Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Matthew Morrison Makes Fun - Does Not Apologize

When Jonah Hill was on Jimmy Fallon last week, he basically confirmed to the world what everyone else assumed. Matthew Morrison is a tool. I mean this is the same guy who refuses to sign autographs or take pictures with people and feel that the general public is beneath him. He also showed that he is not above bullying people, including Jonah Hill who he made fun of twice in a month. If he would do that to Jonah with Jonah in the room, just imagine what he would do to everyone else. With the suicide last week of a teen bullied, you would think Matthew would agree that perhaps he should apologize for bullying Jonah. Instead, he seemed to think Jonah was joking and the whole thing a joke and made a video challenging Jonah to a dance off. It could potentially be funny, but Matthew M is such an a-hole that I did not find it all that funny.


  1. Mmmmm nnnnno. Jonah Hill is hardly comparable to a 14 year old child. Jonah Hill is a wealthy, successful celebrity in his own right. And an adult.

  2. I thought it came out that this whole thing is a joke?

  3. I thought it was common knowledge that Matthew Morrison, besides Lea Michele, is the biggest diva on the Glee set!

  4. This whole thing is weird. The way Jonah has talked about this, he's obviously hurt by the whole thing, as much as he tries to play it off otherwise. Agree that Morrison is a tool.

  5. Yet another reason why I am glad I have never watched an episode of Glee.

    Also, I am not interested in any future projects involving Jane Lynch. She was great in the Christopher Guest films, but now she always looks so smug. I can't stand looking at photos of her.

  6. Au contraire @missjenny619, I know someone who knows Jane Lynch (so this is second hand) and he she is LOVELY!! And still totally down to earth.

  7. figgy - That is good to hear. I guess I am assuming that the entire cast of Glee has this new sense of entitlement. I haven't been paying too much attention to MS. Lynch and I did not watch her host the Emmy's. My opinion is based on photos of her as her character perhaps? I don't know. That whole raised-eyebrow look really bugs me.

    Thank you for your 2-cents though, glad to hear she isn't letting this awful show inflate her ego like it has for Ryan Murphy, Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison. Not that I had ever heard of these people before Glee existed and I'm sure that once Glee is gone, I will never hear of them again. =)

  8. Jonah has exposed Matthew for the dbag, tool, bully loser he is. And Matthew does not even have the class to apologize for it. Not surprising at all. Hoping that Matthew and Lea Michelle are down and out and unemployable soon. So glad I don't watch Glee.

  9. I knew it! I knew you were going to exploit that poor suicide kid. Which is what you're doing.
    Jonah Hill is fucking funny. He does not need your help defending himself. He does not need to be compared to a vulnerable little suicider. The comparison is not apt. It should be presumed that an adult can take care of his or her own issues. I don't know this Morrison person. He has not entertained me. He is not funny. But he is definitely trying to get attention so bravo to you for giving him that attention. Dumbass.

  10. amartel. you are my HERO!

  11. I guess I am just dumb. I took all of this as a Jimmy Fallon comedy stunt. And IDIOT ENTY turns it all into more dumb snark and lets have Enty lead all of his blind sheep to pile on and more and more "Glee Hater."

  12. Frankly I don't see that Jonah is anything but a dbag himself. As I understand it Matthew and Jonah were at a group event, were asked to listen to an co-ordinator spell out what was going to happen at the event, instead Jonah just kept talking to someone else and Matthew called him out on it. Maybe Matthew was sarcastic etc. but Jonah himself was behaving in a spoilt, self centred and just plain rude manner. The second incident apparently had Jonah, seeing Matthew talking to his friend at a party, went over to stand nearby and "eavesdrop" on their conversation - then heard Matthew making some reference to Jonah. Going over to "eavesdrop" on someone is immature, socially maladjusted and just plain rude. Is Matthew a diva, a dbag and responsible for making hurtful remarks about Jonah? Possibly. Is Jonah a rude, self absorbed stalker? Probably. I have trouble caring about either one.

  13. Daveb, I cosign.

    I think Jonah's pretty close to the character he played in Superbad. I remember going from being sympathetic to the kid to flat out dislike - when he started whining that the girl didn't like him and he wasn't going to make her his girlfriend that summer. Dunno, reminded me of a dumbass ex.

    Neither one really registers on my radar, other than mild annoyance and mildly creeped out by skinny Jonah.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Amartel, adults get depressed and kill themselves too. And most comedians use humor to cover up their enormous insecurities. I'm glad that as an adult you feel capable of taking care of yourself no matter how you are treated, but that isn't the case for everyone.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Aly & Amartel, it boggles my mind how much you hate Enty, yet you keep reading. Seriously, could you explain it to me, because I just don't get it?

  18. yeah this was all just a goof and Morrison did a funny video saying bring it on on Fallon.

    So I guess it could be misinterpreted but honestly it was just a comedy bit for a talk show.

  19. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I thought all this was part of a comedy stunt on Jimmy Fallon's show. What am I missing here?

  20. Matthew Morrison is also a bigot and a racist, there was a reveal last year about what a lowlife he is...

  21. How on earth is Enty "comparing" the Jonah/Morrison beef to a kid that committed suicide? Because he used the word "bully"? Quite a stretch, sorry.

  22. Daveb and Feisty, can I co-co-sign with you? I watched the first season of Glee, thought it was alright, but I mostly muted the musical numbers.

    What has Jonah Hill been in, again?

  23. Anonymous1:12 PM

    A few years ago, I read an interview in Rolling Stone with Jonah Hill. Ugh. I went from liking him to despising him. I still think he's funny and will watch his movies but I'd never want to know him as a person. All he did was whine and talk about how awesome he was now and everyone who was mean to him in high school would be sorry. I rolled my eyes through the whole article. All he does is feel sorry for himself and whine. I think he's going to be even more insufferable now that he's thin and didn't get any better looking.

    And yeah, ridiculous stretch to bring up the 14 year old boy. But I come here to read the comments from the commentors, not to read the actual blog.

  24. Mooshki, I can't presume to answer for Aly and Amartel but I'll give you my perspective.
    I started reading this blog years ago, I liked it, it's a habit. I still like the blind items and I like a lot of the posts. However, recently it's taken on a very, bitter, semi- Perez Hilton tone in a number of posts and you can tell which celebs are not his favourites.
    Enty did a sanctimonious post about the teenager who was bullied to death and everybody jumped on board. However, he seems to see nothing wrong with calling Justin Bieber "her", alluding to what he feels is Justin's feminine appearance and castigating him for the Staples Center date. When I pointed out on previous posts that his comments about Justin Bieber were, in fact, bullying I was blasted, told I was spoiling the fun and to get over it because it was worse over at D-listed. Just like racist is racist, bullying is bullying, no matter the forum or the target.
    Today's LeAnn Rimes post is a perfect example. It's bitter and hateful and totally inaccurate. He states that she is making the boys call her mom. All the posters are up in arms about her. Unfortunately, it's a lie. Where he has those ... showing he took something out of the quote - what he took out is where she said the boys call me Le. What's the purpose of his doing that?
    So, I guess the point is, I come here for the blind items but exercise my right, as every other reader of this blog is able to, to comment on the posts that are disturbing to me. I do wish however, that he would go back to the good natured posts that were originally on this blog.

  25. JW - I totally understand your explanation, but the point is: if you are disgruntled by the change, and it doesn't appear to look any other way, why stay around and bitch? The most effective way to show your dislike on the Internet is to go away! If noone's here to read the blog, the sponsors go away, and perhaps Enty stops posting. I think that's what the Moosh is getting at.

  26. I adore Jane Lynch, especially in Role Models and 40 Year Old Virgin - hysterical!

    I also loved listening to Jonah on the Stern Show last week. Fantastic interview and I did not in any way get any impression of what other posters here are saying about him. He seemed humble and very gracious. I'm also looking forward to seeing his performance in MoneyBall, I hear it's great!

  27. She was the only funny thing about 40 Year Old Loser.

  28. Jonah Hill used the term "bullied" to describe how he felt about the incident. Oh...and TEAM JONAH all the way!

  29. mngddess
    Because I enjoy the blinds and, lets face it, there has to be someone who is willing to tell the Emperor he has no clothes.
    But instead of calling me for bitching, why not address the content.... the Justin Bieber comments and the completely inaccurate post about LeAnn Rimes. What's your feeling on the appropriateness of those posts?

  30. JW,

    Amen to all of that!

    Gladys Kravitz: Who died and made you Hall Monitor? No hate (or "hate") here. Can you say the same? Or are you too busy policing the comments for wrongthink and "bullying."

  31. Seems more like a comedy/publicity stunt than an actual feud. And I like Jonah's previous look better.

  32. People people this is all a joke! It was announced!

  33. JW, someone like you I can totally understand - liking some things, having a problem with others, and explaining your feelings on the subject. But people like Aly & Amartel seem to really hate everything about this blog, and that's what I don't get.

  34. I saw Jonah's original interview w/ Fallon & (if his story is accurate) he said that he was sitting with Zooey Deschanel and SHE was the one who was talking, but HE got called out for it. Which is fine b/c no one should be interrupting a speaker, but Matthew Morrison really didn't need call him out additionally. What a db.

    I thought MM's response was stupid. I actually never heard about him being that way with fans, but he's kind of rubbed me the wrong way since I saw some pap interview w/ him where he was making fun of Britney Spears after she guested. Yes, she's a hot mess but I just found it rude.

  35. Knowing nothing about either of these guys (except that Jonah had GB surgery) all I can do is walk away thinking Jonah is a big baby who thought that once he was 'magically skinny' the pretty crowd would accept him. Seriously, did he have to mention the guy was talking to Chace Crawford? Agree with DaveB, he took his insecurities over to their private space and eavesdropped.
    I would have talked about him too.

    TEAM (whoever Glee guy is)

    A grown man who makes the money he does and is surrounded by people who tell him how great he is has NOTHING on that kid who committed suicide. NOTHING.
    Team Amartel as well.

  36. I've never seen Glee. I've always been afraid that it will make me straight.

  37. if mm did say these things to jh, and its not a stunt, then i think mm was being a bully. he is a dbag - everyone seems to know it.

    i am cautious to jump on the bully bandwagon though because i feel that if everything is compared to bullying, then it detracts from cases of actual people being bullied and psychologically and emotionally harmed.

    when a teen commits suicide because he/ she was bullied, the extent of their suffering is being downplayed when their names or memories are dragged into every case of name calling. most people will never know how helpless and hopeless being bullied and tormented can make you feel and the insidious ways kids, teens and adults have of hurting each other.

    if you have been bullied before, you recognize the behavior quite quickly (which might very well have been the case with jh) and its infuriating when others dont see it.

    people can be so shitty.

    but until its proven that this incident isnt a publicity stunt, i dont think the word bully should be tossed around so casually regarding this situation.

  38. Barton Fink ftw!

    And again, can someone please show me where Enty compared Jonah to the kid who committed suicide? Oh right, he didn't. You guys are all really making "bully" a firecracker word by equating one with the other.

    Guess what? I saw an intern here at work get bullied into getting coffee for everyone by a full-time employee yesterday. Still not comparing the situation to someone who committed suicide, folks!
