent magazine, I am wondering why they had to go down so low on their possible guest list to have her show up. At the event, once again, hosted by V, a V photographer tried to take Lindsay's photo. Well, with Dina right next to her, Lindsay launched a glass at the photographer, but missed and ended up hitting a cocktail waitress. Instead of apologizing or seeing if she hurt the waitress, she just pointed and said, "Not you. Him."

Who tosses a glass at a party full of people? She could have seriously hurt someone, but she does not care. She does not care about anyone but herself. Dina does not care either. The only thing Dina cares about is making sure she gets her commission and protecting the one person who makes sure Dina does not have to have a real job.

Later, Lindsay hit someone in the back of the head as she moved to a different part of the bar. When the party ended a bleeding woman was removed via ambulance, but no one is sure whether Lindsay caused it.


  1. Of course she caused it.

  2. LOL.

    Obvious headline is obvious.

  3. You know, if it were my mother with me, and I had been to rehab 5 times, she not only would kick my old ass for drinking, but would give me the silent treatment until I apologized. All 38 years of me, always under my mommy's thumb.

  4. What??? Lindsay is out of control? I don't believe this story. Just ask Lindsay, she'll tell you it's not true.

  5. I <3 you today Crila16. Keeping me laughing.

  6. Thanks Captain Obvious

    I would also like to follow up with it is light during the day and dark at night. Water is wet. Dirt is dirty. And there will be a similar LiLo story next week.

  7. @Ida my thoughts exactly

    "Lindsay Is Lohan Out of Control"

    Reaaallllyyyyy? I had no idea.

  8. Is she not under some kind of court monitoring? I dont remember what it is called, but she isnt supposed to drink right?

  9. linnea, I think all her court-ordered restrictions have expired now. She's over 21 and free to drink all she wants, as well as be an ass to her heart's content, steal whatever isn't nailed down, file frivolous lawsuits, annoy everyone with constant unnecessary and unasked-for press releases, and otherwise all-around pollute the world with her existence.

  10. @linnea - I think she has to do drug testing, that would get her "in trouble", but alcohol is okay.

  11. Well, in the immortal words of Billy Joel: Only the good die young.

  12. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Gah. She always looks filthy to me.

  13. @mama mia - YES. and that fake tan she always wears makes her look like she has a mustache half the time.

  14. "Who tosses a glass at a party full of people?" If you'd asked me this question randomly in the middle of the day, my answer still would have been Lindsay Lohan. She's a broken record at this point. Well done, Dina.

  15. I wish this woman would press charges. Maybe someone in NY will throw this asshole in jail.

  16. She's the Teflon Whore. Absolutely nothing sticks to this bitch. She could walk into a kindergarten and kill everybody and nothing would happen to her.

    And unfortunately she'll never die of a drug overdose. Oh well. Maybe we'll get lucky. Maybe she'll get a hold of some bad coke and murder her parents and herself in a drug-fueled frenzy.

  17. Forgive me for this, but I just wish the Bitch would OD already. It is coming and we all know it. I just don't want her to take anyone else with her. Good people die everyday and this sorry piece of crap still breathes. Ali looks scary as Hell, so we know the White Oprah (Dina for those of you who don't know the gloriousness of Michael K and DListed) is lining up her next meal ticket. Evil Bitch.

  18. Well, maybe she could take out her parents, too.

    Definitely her horrific mother.

    Think I'm pissed.....sure I am, why is she invited ?
    This monster should be BLACKLISTED from all events....

  20. The LA Police department and Judicial system are as much to blame as her horrendous parents because they absolutely REFUSE to put her in jail.

  21. Vicki - stole the words right out of my mouth, she IS the Tefflon girl. No matter what, nothing sticks. It's weird. Some people get caught with a bit weed on them and serve 1 year behind bars, this Lohan thing just doesn't get punished for anything.

  22. @vicki & rita -
    it may not stick to her, but it sure as hell does stick to her career. Or what was her career. This girl obviously is full of self-loathing and has a death wish. Which, seriously, get on with it already.

    And sadly, I just saw a photo of Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe, and I didn't get the resemblence. If Lindsay had ever stuck to being a responsible human being and worked at her "craft," which she used to be good at (I think?), she would have been a good choice for that part.

    What a self-absorbed fool.

  23. While people are stupid enough not to press charges against this mess. She will continue doing what she is doing.

  24. If the Internet were around in the old days, we'd have been reading similar stories about Frances Farmer, Robert Walker and others.
    It's hopeless; the damage is done. You get what you pay for. Let the buyer beware!

  25. She looks so decayed, dirty and disease ridden. I think Lindsay's demise will occur prior to her being old enough to join the 27 Club.

  26. How is she supporting herself while blowing her cash on parties, clothes and lawyers? Did "Freaky Friday" and "Herbie" pay THAT well?

  27. Rita, my mother would have removed me from the party! Not Dina, she needs to get her free drink on.

  28. At this point I think she's getting invited to events for the spectacle, pure and simple. Like that movie where people invited idiots to dinner so that they could mock them.

  29. I am so GD sick of seeing FAKE HAIR all over the GD place.

    LiLo--please get a new look. The haggard one you're sportin' is yesterday, you dumb cunt.

  30. I used to feel sorry for her thinking her parents caused her demise. At this point she needs to take full responsibility for her downward spiral. I don't wish her dead, but I don't think she will be around to enjoy a long life.

  31. Ms Snarky - A lot of actors don't get work because of their attitude or/and addictions.

    But not many can say they get away with breaking the law to the extent of Lindsay Lohan rap sheet! She is Tefflon I tell you. Tefflon!

    I only cook with cast iron btw, that's why I always get caught with the littlest of misbehaviors.

  32. Dina and lindsay were DRUNK and SToned look at the pics after the party..they're both pathetic..and the other kids (cause you KNOW she has 4 right) should be removed from that drunken cow.

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  34. @candachick beat me to the punch...they both look so stoned and disheveled.

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  37. It's pretty bad that the very week Charlie Sheen is making coherent, sober appearances on all the talk shows, Lindsay is seemingly losing her booze-soaked, crack-fogged mind. Along with her teeth judging from recent photos. Last night Marc Jacobs threw her out of his party after she'd been there for six minutes. I'm glad everyone is getting tired of her shit.

    The night she threw the drink over the balcony Trainspotting style, she was also throwing french fries. In two years time she's going to wish she had some spare french fries while she's scrounging in garbage cans for food.

  38. Anonymous2:26 PM

    selenakyle, I am SO with you on the hair. Where does she get the idea that having long stringy fake hair down to her ass is even remotely attractive? She's got nice red hair that many women would kill for, and she covers it with this stringy crap. I notice Dina is sporting the same hair-don't, which is inappropriate for her.

    Do I have to move to Hollywood and get her to injure me so I can press charges? Is nobody else ever going to do it? If I accidentally injured someone, they'd have me arrested.

  39. this seems a good time to point out the obvious, once again.

    alcohol IS a drug. it will kill her just as dead as cocaine will. she's probably doing both, which is a lethal combination.

    she won't live much longer. i won't cry when it happens either---not wishing her dead, but come on. is there any other ending here?

  40. Rose - here-here to mothers that care. We are lucky that ours cared if we slowly killed ourselves or not.

  41. I would love to see this silly bitch on Scared Straight...

  42. saw something online earlier this week where dina was being interviewed about the other girls new face. there was a "host" watching the interview, where dina explains the reason is because she grew 3 1/2 inches. then she starts talking about how she (dina) weighs the same as she did in high school (random!). the host then proceeded to rip on dina and mock her and the reason and basically called her a wack job. was really funny. but can't find it now.....

    anyway, dina will have good spin on this. i look forward to another mocking :)

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  44. She'll live a long time. Pete Doherty has been doing drugs for YEARS and look at him! Hey maybe we should introduce those two...

  45. How does she keep getting invited ANYWHERE? Don't people get blackballed in Hollywood? Lindsay sure does like to fight....

    Someone really needs to tell her that blonde hair is NOT a good look for her. I feel like she is looking more like Donatella Versace.

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  47. Sorry for the double comments on a couple of the posts today. Blogger/Chrome are wonky.

  48. The reason Lindsay is able to party the way she does, is cause she's doing it on the dime of this guy, Vikram Chatwal. He flies her around, puts her up in hotels (for god only knows what, in return). The Marc Jacobs party was held in the hotel that this guy owns.

  49. Lindsay Lohan Is Out Of Control

    And in other news, water is wet.


    I don't want her to die, but I DO wish she would JUST GO AWAY.

  50. I don't want her to die either. I just want her to stop breathing so they can seal her in a coffin and bury her. Bad joke. I just...ugh. At one point years ago this might have been mildly entertaining, but she's become a one trick trick.

  51. I think Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen deserve each other. I'd love to lock them up in a metal cage, put said cage on a raft, and launch it out to sea.
    Unthinkable that truly innocent people die every moment of every day, yet these two selfish, destructive, toxic people are still among us. That's the real tragedy.
    Don't even get me started on Dina and Michael Lohan, or the parents of the kids on Toddlers and Tiaras...

  52. The only thing that surprised me [in the article i read], the drink she threw was full. I would've thought she'd drain it before launching it. Although in Lindsay's world i'm sure she believes there'll always be another drink, snort, toke, whatever.

  53. Would someone please take this mess, her mother and the rest of her family ... ball them up ... and throw them in the trash. I'm so sick of hearing about all their fame-whoring.

  54. Euca, I understand why someone would dislike Charlie Sheen, but I see a difference between him and Lindsay Lohan, and I don't think they "deserve" each other or are exactly alike. Charlie is actually honest; he knows who he is, and he doesn't make excuses or pretend to be someone else. Charlie's situation is actually pretty sad - he's manic-depressive, and he needs his meds. When he's on them, and not self-medicating, he does so well, because he's got many redeeming qualities, and he's talented. When he hits a rough patch (divorces, etc.), self-medicates with alcohol / drugs, goes off his meds in the bravado of mania, he spirals incredibly, and it's so sad - and obvious. Thankfully, he has a great family (parents / brother - Martin also suffered and got it under control, so they know), who love him, and an ex-wife who understands (Denise; Brooke is her own trainwreck). Lindsay, on the other hand, is a lying, cheating, stealing sack of sh*t, and her mother is a self-absorbed sack of sh*t, and her father is a narcistic sack of sh*t. No one likes liars, no one likes self-entitled thieves. Lindsay has no redeeming qualities. She isn't even nice on the surface. Yes, Charlie threw a tantrum in NY - the hooker stole his $100k watch. Yes, he threatened Brooke, who did crack all the way through her pgs, caused one of their sons a serious birth defect, and continued to drugs around their kids - and threatened to leave him and take more money. Wrongfully, he blew it, but ... I can kinda understand why. Anyhow, just a long 2cs, because I've wondered myself why it is that people support Charlie and hate the Lohans ... guess it's cause they just are not the same...

  55. Don't believe it.
