Friday, September 09, 2011

Mel Gibson Making Movie About Jewish Hero

Apparently Mel Gibson will do anything to make you like him again. This includes making a movie about the Jewish hero Judah Maccabee who was a warrior back about 200 B.C. Think Braveheart and Patriot but 2300 years ago. Yeah, it sounds to me like it will be exactly like those two movies. It is a formula that he has done well at in the past and now he can also try and get people to stop remembering all the anti-Semitic slurs he has said over the years and all the other races he has offended. Jewish leaders have already said they will boycott the movie if Mel Gibson is in it.


  1. I don't really watch movies, but I like (quasi) historical ones, so this is right up my alley. I'll give it a go (when it comes out OnDemand).

  2. How about a Tequila Sunrise sequel?

  3. Don't like the idea, not really sold on the sincerity of his action.

    But, may he truly find redemption in the making of this movie. Hope it opens his eyes to the prosecution the Jewish people had incurred in the past decades, and hope he finally feels shame for his actions.


  4. It's supposed to be "200 B.C.E." as in Before the Common Era.

  5. If it's anything like Passion of the Christ, I'll pass.

  6. I doubt the Jewish leaders go to the movies anyway.

    Let the man make the movies he want's to make. It's his money, he should be able to do whatever he wants to with it. And, if it's any good, I hope people will go see it and it makes him lots of money.

    You shouldn't have to base your entertainment preferences on someone's personal life. I certainly don't decide which office supply store to go into based on who the owner sleeps with or what he says. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it doesn't agree with mine.

    Now, will someone please help this old lady down from this soapbox? :)

  7. As a Jew, I have stopped watching any of his movies (even if they're on tv). This man disgusts me.

  8. As a human being I have stopped watching his movies, even if they're pirated.

  9. Cathy & Vicki, absolutely agree. I never watch any of the Polanski productions. Never. Child rapists should not be allowed to breathe.

  10. This sounds like something from The Onion, not a real news story.

  11. So I'm not a human being because I'll watch it? That's nice.

    Tell me, do any of you listen to Michael Jackson?

  12. Rita, I don't watch him either. Also stay away from Tom Cruise, Jack Black, and Ben Stiller. But that's just because I hate them more than words can say. :)

  13. I wonder how it'll do in France!

    I watched "Passion of the Christ" and at one point during some very intense whipping, my husband exclaimed: "Jesus!".

    I still laugh about that.

  14. Sue Ellen, watch what you want to watch. I just said that to mirror her comment. It was strictly literary. Calm down.

  15. Sue - Do not take our choices of movie watching as a personal attack. Nothing against you, just not supportive of anything Gibson and Polanski do.

    Vicki! I can't stand Jack Black either! But come one, got watch Tommy Girl always giving it his all!

  16. I don't plan on watching it because it sounds boring as hell, and I don't think Mel's made a great movie since Braveheart. *shrugs*

    I think he's a big fucker, sure, but he's a pretty skilled director. I think Polanski is *also* a big fucker, but there's no denying the entertainment value and pure genius of Rosemary's Baby. Or Repulsion. Or Chinatown. GOD, Chinatown is sooooo great. *sigh*

    I struggle with the boycotting thing, honestly. I TOTALLY understand it, but SO MANY talented people are complete douchenozzles in real life. I know that Polanski did a HORRIBLE, inexcusable thing, but it's not as if Hitchcock treated women with the utmost respect, either. :-/ But I'll watch the *shit* out of Vertigo or The Birds --- or anything else Hitchcock ever directed (with the exception of Marnie or Family Plot, because they're tragically lame).

    It's simple to eschew someone like J-Lo, because everything she touches turns to solid gold suckage. But I can't honestly say that Mel doesn't produce good work. Like I said, I TOTALLY understand/respect boycotting, because I respect any form of nonviolent protest. But if I can learn something, then I'll probably watch it.

  17. @Rita

    I am only taking it personally because I said I'd probably watch it and then someone else said "as a human being" they wouldn't. That implies that because I would watch it, I am not human.

    So I took offense. Sorry.

  18. And I have nothing to "calm down" about because I'm not upset. I'm just saying.

  19. Ida - am still chocking over douchenozzles! Am going to borrow from you if you don't mind?

    Douchenozzles! Héhé. Polanski and Gibson are douchenozzles. STILL choking!

  20. I'd watch if it were a documentary and not directed by Mad Mel.


    @Rita -- I didn't coin it and I can't claim it, but knock yourself out. :-)

  22. Sue - no problemo. Am all for world peace. Am not trying to sound like a douchenozzle. Am no Polanski!

  23. I won't watch Will Ferrell movies, well, because I can't stand looking at his stupid face and watching his stupid acting. Boycott on!

    Re: does become harder to watch his films, and those of other idiots (side eye to Tommy), because I can't help thinking about their personal shit when I'm watching their character.

  24. Sue Ellen - I really don't think Vicki meant any offense by it. I said that as a Jew I wouldn't watch it and she just meant that even though she is not Jewish, she still would not watch it.

  25. I wish the Jewish Hollywood people would stop it. How come they can make a movie about anything, but Mel Gibson can't. I thought it was all about forgiveness when it comes to God, but I guess that is only for some.

    Mel Gibson is an incredible actor. In some flicks I liked his character more then in others, but I have always admired him in his art of acting. Does the man have flaws? HECK YEAH, we all do. Try to name yours.

    Prejudice goes many ways, and in this case they need to look in a mirror and realize they are what they are speaking against.

  26. Oh my fucking God Ida, would you ever can it. You're the most annoyingly infuriating person I've ever had the misfortune of "meeting". Just don't talk to me. Ignore my posts. Continue to make "hilarious" blogger profiles about me with your internet/facebook friends, and let it go.

  27. Gaaag, Will Ferrell. Still don't understand how studios gave him money to make movies. Why? Why?

  28. @Cathy

    I don't really think so either. Again, just saying.

  29. OMG, Patty I LOATHE!!! Will Ferrell. Refuse to watch his movies! Also Steve Carrell! Hated the Forty Year Old Loser and it took me forever and practically death threats to watch Little Miss Sunshine. Glad I did, though. That's a great movie.

    Also hate Zack Galafinackis.

  30. azlee - it's not about a non-jew making a movie about a jewish hero; it's about a known anti-semite making a movie about a jewish hero. if there were a "jewish hollywood person" who made offensive remarks about christians, it wouldn't be appropriate for them to make a movie about an event from the new testament. and besides, no one is saying he shouldn't make it; they're just saying they won't support it.

  31. @SEM -- Oh, Sue Ellen. You scrappy little scamp. We actually haven't "met," you know. All we are to each other are a series of paragraphs. If I'm the most infuriating person you've ever "encountered", then you're a lucky soul.

    I knew from the second I saw that fake profile on this site that you'd assume I devised it -- but, unfortunately, I can't claim it. It's ingenious, but it's not my work.

    Sorry to say that other people in this community find you just as irritating as I do. It doesn't shock ME, of course, but it's true.

    Bottom line? If a commenter says something that you might not agree with, it is not necessarily directed TO you. I'm pretty positive Vicki and Rita weren't rubbing their hands together, plotting ways to piss you off via their comments, but that's *definitely* the way you responded to them.

    @Rita -- agreed about Will Ferrell. The teddy bear w/ an overdose of testosterone bit is getting pretty old. I never thought he was funny on SNL, either, to be honest!

  32. other places I read was they are rising up against him to not be allowed to do it. LOUDLY. I don't know that Mel is prejudice against jewish people as a whole to refer to him as as an anti-semite, as he seems to have several business partners and friends that are. When he supposedly said what was report he was frustrated as hell with the Jewish personalities within Hollywood and personally he should have just shouted their names instead of inserting his foot. my opinion.

  33. I can't with you anymore.

  34. Yeah, the question of supporting a somebody's work or not based on what they are like as a person is hard.

    I am sure some of the people I listen to or watch are idiots in their personal life ,I just dont know about it. For example, I love Coldplay (and I would rather not be judged, thankyouverymuch) but Chris Martin seems to be rather insufferable (or maybe I just think that based on his wife). But that doesnt take away from his music.

    On the other hand, he hasnt done anything nearly as provocative and racist as Mel. For me, I now have a hard time watching him without hearing those tapes and his angry words. The same with Christian Bale, actually. So for that I wouldnt watch it.

  35. Let him make the movie if he wants, if you don't like him, don't watch it. Its as simple as that. I haven't been interested in much that Mel has done of late so seeing this movie will not be high on my list of priorities to check out but I won't knock anyone who does.

    Mel is a pretty good director, Apocolypto was really good, so I think he might do a good job with the film.

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  37. azlee - i could provide example after example for you of how he is an anti-semite, but since i have what mel referred to as "a dog in this fight" i am going to refrain from commenting further, as it would only serve to infuriate myself.

  38. Actually, I was rubbing my hands... But that was because of the Nivea. So dry in this office!

    Cheer-up people, it's the WEEKEEEENND!

    That douchenozzle is making me giggle like a looney at my desk every 10 seconds. Wonder how that word sounds when you say it Ida. Do you have a Southern accent? Like a douuuchenowzzle?

  39. "It's supposed to be "200 B.C.E." as in Before the Common Era."

    You damned liberals, trying to take Christ out of everything! Next thing you know, you'll be calling it Common Era-mas! ;)

    Ida, I love Marnie, in part because young Sean Connery is so damned sexy, but mostly because Hitchcock took all his issues with women and dumped them onto the screen. It's a fascinating glimpse into his psyche.

  40. Rita, I think I might have to add you to my girl crush list. Provided you actually are female.

    Personally I prefer "douchetard" or even "jackhole" or, in extreme cases, "Republican".


  41. Mooshki, I've never seen Marnie, but I LOVE Hitchcock. Dial M for Murder is one of my absolute favorite movies ever. But, I'm sure if he'd ever raped anybody or was a bigot, I'd probably boycott his movies, too.

  42. @Rita -- In the South, proper ladies like myself (*snort*) would NEVER use an uncouth word like "duh-oosh-nawzle" -- but if they did, that's probably how they'd say it.

    I have lived in New England, out West, and now the South, but I haven't caught a regional accent yet. I DO say "y'all" now, though. But I blame that on Friday Night Lights and Tammy Taylor, because NO ONE delivers a "y'all" like her. Also, I want her hair. Girlcrushcity.

  43. @Vicki -- Oh, man. Please don't ever read any Hitchcock bios. They will RUIN your image of the portly little bald man you probably have in your head.

    He virtually tortured Tippi Hedren because she spurned his advances. Ditto Grace Kelly. Ditto Ingrid. Homeboy was NOT a friend to women, though he obviously revered them onscreen.

  44. @Mooshki -- "Next thing you know, you'll be calling it Common Era-mas! ;)"

    UMMM, I have *just* found my new Festivus replacement! *mwah*!

  45. Damn. I knew he was a, ahem, douchenozzle, but I didn't know he was a sadistic fuck.

  46. Vicki: very flattered. I have never had any girl so openly crush on me... oh wait... but that was college, it doesn't really count. Yep, am a girl. An older one, but sitll, a girl.

    Ida - y'all is always unbelievable to my ears. Love y'all. First time I heard it, I've pushed the re-play button so many time with Glee. Love Y'all! it is so... sweet iced tea!

  47. You know what cracks me up about these comments? Ya'll (I'm from Texas, I'm allowed) ok, not all ya'll but still -- anyway, ya'll hate on Mel because he said some things against Jews. But you LOOOOVE Jesus, who probably said the same things, only they sounded better in Aramaic. AND -- doesn't hating someone for his views, make you the same as Mel? Just saying.

  48. Have you seen the video of all of Tammy Taylor's "y'alls?" If you aren't in love with her already, you will be by the end.

  49. Cindy, not that I'm a fan of the Christian Defense Team, but Jesus was a hell of a lot kinder and more open-minded than most of his followers are. Oh, and he was the epitome of a socialist. Irony, much?

  50. Cindy - Jesus was about peace, love, respect, and yep, he was an original socialist. Would rather rightly put the blame on robe-wearing men filled with hatred and bigotry, and had dared to lie in his name for centuries, making the common man, and woman, believe that God hated.

  51. Amen, Rita and Mooshki. Jesus lived in a time where the only type of Judaism was extremely conservative. He preached for tolerance and pointed out that people didn't have to be perfect, as long as they learned from their mistakes and were kind to others. IMO, if there hadn't been the whole crucifixion and rising from the dead hoopla, he probably would have just started reform judaism.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Growing up as a Jew, Judah Maccabee was the coolest dude. I don't think much of the Jewish god tho, as my son says, he's a badass.

    The point is, Judah Maccabee is a great great story. I'm just realizing how it's made for film. But NOT Mel! Maybe someone like Ridley Scott. No I won't see it because I don't think it will be very good. I haven't enjoyed a Mel movie since Mad Max when he began to playing the Christ figure.

  54. Ladies, you're right -- Jesus was a kind soul who said judge not, lest ye be judged. Which is they point I'm trying to make. When you judge Mel for his judgmental remarks, you do the same thing he does -- to me that makes you the same -- even though most won't see it the same way I do.

    By the way, I am a very liberal Bible toting Christian ;)

  55. "When you judge Mel for his judgmental remarks, you do the same thing he does..."

    Hu-wah? He isn't being judgmental, he's being bigoted. Big difference. We're responding to facts about things he's said, while he's making hateful comments based on nasty stereotypes.

  56. Cindy - I get what you're saying, but that doesn't mean we should want to give Mel our money by supporting his movies.

  57. I'm exhausted today so the only thing I'll contribute to this thread is that I won't watch any more Mel movies at all, simply because I think he's racist, bigoted, homophobic, sexist and physically abuses women. Just my opinion. Boycott people you dislike or don't, I don't care, but why should we care if someone boycotts or not?

    That being said, I agree with Lady J that "Apocalypto" was a fucking FABULOUS movie - in my top 10 faves of all time, in fact. Kind of pisses me off that that he's ruined my opinion of him.

  58. Maybe he really is sincere and wants to make atonement for the stupid things he has said and believed in the past. Mel's got enough money that he can safely retire from the public eye and no one can throw stones at him. By doing something like this though he is putting his money where his mouth is and taking a risk while trying to apologize.

    Truth be told, we are all bigots in one way or another and have probably said something about other people that would shame us. He just got caught on tape. I say let him make amends. It's not like he needs to do this to pay the rent or put food on the table.

  59. Mooshki -- whether you are bigoted or judgmental, you're intolerant. Either way, you don't like someone because they or their opinions are different from you. Sounds about the same to me.

  60. Cindy, I see nothing wrong with pushing people out of my own life who are racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise intolerant. That's not "prejudiced." It's called being "discerning."

    Are we now *so* P.C. that we've gone backwards and totally regressed? Are we supposed to accept and respect ANY disparate view? Sorry, but I don't think so.

    Personally, I stay miles away from bigots, and I see nothing wrong with that.

  61. Wow. This thread is going bonkers! Love it.

    @Cindy-How many Jewish leaders do you know? Because the ones I know do watch movies. As soon as you wrote that little gem, you lost all credibility.

    @Sue Ellen-you are getting really worked up. I really don't think anyone was directing any of the early comments in your direction.

    @Ida-you crack me up! I love some of your posts!

    Lastly, @Mel Gibson-please go the fuck away, you racist, bigoted, homophobic twat. I will never watch any piece of shit you're involved with ever again.

    ps: for the record, I don't watch movies by Woody Allen and Roman Polanski either. Nor do I listen to Michael Jackson. If it's publicly confirmed that someone is a raving douche, a rapist, or a pedophile, then I steer clear of aiding and abetting their success.

  62. "Either way, you don't like someone because they or their opinions are different from you."

    Bigotry has nothing to do with hating someone's opinion. People have no control over their sex, the color of their skin, etc.

  63. If Mel Gibson wants to make another historical movie, how about factually accurate account of the Crusades. Show the brutal killings that occurred during that illustrious time in our global history.

  64. @Mooshki

    You made me laugh. But surely you know that there are a substantial number of people who do not believe Jesus was the Messiah, so to count years based on when he lived seems like a slap in the face to the non-believers. Even that pinnacle of knowledge Wiki uses C.E. and B.C.E.

  65. He may not be coming at this from a Jewish POV since Christians also honour the Maccabees and their books are found in the bible.

    If I'm not mistaken, they were instrumental in the introduction of the concept of Purgatory into the Catholic faith.

  66. iheartjacksparrow, I'm with you 110%, I was just making fun of all the rhetoric people like Michelle Bachmann have been spewing lately. Separation of Church and State for the win! I remember seeing B.C.E. way back in high school in the '80s, but back then we were told it stood for Before [the] Christian Era.

  67. When I found this out yesterday my 1/2 Jew side and my 100% Atheist side (yes, I am awesome enough that i equal 150% of a person) got together and wrote this on facebook:

    Mel Gibson is in line to make a movie about Jewish hero Judah Maccabee. In other news Alanis Morisette's song Ironic has spontaneously combusted.

    And I also second Blankenship's comment about not understanding this opposite PC shit people sometimes do. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG with naming a bigot a bigot if the facts prove themselves??? It is perfectly okay to be discerning of who you let into your life as well as who you choose to give your money to (as far as movies go).

    I personally saw the shit that Passion of the Christ wrought.
    There WERE more mainstream people sorta casting a side eye to Jews after that...havent you ever heard of controlling images? Symbolic images we get from the media like black men always being portrayed as sexual or atheletes or criminals REALLY HAVE shaped our mainstream stereotypes.
    So calling Mel Gibson harmless for making any decsion in the media that he wants is highly erroneous. His actions DO have consquences and his faith coupled with his anti-semitism and sexism DOES reach an audience who is suseptible to what he broadcasts out there.

    Do believe me? Make a mental list of the adjectives you would use in describing an african amer man and i bet you that you will think of at least one of the descriptions i listed above- and were do you think you got that from? Exactly.

  68. I think the movie topic could be interesting but WITHOUT Mel's involvement.

    Completely Off-Topic - To Ida/Mooshki, we just started season 3 of FNL tonight :) LOVE IT. But how the hell did Tammy Taylor go from school counselor to principal?

  69. I was about to purchase Lethal Weapon 1 and 2 on one of those special deals they have. I really liked LW--the first 2 at any rate. I had it in my hand and all of a sudden that voice from the tapes that his ex leaked to the internet came to me--that angry hateful, nasty voice and I put the DVD back. It may be a while before I want to see Mel on my tv screen.

  70. @Lelaina -- I'd like to think that Tammy flipped her glorious mane, and Eric leveled an administrator with his trademark (SEXY) intense gaze. And that's exactly how she got that job. Besides credentials or whatever.

    Seriously. How hot ARE they? Kyle Chandler is my Penultimate T.V. Fantasy -- RIGHT behind Jon Hamm. RAAAAAWR.

    And don't even get me STARTED on Tim Riggins.

  71. @Ida - haha! My husband said that Season 3 got shortened b/c of the writers strike, so we figured explanations for a couple of things like that (& why Lila was now w/ Riggins vs. the radio show host?) were cut out?

    I LOVE Tammy/Eric. We just watched the episode where Eric goes to Smash's house to tell him about Texas A&M. I cried.

    Agree on Riggins. :)

  72. With you Ida. On everything. I think I'll survive whatever commenter fallout is exacted upon me. Somehow, I'll pick up the pieces and move on if a commenter doesn't agree with me and is completely defensive all the time and can't respect other opinions even though they claim to. It's sad.

  73. *also, it's the internet. My God people, I implore you to not take what randos say as personal attacks, they don't know you, and probably never will. When did we forget that??

  74. @Lelaina -- Eerily, I'm rewatching every season (I still need to watch season 5 in its full entirety!), and we JUST watched that episode last night. Smash is my absolute favorite character from that show, and that episode made me bawl like a toddler. If Smash makes his momma proud, I am GUARANTEED to weep like an asshole. My boyfriend makes fun of me for that, but HE cries whenever Coach Taylor delivers one of his inimitable locker room pep talks.

    WTF did I DO without that show?!

    Also, I love Minka Kelly, and I truly don't give a shit. :-P I just have *such* hardcore loyalty for that cast. I adore them all.

    That kid who played Landry NEEDS a career. Like, NOW.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. @Ruse -- Aw, thanks. It's all good. I've been here for a while, so few things *truly* disgruntle me. :-)

  77. P.S. Dawn Weiner IS flawless, and your user icon is the shit.

  78. I have to say I envy Jeri Blank as an astronaut, top notch as well.

  79. @Ida - My husband gets a little verklempt during the important football moments, too. ;) My husband LOVES Minka Kelly but wondered if she was the next Mischa Barton. I say no.

    I love Landry. I'm so upset about Tyra right now!

  80. @Ruse -- LOL! Ida Blankenship is only the most awesome secretary EVER. Seriously -- if you were a hardcore administrative assistant, wouldn't a large part of you want to croak in an office wherein people would FREAK OUT? Ida Blankenship was/is the SHIT. And she was great at crossword puzzles. That's partly why I adore her.

    ANYWAY, I am NOT laughing at you, Ruse. I'm giggling because I am ALSO Jeri Blank. Pretty much. Minus the "boozer, user, and a loser" part.

  81. "My husband LOVES Minka Kelly but wondered if she was the next Mischa Barton. I say no."


    Minka is like fucking Helen goddamned Mirren compared to saggy, baggy, frowny, unemotive lil' Mischa!

    Of course, MY man just thinks Minka is a hot piece. And I don't blame him. She IS, honestly.

  82. Can I just dislike Mel Gibson and not support any of his work 'cause he's so douchey?

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  84. @Ida---I can't enlarge your avatar pic, but I thought I remembered you having Jeri Blank as a previous one, so I think I just assumed, my apologies!!!

    And I was an admin asst for a few years, which makes my error doubly erroneous.
