Thursday, September 22, 2011

One More Year Before Courtney Stodden Poses For Playboy

Somewhere lost in the shuffle of 16 year old Courtney Stodden marrying 51 year old Doug Hutchison is that Courtney has now turned 17 and is within one year of reaching her ultimate goal which is to appear in Playboy. She might not have said it publicly, but I promise you that is exactly what will happen when she turns 18. If you don't believe me, then click here. I encourage you to read her Twitter feeds, or as I like to call it, child porn. Remember this is a recently turned 17 year old who is writing it. In the meantime though she has a season of her reality show to get through with Doug. I might actually give it two seasons rather than one but it depends what network picks it up. If it is Oxygen you stay on there forever unless you are Paris Hilton. If it is NBC or something then it will last a few episodes and she will be counting down the days to the Playboy check.

For some reason reality shows do not do well on networks. I mean the celebrity based ones. You would not see a Basketball Wives on NBC or Real Housewives. Do you remember when Victoria Beckham had a reality show? They put that on a real network and it just did not work. There just are not enough people who are going to watch it. Despite all the attention they receive in the tabloids, with the exception of Jersey Shore and a couple of others, the reality shows do not have big audiences by network standards but can be huge by cable standards.


  1. these two are so disgusting. i don't get why she makes those faces, she didn't do that in her old you tube videos before she married him. yuck. i.. just.... yuck.

  2. Good Lord, what is that face???

  3. That girl just cracks me up. And she's about as close to 17 as I am...and I'm 30 years past 17.

    Okay, in this day and age when girls trying to look "sexy" can end up inadvertently looking 40+ (the youngest Lohan girl, anyone?), I suppose maybe she's 17.

    I predict when she is actually 47, she'll be obese, missing many teeth, chain smoking and have a lot of cats.

  4. Poor girl. By the time she's 25, she'll look like an over the hill very used grandma.

    Certain laws, they just give a licence for pedophiles to legally be the monster they dream to be.

  5. What an inspiration for teen girls everywhere.

  6. Really don't care

  7. I can't decide if I think he's an idiot that doesn't see how ridiculous this all is that she's obv using him to get fame or if he just doesn't care because he gets to eff a pretty young thing.

  8. (pretty young thing in HIS mind, NOT in mine)

  9. Seriously, if this chick is 17, I am 170.

    Ridiculous to think anyone would believe her, and why the fuck is anyone giving her a show?

  10. Just read a few of her twitter posts .. ah fuck, I'm 43 & have never talked so stupidly (if that is a word.) Obviously she is very immature ... where are her parents? Shame on them!

  11. And quite honestly, it's not Playboy, but Hustler that'll be knocking on her door. Mark my words: her husband will broker the deal.

  12. I think she's 100% the age she says she is. Radar online, huffington post, e! etc. all the sites dug deep to find the truth. and they wouldn't hold back to report it if she was lying. Kids she went to school with came out of the woodwork to talk about what a loon she was. I think she just went way overboard with the bleaching, the make-up and the surgeries and now looks old.

    like diane said its very obvious how immature she is when you listen to her talk. i always thought in their interviews it was weird. like she'd say something and he'd keep talking kind of like the "dad" that has to correct, repair or re-word what his immature kid was saying before people took it the wrong way.

  13. She's a monster!!!

  14. Driving adult traffic to check out her Twitter feed only supports the 'child porn'. Ignore her and maybe she'll go away...

  15. Is this dumb cunt wasted all the time or what?

  16. That screen cap is priceless!! She's a fucking joke!

  17. Here's my take on what they're doing..She wants fame and his career has tanked. They stuck upon a plan they thought would work: Lolita and Humbert Humbert. They are not sleeping together and she isn't writing this, he is. And it's atrocious writing at that. "Another sensually stacked day"? Oh pullease...

  18. What I want to know, is how does a 16 year old turn out like this? Scary. I cannot STAND her sexy lizard faces, and the twitter updates I've read are just...disturbing. I've caught myself literally sporting a horrified look after reading a few.
    I guess she got what she wanted, we're now talking about her.

  19. I don't think Playboy is that desperate. Would she even make the cut at Hustler? Yuck.

  20. Anna Nicole 2.0. But not as pretty.

  21. Oh crap. I just read that crap. She missed her calling. She should be writing paperback romance novels.

  22. O.M.G. That's all I have after reading those. I think I am inclined to agree with @Sherry said. He is writing these, not her. Yuck. I need bleach for my eyes now.

  23. I actually have a blog dedicated to her tweets. They are PRICELESS LOL

  24. E! Online has her birth certificate on their site - she is definitely the age she says she is. I think she maybe uses meth or something.

    As for her tweets they are absolutely ridiculous and I'm not even sure the are legal to read! LOL

  25. "What I want to know, is how does a 16 year old turn out like this? " much as I yelled at my computer screen when watching that intervew she and her husband did, and as much as I laugh at her lizard faces and all the same time something about her just makes me uneasy. I can't help thinking something terrible happened to her as a child for her to turn out like this. I get the feeling she is heavily medicated and not really making any decisions for herself at this point. I would even go so far as to say her husband is more like a handler than a partner...

  26. I can't believe those tweets. Jaysu-effen-Christy.

  27. Anonymous11:53 AM

    What I find hilarious is they keep saying they've signed a deal and are doing a show but no network has come forward. They haven't been offered anything but are trying to create buzz and interest.

  28. You know she looks in the mirror all the time -- so she's seen just how ridiculous that face she makes looks. And apparently thinks it's sexy.

  29. How does a 16 year old turn out like this? Let's see if we can do a little American math...

    Teen Mom + Toddlers & Tiaras + Real World x Jersey Shore = Courtney Stodden. That sounds about right.

    Somehow I think that Courtney is not the only 16 year old out there that is like this, or kind of like this. She's just the only one we're hearing about.

  30. This kid is sick, and her parents, husband, and those enabling her are just as ill. This girl makes the Lohan's look like role models. She's going to end up dead at a very young age; with her behavior I see no other path for her.

  31. That Twitter feed reads like it is written by a brain damaged stripper. So .. yes .. Playboy does seem to be a forgone conclusion. Just don't anyone introduce this bimbo to Peter Bogdanovich!

  32. Oh .. and IMHO .. Dougie is as queer as a $3 bill. And to the poster who thinks Hustler rather than Playboy .. I am seeing that more clearly now .. yes. Hustler it is!

  33. So I'm guessing drug tests are not required to film a reality show?

  34. Fair point, FS. Sigh.

    Wil - Ok, I really laughed at "brain damaged stripper".

  35. I'm so confused. How does this person exist? And her Twitter's got to be a joke ... right? It's like someone got into naughty thesaurus.

    If this isn't a sign of the apocalypse, I don't know what is.

  36. Um is this her Wendy Williams "How you dowinnnn" face or something? I mean come ON now.

  37. Personally, I think we should all complain to Merv Griffin Entertainment and boycott all their shows! (well, I guess they only have that "It's Worth What?" show now)

  38. Her earthworm lips REALLY bother me.

  39. She constantly looks like she's preparing her face for a load.

    How classy to make the money shot face repeatedly on film at 16 years old. Kudos to her excelsior parents. Hear, Hear!

  40. OMG those two posts above mine are fucking priceless and dead on.

  41. That photo always cracks me up! Thanks for the laugh, Enty.

  42. @RocketQueen, "sexy lizard faces," I just about died laughing!! That is the PERFECT way to describe it!!

  43. Okay, everyone is hilarious in these comments! How you doooowin face, so true!! I am laughing SO HARD right now! Glad I read this post after the Sarah Palin one, I could use the laughs!

  44. Thank you, Jen. I think. Just checked your blog; it does have copious amounts of piss and vinegar to counteract the Tweets. Maybe more Clorox is needed, though.

  45. If that abc show the "V" was still airing she'd be a shoe-in for a role. Sadness that this is the face of youth.

  46. If that abc show the "V" was still airing she'd be a shoe-in for a role. Sadness that this is the face of youth.

  47. Wow. I read her tweets and I feel gross. What kind of hot mess is this girl and what kind of insane ride are we in for?

  48. If ever there was proof that children should be seen and not heard, this is it. Sit down and shut up, little girl.

  49. @Sunnyhorse...LOL!

  50. @Sunnyhorse...LOL!
